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Posts posted by (XBOX)Gaviao123

  1. Hey everyone, so, i was in need of tellarium today and after looking at the wiki, the wiki said that it drops on any archwing mission but after the update 17.1.0 it would drop from ground units on uranus, so i did 3 runs of 20 minutes on survival on the dark sector and i only got galium, no tellarium, so does anyone here that plays on xbox one can confirm that the loot that drops on PC is the same that drops on XB1? or did anyone here got tellarium during the your missions on uranus?

  2. Sim é verdade OP, eu por exemplo, nunca vou pegar hydroid ou um desses warframes que precisa de coisas que não há nem dicas de como pegar.


    mirage e limbo ja são dificeis de pegar devido a dificuldade de pegar os recursos, mas com 1 ou 2 meses de gameplay voce consegue, mas enfim,esses warframes escondidos não tem condição, eles só botaram a missão pra fazer o hydroid pra falar que tem como voce pegar ele sem pagar, mas infelizmente, não vou falar que é impossivel de pegar mas é extremamente dificil, e é inclusive melhor voce comprar ele pois isso poupara meses se não anos de gameplay jogando esse jogo.


    felizmente, os warframes novos que estão sendo lançados podem ser todos adquiridos sendo comprados com creditos no jogo e fazendo a missão deles.


    voce pode simplesmente não pegar o hydroid, ja que voce eventualmente vai querer mudar de warframe.

    e alias, há um novo warframe chegando!

  3. Well, the kubrow only dies if you stay for 10 or more days without giving him the DNA stuff, if you are going to stay for long periods of time away from warframe, you have to put your kubrow on the stasis capsule.

    So, it's not a bug,but good luck with your next kubrow!

  4. Hey everyone, look, i've been experiencing a low frame rate for some time, and, i finally managed to find a video on upload that could show it.


    this video was uploaded by me playing as valkyr, you will see that from nothing, my frame rate started to drop to 10-20 fps, and when the skill finished it gone down to 0-5 fps because of the special effects.





    i hope we get an answer soon, because this is really annoying and frustrating


    Thanks for your attention!

  5. Hey everyone! i started to play warframe today and i liked it! so, i will be playing it alot from now on, also, i've heard warframe community is a very good community! so i came here to say hi! ^^

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