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Posts posted by haolee510

  1. What's their usage now? Because so far, nothing has been stated.

    Most likely it will serve as keys for another locked boss/mission type.


    But I think it's also possible DE might turn the keys/beacons into some other currency/items, like compensating us with cores or something.

  2. Besides white/black, most Primes also have a secondary color tint to them; brown on Rhino/Frost/Mag, grey on Nyx, blue/purplish on Nova.


    Actually seeing Nova's blue-ish color was more prominent than earlier Primes, I expect Volt Prime to have a prominent secondary color, too. Kinda rooting for white with some purpe-ish tint.

  3. I think that there's a lot of chances that J3-Golem will make a come back for U16, and our dragonframe will be dropped from him. No panic. :p

    What about the new Tyl Regor? He's still being released with the underwater tileset, isn't he? Didn't see him get mentioned in the Devstream overview. :(



    it's already been confirmed to be a dragon themed warframe .....

    Did you even read the first line in this thread?

  4. So for the first time since I started playing last year, I stumbled across this room in the Void:














    I've always thought, from the outside, the Void towers look like spaceships. But seeing this room, it actually resembles an engine room of some sort.


    I see someone posted on reddit that we already had this room before, but it was taken out of the game(according to said person). Maybe DE is bringing it back because they have something coming to the Void? Thoughts?

  5. They are pretty cool, but I wish having them with you was a choice. It is annoying when you are doing a lower level mission and your allies are getting more kills than you.


    And never mind trying to be stealthy with them around.

    Do their kills give you exp?

  6. Some people said Targis Prime's and Boltor Prime's gold can now be colored. Seeing I can't log in right now and check it one by one, and also considering people might not have all prime weapons to check, how about making a list of what else can have their gold parts recolored now?


    Also this might belong to players helping players subforum, so if it does and a Mod can move it, much appreciated.


    So far now:


    Targis Prime armor

    Boltor Prime

    Latron Prime

    Burston Prime

    Akbronco Prime

    Wyrm Prime

  7. Hmm how about something like



                     NAGA (Meaning serpentine dragon in Hinduism according to Wikipedia lol)




                    Drakon (Dragon in greek or something)




       Or we can just wait for DE to make a cool name for the NEXT FRAME!

    Here in some parts of Asia, we call dragons "naga" too. Damn, I wish (if the next one is a Dragon frame) they'd name it Naga.

  8. I said on another thread(or maybe it was on reddit), it'll most likely be late February to early March at the soonest... Then someone replied to me "Yeah like they'd let us go from 12.13 to 12.91 before releasing U16". I mean can the guy even count? That's just gonna be like 12.16-12.8, if we keep getting updates each week.

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