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Posts posted by ChaosBloodterfly

  1. Please read my post again. Take note of the following points:

    * I don't want to remove the current f2p features. In fact the f2p is the only asset Warframe has since it's very lackluster in every aspect a game can be.

    Eh Warframe's pretty good on the design and setting department, and the customization (without going into Japanese-mecha-fiftysix-different-knee-joints territory), and the gameplay is above-average. I mean I spent a good amount of time just going FWOOOO! FWOOOOO! with Zephyr's 1. Warframe is probably the best overall online action RPG PvE game there is (that I'm aware of, and I used to spend a good amount of time looking for one; would actually go with Dragon Nest if it wasn't managed by Nexon). Which is a somewhat narrow category, but it is something.

  2. So the consensus is: DE are not exactly very popular with the community right now, and they have some mistakes to fix. I really hope this doesn't interfere with Melee 2.0. But really, I hope it does if it fixes the godawful RNG.

    Pretty sure it's the vocal minority, outside of "F*** RNG", but pretty much every online RPG has that issue.

    Come on people, do you SEE the @(*()$ wraith or vandal suffix on the brakk? No. If it was the Bronco Wraith, you butthurt people may have had a point, but it's the Brakk.

    For other event rewards, see ammo mutation, vigor, shred, and lethal torrent mods. Yeah those didn't stay exclusive did they?

  3. Yeah im kinna &!$$ed about the brakk. You think they would release S#&$ty weapons first that are unavailable instead of the brakk. Welp just a matter of time then before excal prime and all the other S#&$ is available for the masses. No more exclusive weapons is what i say just give it all to everyone.......... idk if im gonna keep playing after this either. Just kind of $&*&*#(%& now.

    Just like they should never have released the ammo mutation mods, lethal torrent, shred, or vigor. Because those were event rewards too.

    You got a free potato + slot and a good couple of months of messing with it.

    All the exclusives are recolors with the wraith or vandal prefixes, with the exception of excalibur prime, lato prime, and skana prime, which are still derivatives.

  4. Play on the pop-sci (I use that to refer to science in mainstream media, and not the magazine) term chaos butterfly (a flap of a butterfly's wings causes a hurricane elsewhere). Pretty much it. Chaos and blood go hand in hand. I guess you could also say spilling one person's blood can lead to war and chaos (like the start of WW1).

    I also usually name one my alts Bloodterfly.

  5. Yeah, just remember what happened to the Snipeatron. Be careful.

    Don't see how that really relates. DE's problem with that was because they made it Corpus, when it should've been Teeno or Grineer.

    Plus, we got the Vasto. Don't like its stats (Despair/Acrid OP :X), but that's a different story. It's a kick &#! space revolver.

  6. Right now sometimes nightmare mode feels like a fun challenging difficulty that adds gameplay (like vampire), but sometimes it just feels like head-butting a brick wall (mini map gone was the worst, but its gone now, whew).

    I also feel like the game-play modifiers should give a little of what they take (like vampire mode).

    1. Energy Drain.

    The numbers really need to be tuned. Right now it's effectively ban on abilities. What it should do is force the decision between "do I ult now, or use ability 1/2/3 later as my energy goes down". I think it needs a non-linear drain rate, increasing as energy goes up so you can't horde energy. Some other tweaks could be done too, like no drain until 3 seconds out of combat, killing enemies gives 1 energy (a la vampire mode).

    Summary: Adds little gameplay, just artificial difficulty.

    2. Rewards.

    Give a small xp and credit (possibly resource?) bonus modifier like +50% to make midgame nightmare at least on par with endgame normal (it's a lot harder). Right now it feels like: grind them until you have the mod set, then go back to kappa/xini/void/etc for better loots.

    Another thing could be to keep track of nightmare mode planets finished, for completion-ists out there. Though it would increase server load, but not by much I think.

    3. Random ideas (numbers are really rough).

    These are some ideas to change how the game plays to make it harder (like how energy drain was supposed to do, but just ended up being a ban on abilities). Unsure as to the coding/engine feasibilities of some.

    -Unlimited ammo, but reload is on a 20 second cooldown.

    -Abilities are free, but are on cooldown relative to their energy costs (affected by streamline?)

    -Weapons and abilities draw from the stamina pool instead of the normal pool (balance need to be tweaked for stamina mods possibly).

    -Enemies have 200% movement speed (this mostly affects infested gameplay).

    -Enemies recover shields and health at noticeably fast rate.

    -Clanmate suggestion: "zombie mode" Enemies can only be incapacitated and respawn after a set time (forces you to keep moving, xp and loot only awarded for first "kill", possible bad interactions with exterminate mode)

    -25% damage reduction against ranged weapons. 25% bonus damage for melee weapons. (melee weapons are less powerful than ranged weapons and have more risk, so this is a net difficulty increase)

    -Mist reduces visibility to about 20 meters. Enemy radar range decreased by half as well.

    -Clip size halved, and reload speed reduced by 1/3rd to compensate slightly. (Because reloading more than you are shooting is sort of frustrating, but should encourage more cover seeking and less bullet spraying)

  7. I thought I'd make a list of some firearms we haven't seen in Warframe yet. These are simple, well known concepts, that we'll probably eventually see. But in the mean time, this should be a good reference.

    There maybe overlap with previous posts, but I see mostly out-there-videogame-weapons (eg bola shotgun or some other fancy thing).

    -Double barrel rifle. Could be a shotgun, both exist in real life. Mechanic: 2 round clip

    -Lever action rifle. Purely aesthetic, like the Vasto revolver. Still cool.

    -Tube clip shotgun. Mechanic: gun that you reload one bullet at a time. Not sure how DE's reload system works, but I hope it's implementable.

    -Bolt action single-round rifle. Mechanic: One round clip.

    -Derringer pistol. Mechanic: 2/4 round clip.

    -Flare gun pistol. This one is a little "video gamey". Pistol sized 1-round rocket launcher. See TF2.

    Not gonna go into melee weapons, as that would be very long, and should be its own post.

  8. Well in this specific case, my computer just had a major derp. Any 3D rendering/ directX thing didn't seem to do anything. Works after a couple restarts. Weird. I blame custom mobile drivers/firmware.

  9. Seems to bring up a white screen in windowed mode and a black screen in full screen mode after the launcher creates the Evolution engine window.

    This happened fairly recently, probably with the last patch.

    Tried for both 32 and 64 bit, no difference.

    Hp tm2, 1.2 GHz Intel Core2Duo, ATI 4550M, 8GB RAM, Win7 x64.

  10. Dunno what you mean about "horde" mode, this game is basically horde mode. Specially defense.


    Solo is definitely doable, but it's slow, and F*** ups usually mean spending a revive (which incidentally are independent across warframes, so just switch warframes if you run low on revives).


    Duoing with a friend is more fun. Keeps some of the edge without being super hard mode.

  11. I mean a copy ready for retail and or in its final stage and ready for strictly commercial (money making use). Technically it is still in Closed Beta. They can take our money and change the entire game tomorrow, just like they have in the previous updates.


    But commercial means basically final product. We'll probably get more cinematics, story and character elements then.


    To the post earlier, I define MMO and RPG as broad categories. MMORPG is synonymous to the genre as well as certain titles. So we are both right.


    Massive Multiplayer Online- Millions of players global: CHECK

    Role Playing Game (a game usually defined as a player assuming a character role progressing through different story elements and events to progressively evolve their character in rank, skills or play style): CHECK


    Mass Effect is an over the shoulder third person shooter, yet it is often referred to as an RPG. StarCraft is a strategic rpg, yet it is referred to as an MMORPG. Just because one game is a perfect example of an MMORPG doesn't mean they can all be defined by that game. Vice versa, they can all also be the same as a single genre.


    Typically the "Massive" part means persistant world and large-scale world events (20 man raids, 100 v 100 gvgs, 200 man battlefield), and usually some sort of resource choke/competition. The alert system and new operation/war thing is cool and all, but doesn't really make Warframe an MMO.


    A true "RPG" usually has important character defining moments, and a story line. e.g.  if you're good/evil in ME, and who you sleep with, your relationship/friendliness with crew members, etc. Usually character stat progression is referred to as "RPG elements". A racing game where you can make your car faster is not an RPG, but if you add in things like faction alignment, rivalry systems, etc it could possibly called an RPG.


    @ Planetside 1/2

    Planetside feels like a large arena rather than living world. Firefall is probably a better example of a MMOshooter. Also, global agenda is sort of an MMORPG with shooting elements. Also possibly Defiance, but I haven't played either, only Firefall and Planetside 2.



    TLDR: MMORPG, as most people see it, is not the proper description for Warframe. You can nitpick semantics, but the language is defined by how people use them.

  12. My two cents:


    My computer is slow, 1.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo ULV  CPU + 4550M, but runs fine on low most of the time. It's for the most part, CPU bound. I get minor frame lag while hosting 4 person normal missions (anything that's not high level defense). Running high level defense missions will cause actual game lag for me and my teamates (everything goes choppy slow-mo, and the defense timer ticks slower), as well as dropping to frame rates of about 1-4. No such issues on my friend's computer (2x Quad core Core2-era Intel Xeons, GTX660)


    Can we have an option, "Prefer not to host", for lower performance computers, with maybe a dialog popup if all four people have that checked? (From what I've seen, people prefer to host if they have enough performance, due to some non-host exclusive bugs and lower lag)

  13. Out of curiousity, I tried playing Warframe on my friend's 3D setup (nVidia).


    It's mostly great, except the UI background (the blue squares) are a much different depth rendering than the text above them (the background is very far in the distance, where as the text is at zero-depth/screen level/has no 3D effect) , which is very jarring and disorienting if you focus your attention on them. It also makes the UI harder read at a glance.


    Side note: was pleasantly surprised that the crosshairs rendered at a comfortable depth, as opposed to zero depth on most non-3D optimized games.


    I searched for 3D bugs, but couldn't find any.


    I understand this probably low priority, but I'd like it to be known about.


    EDIT: Also, since I didn't want want to spam, there's a very sharp frame rate drop AFTER leaving the mission, in the Rewards/Results box, but toggling 2D/3D on and off solves this frame drop. Otherwise, 3D performance is quite decent.


    My friend's system specs:

    Mac Pro

    2x Quad Core Intel Xeons

    GTX 660

    16+GB of RAM (can't remember exact number off the top of my head, or some of the more detailed specs. I can get them if it's really necessary)

  14. When you keep on farming several days for some mods/cores to upgrade your weapon and then you find out it was wasted time, it &!$$es of everyone, go and say "get a life" okay, we should get a life because we are trying to hard to get some things in the game, that's why some guys will prefer to say "f**k this S#&$, i'm out"


    Edit: Me a gorgon user, who has been farming for a multishot for over 8-9 days, used over 130 cores to upgrade the mods (mods that i've aquired in 3 weeks of gameplay), supercharged it (i'm a f2p, hard to get potatoes), then because of the update, ANY shotgun is better than my gorgon, because it isn't @(*()$ able to shoot anything past 15m, of course i'm &!$$ed off.


    Gorgon's still good for mass infested at really long ranges.  Least you don't have damage fall off past 5m.


    Also, damn people don't know shotgun physics. Shotgun ranges are limited by spread and the aim of the user rather than some arbitrary damage fall off  (apparently air resistance is greater in space).



    Also, Bronco's reload got even buggier this patch. -_- Can't wait for 7.10 or 7.9.1 for some un-nerfs and fixing my damn bronco.

  15. Some sort of feed that combines all DE employee posts to a feed, because, no offense to all you anons, but DE employee posts usually hold more weight.


    It's been done a lot before, and I find it quite useful (especially if there's an RSS feed).


    Right now, I just have the user pages open for the active DE posters, but that's a bit of a workaround.

  16. I think this game needs more sources of AoE damage for guns. As in, does not have damage fall off with multiple targets, not shotgun-style "oh I can two people for half damage". Right now we have Paris's flying bodies thing, and puncture mods (of which I have never ever seen).

  17. They want all the weapons to be viable



    Not be ME3 where if you play on silver and gold about good chunk of the weapons are garbage.


    PFFFT. I wish shotguns were viable now. They're out classed by melee weapons and the Gorgon for the "OH S#&$ KILL EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE" role. So you can't snipe with the Gorgon anymore, least it doesn't have damage fall off. 


    That being said, I think there's going to be a small un-nerf.

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