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Posts posted by Sh4rk3y

  1. So, i was playing some T. defense with a friend and i noticed a little bug with Shadow of the Dead.

    I have a 4 only Nekros build with max power and duration. When the shadows timer runs out, it usually take few seconds for them to actually die. And here's the problem: If i summon again during that delay, the old shadows timer will be refreshed and they won't die. I ended having like an army of 200 shadows protecting the pod at some point lol.

    Still unsure if that is the reason of why my shadows wouldn't die or if it was client interpolation related.


    I did more testing and yes, resummoning in the delay of time before the old shadows time runs out makes them permanent. If the time runs out again and you don't summon, only the newest shadows will die but the older will keep living until killed.



  2. Shadow of the dead doesn't need a rework, just a slight buff. Better AI, 20% more damage and give us back the chance to spawn Eximus units.

    The shadows level scale with the enemies killed level, so it's really good for long runs. I use a 4 only build Nekros and i'm having lot of fun with him, don't see why people want to rework his ulti.

  3. Possibly allow shadows to spawn as Leader units but never shock/energy drain variants and/or fix friendly leaders harming players. 

    ^This. I am one of the few players who use a 4 only build Nekros with maxed power and duration.

    I'd really like to see a slight improvement for the AI of the summons and bringing back the chance to spawn one as tentacle monster (good ol bug).


    Other than that, Terrify needs to be a bit more realiable and make the closest enemies to you run away. Sometimes when you cast it you won't notice the difference because enemies who are far away from you will get affected and fill your cap.

    Nothing to say about Desecrate.

    Soul punch should make the enemy directly punched stand on the floor a few seconds longer instead than getting up instantly.


    Nekros doesn't need a rework at all, just some balancing. I would really hate to see him get broken down at the level of Ember/Frost.

  4. I've started playing this game again after lot of time and my main frame is Nekros. I usually go with a corrupted build on defense missions with only Sotd equipped (16 shadows - 77 seconds duration) just to have some fun.

    I remember from the past that sometimes you would summon a level 1 shadow here and there but now 80% of them are level 1.

    This doesn't happen when i host a match so i'm guessing it's a bug related to client interpolation?


    And a quick question, how do leaders work with sotd? Are they RNG with a really low chance or are they bugged too?

    Played few hours these last days and i managed to summon only one leader.

  5. I'm assuming that you're using Nekros when you say "summon", it probably is just an odd bug with the Oxium Ospreys appearing that way. As far as the leaders go, not too sure about summoning those either. This is the first that I've heard of it.

    Yeah, from the title name SoTD aka Shadows of the dead. I've read on the wiki that these new elite units can be both mind controlled and summoned but it seems not working. Everytime i try to summon one of them, i get a level 1 random enemy instead regardless of their original level.

  6. I've noticed that sometimes when you summon Oxium Ospreys, they appear in the minimap with the enemy icon instead of the friendly one.


    Also i'm not sure if this is a bug or intentional, i'm not able to summon any of the new special units (Globe Grineer, Fire leader, etc)

  7. Ok, i understand the idling animations for frames inside the Dojo is a little touch they added to make it look more fancy.

    My main frame is Nekros and is actually annoying having him spamming SoTD every few seconds, specially when i'm trying to place decorations or just relax. 

    The only thing i wish is that there was a toggle on/off button for them inside the Dojo a/o a longer cooldown between the animations, without having to remove your animation set everytime.

  8. You're bringing a weapon that does reduced damage to them in the first place (blast is weak on armor) and complaining about it?





    I didn't complain, i just made a comparison since DoomFruit said that a Ogris can kill a lv 100 heavy gunner with 5 shots.

    Maybe learn to read before pointing fingers at people.

  9. Funny, your post also makes it immediately obvious that you never did any T3 defence or fought any L100 enemies. I don't know what kind of crap you stuck on your weapons instead of damage mods (extra ammo? reload speed?), but these heavy gunners would drop dead from no more than 5 Ogris shots. I can't give you any numbers for the Soma (I never used it), but I distinctly recall seeing the other players melt multiple heavy gunners without reloading. And my Acrid still melted them in one clip or less. Perhaps your problem was that you were casting Well of Life on the enemies and giving them 10x their normal hitpoints?



    I just finished a nightmare mission and on last wave i was hitting a level 30 Bombard for 200 with my 5x Forma'd Ogris. Took over 20 shots to kill.

    So i really doubt that a level 100 heavy unit requires only 5 shots on late waves. 

  10. It's all about player's greed. Not about picking sides at all, of course everyone would pick higher rewards (I would).

    Not all the players are like that. I've decided to side with the Grineer since before the event and now i'm 100 - 0, even though i really needed that Catalyst from the Corpus.

  11. Now you can stalk the stalker wherever you like to. Seriously it dies after 2 mags from any 30lvl half decently modded weapons

    Sadly this is true. I really hope they will buff him a bit because it's way too easy to kill right now.

    He used to be feared long time ago, one shotting tennos with his slash dash and dealing massive damage with his weapons. Now he's merely a puppy.

  12. i see two problems with pull actually.


    It lowers Mag on level of Nova in terms of spamming one power to clear the room. And it offers zero synergy with other frames.

    What he said. Warframe is about teamplay, it's not a race for who gets most kills in a mission. Rushing in a room and spamming 1 as fast as you can, making ragdolls fly everywhere, trying to get most kills as possible on a support frame is just being completely selfish.

    I seriosly gave up on trying to aim when there is a spammer Mag on my team. 

  13. Mag is supposed to teach to new players about CC, not spam 1 to win.

    She is meant to be a support frame, not a nuker. If you don't like the support style and expect to kill entire rooms with a button then change your frame and pick Nova. Lazy people are lazy.

  14. Sitting back and do nothing? I often get most kill as Nekros when playing defense/m. defense missions and with the enemies distracted by the clones, they almost never touch the pad.

    So i don't see your problem here about him and his SoTD. I agree they should increse the AI for the clones and maybe rework Terrify but saying he doesn't do anything is totally wrong. Never got a single complain about people telling me that my clones are blocking them a/o preventing them from shooting, i guess you just had really bad experience with Nekros players.

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