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Posts posted by EvosAnimationCorner

  1. both things i agree with, but i didnt know how to incorporate the sentients as an enemy from warframe, but i do like the idea of the golden maw, i never thought of that, thanks for that! also, with the excal, i wanted it to keep true to the original teaser, but yea, i should have added the excal prime helmet.

    anyhoo, thank you for your input!


  2. On 9/3/2016 at 7:08 PM, Deshiel said:

    Would you be interested in joining the 8bitwarframe Lost sector team? :)


    well, I'm not sure if your a representative or not, but ill answer anyways. Now I've though long and hard on this (To put that into time, i saw this post on my feed yesterday) and id like to decline your invitation to this project. Now don't get me wrong, I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for inviting me to the team, and I love that you guys even stumbled upon my stuff, but I've got a lot on my plate right now, like School, work, My Youtube channel, and macaroni ;) But all jokes aside, if I didn't have a lot on my plate, I'd love to join! but alas, I can't, as it might overwhelm me.


    Again, I thank you for the invitation, and it really startled me when I saw this post, (I even told it to all my friends XD) but sadly, I can't because i have to much on my plate atm


  3. 4 hours ago, Melos-mevim said:

    your artwork isn't that bad with some touching up it could be great, your tweening on the other hand, that either needs a lot of improvement or it needs to be replaced with some frame by frame (yeah it will be more time consuming, but over all more worth it) pacing was a bit slow, not to mention the forced overwatch joke was not funny nor did it fit. the stalker is a stalker joke dragged on a bit too long after the reveal that he just wanted to see her build.


    Has potential I would say, keep at it

    Yea, I can see why I'm getting a lot of dislikes that usual. I understand my jokes can suck at times, and this one is no different. So yea, I can understand where the dislikes are coming from. And thank you for the tip where I should try fleshing out the characters. If you look at my first few animation's, they look a lot less detailed as my saryn does, but that's not my quote, someone else thought that

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