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Posts posted by (PSN)Ninnamon

  1. I've played Warframe for over a year on PS4 with a controller, and before that I played for well over a year on PC with mouse and keyboard. Before that I played most of my games on console however, but from my experience either setup can work fine. If it's as you say however, and you're playing with a too small keyboard as well as a freaking tracpad? You'd be muuuch better off with either a controller or an external mouse and keyboard.

    Edit: The only warning I can give you for controller is you may be strapped for button mapping. I still can't figure out a setup to use my powers and both sticks at the same time, other than constantly using claw.

  2. A prime spear because I want a spear really badly. I want there to be a spear weapon category with their own animations and stances. If it came first as a prime I would be the happiest.

    And if the spear doesn't go through I guess I'll go with galatine prime. Its been a long time coming.








    I'll never understand why you crazy people want Galatine/Gram Prime when we already have Scindo Prime. It literally makes no sense to have extra prime weapons in the same category.


    Now, on topic, Kogake or Fragor Prime would be a great melee weapon, and I guess since everyone and their mother, mother's mother, and mother's mother's mother wants it, Sybaris Prime would be welcome too. Furis/Afuris Prime also sounds like it could be pretty awesome, even if it didn't allow use of the augment.

  3. You forgot the Axes. Cleaving Whirlwind adds 400% damage with the Broken Bull combo, so any of the Axe weapons could be added (my favorite is Gram, but statistically, it'd be between Scindo or Galatine).


    If you're gonna add Dakra Prime with Crimson Dervish, you have to add an Axe with Cleaving Whirlwind.

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