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Posts posted by Velites

  1. All this Warbros celebration, at least there is some original content, unlike last time.

    I rather liked this event, it encouraged players to work together, I run in well organized squad for several hours, we tried to beat our record time each time, it was fun.Ranking was improved also. I hear much lees complaints about clan tiering, clans that work well rewarded, clans that bloat and degrees - not rewarded.

    All and all I think it is a step in a right direction. Well done.

  2. Congrats to everyone. But event was kind of S#&$, sorry it was.

    When I actively avoid my friends in groups and prefer going solo, or even worse, ignore objective and go kill stealing from pub games, everyone did this, don’t try and deny it. I remember few games with players just roaming around on supersonic speeds, trying to get kills before everyone else could. Event is just designed badly and not thought out.

    And it's another grind weekend. Do we not have enough grind in this game as it is?

    Clan structure needs complete overhaul, with game so heavily dependent on clans system desperately needs some improvements.

    Broframe is massive and mikeb, clan leader left it, just because it started breaking his game.

  3. What's going on: In fusion process all gained levels will be reset upon changing Tab(Category). Bug only affect displayed info, after fusion number will be displayed correctly, i.e. mod will gain levels as it should.

    How to recreate: Select mod and fuse something with it until it gains level. After that being achieved, change category tab. Displayed Mod level will change to one prior to fusion.

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