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Posts posted by MyHeroPatrickSwayze

  1. Why has something like Warbros not been mentioned? I think invading them would be a bit of a laugh. (probably die really quick though.)


    More often than not, visitors to our dojo are overcome by the golden gleam of victory.

  2. "Culture".



    Both of those should not be in the same sentence as 'Warbros.'

    From the outside looking in through the window, perhaps this is the case. But if you get into the shenanigans we did, the brainstorming of crazy ideas like Derf, winning most events despite numerical disadvantages or sabotage, and shared mourning of warframe's potential, perhaps you may feel the same way. But I do not know what it was like to be in a clan without fraternity or victory so I cannot say.

  3. @Ced23Ric by the way, just off topic, what happen to MikeB have not seen a Warframe vid from him in a age?


    Hate to break it to you, but MikeB only zerged out Broframe to generate views for his youtube moneys. Now he is busy in DayZ getting streamsniped or whatever.


    Aside from the awesome of all of this. It would be nice if you had a big library of animations for every warframe. This way different personalities can be shown through the players/warframes. It feels robot to have players with identical warframes have the same idle animations or hell same animations in general.


    Now I am picturing various kinds of runs and slides! Imagine..


    -Sliding on your &#!!

    -Sliding on knees leg spread!

    -Megaman slide!

    -Rolling instead of sliding

    I certainly would request this then! And for it to work, you must have own and rank up to 30 with the warframe to unlock the animation for the rest of the warframes. That way it is worth working your way to it. Or..just own it and have the animation unlocked xP


    These guys get it


    Are you showing DE that you are hacking the game?


    This guy does not

  5. People have fun with zorencoptering. Instead of removing it, it should be implemented as an official feature.


    When Tribes first came out, skating was an unintended feature. The people loved going fast, so when future iterations of Tribes came out, skating became a feature. Tribes went on to become a beloved franchise until it was assassinated by f2p publishing mongrels.

  6. Certainly there is enough support here to depict an obvious call to make necessary priorities to fundamental areas of the game that need work.

    At this point, for many, words have 0 weight until the rather "big picture" things are implemented in the game that deliver on the expectations/plans put forth by dev.


    This thread has expressed thorough thoughts about the Original topic at hand - discussions that derail or relate to other areas of potential feedback should be continued elsewhere (will split off current derailment).


    Is this really going to be taken seriously though? Last livestream the devs offered a short chuckle and the odd sarcastic remark when pressed with some of the questions.

  7. I'm actually pretty happy with most of what DE is doing. They could add more content, but it will slowly come and I'm ok with that.


    So you're okay with:

    more of the same shallow gameplay

    lack of meaningful lore

    railroaded event outcomes

    lack of strategic vision due to lack of design documents

    power creeping meaning grinding for content that might be nerfed by the time you get there


    Why do you hate warframe?

  8. Yeah, it's not like the Torid or Ignis were ever made competent.

    Also, sick and tired of everyone using the word "nerf." "Nerfing" implies making the weapon unusable, in which case DE has actually done the exact opposite of that I've been corrected, so apparently nerfing only means making something weaker as opposed to being made obsolete. Still, I dislike thw rod, and would much prefer the word 'balanced' instead--Damage 2.0 has made a lot of useless weapons really quite usable.

    Additionally, keep in mind that weapons are always being tweaked a bit to try and achieve a good balance. Try, fail and try again.

    Also there's plenty of Endgame... like the following:

    - Survive to 100 minutes and gain fame and glory

    - Make it to Defense 100 and join the group of elites who have done the same

    - See just how much single shot damage you can get with a Vectis

    - Become a platinum mogul by collecting rare mods and hoarding all the platinum from trades

    - Waiting for the next major update

    - Forums

    Lots of endgame in Warframe.


    yknow commods are allowed to criticize the game too

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