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Posts posted by plinkoo

  1. 19 minutes ago, WarHounDS said:

    u need the war withing questline finished so u sitll have time to make it happen as far i know ? 


    The only quest you need completed is the Vor's Prize quest to enter Plains of Eidolon. You must complete The War Within to play at night and fight the Eidolons.

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  2. 7 minutes ago, Razor-Terror said:

    Will Set mods become available in the future in other places in the system, or will they be exclusive to the Plains of Eidolon and future open landscapes?

    They have said that they are currently exclusive to PoE but they are open to change in the future.

  3.    After completing the Stolen Dreams Quest, I did not obtain the Ether Daggers blueprint as a reward. I completed this mission a very long time ago but after I started Mastery Farming, I noticed I did not have Ether Daggers completed. I went to my foundry to see if I somehow missed the blueprint all these years but it wasn't there. I learned that you obtain it from the stolen dreams quest so I checked my codex and it as already been completed but I never got the ether daggers. There is always the chance that little ol' me sold the BP but I don't see why I would. This is very frustrating to a completionist like myself. Any support or confirmation would be much appreciated.




  4. 1 minute ago, GameSessionIsFull said:

    I can't play the game actually. When every single warframe of mine looks like a disgusting piece of S#&$. What's even the point of the designs of warframes if you're gonna ruin all of them with that cyst? Did I sign up to play Warframe or Cyst : The Game?

    >has little mark on neck

    >game is now unplayable

    >makes sense

  5. 1 minute ago, GameSessionIsFull said:

    Please elaborate how is it not a problem

    What do you even? How is it ANY problem whatsoever? It is a small little blemish that does nothing to hinder your gameplay in any way. After 7 days you can put it into a Kubrow egg to create a Helminth Charger. An infested little pet. That is all it does at this time.

  6. 7 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

    @plinkoo I've heard that making sure the alarms go off in at least one of the vaults actually increases you chances. (Perfect runs have a bigger drop table full of cool loot and less chance to drop the part at a guess)

    OH MY JESUS!!! I did this for a total of 8 runs with some friends who still had faith in me and I GOT IT! Thank you so much for this information and thank you @Thetobi47 for your assistance in these runs!


  7. 13 minutes ago, ArturiaFayth said:

    Superstitions usually have a core of truth in them,  that much is certain though.

    If i bring my lucky charms to a farming run, i know that their luck will get me what i want quicker then if i would do it without.

    Completely untrue. :P

  8. 13 minutes ago, ArturiaFayth said:

    Why not bring a lucky charm in the missions while hunting for the BP?

    For me, some people bring me good luck on specific farming runs like Equinox and Ivara, while some alliance members have other ways of bringing a lucky charm that works for them. Just find your lucky charm and it will get easier ^^"

    I don't believe in superstitions. ^^"

  9. 13 minutes ago, Noabettiet said:

    Meanwhile i am selling hundreds and hundreds of ivara sets.

    I am not sure, but i think if you finish all 3 of them undetected, the rewards are often the rarest on the table. 

    Edit: but if you must, there is an spy mission on eris with infested, it is a pretty easy mission to get the blueprint and helm ! :)


    Yes I have done that mission many times along with many others i have at least 15 helms but still no BP

  10. 10 minutes ago, JesterTheNight said:

    Sell all the rare mods you got from those 200 runs and buy her in the market.

    Haha I'll sell the mods but I haven't bought a frame yet and I don't plan to. I've rushed plenty but as a personal goal, I try to stay away from buying weapons and frames.

  11. 11 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    plinkoo hasn't commented on their thoughts on spy missions and yet you told them how to play.

    After 200+ runs... I don't believe anybody would be hyped for Spy. I think from now on, every time I do a Spy mission, I'll have PTSD flashbacks to the days spent on Ivara. On the brighter side, I can now run spy missions blindfolded while handcuffed and a monkey on my back while I'm sleeping on a unicycle.

  12. 14 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    In your day to day life, how often do you play spy missions? Because personally I have no reason to.

    If you don't set time aside to farm Ivara chances are you'll never get her (unless you fork out for plat), so I disagree with your ''stop grinding'' comment. 

    @plinkoo I've heard that making sure the alarms go off in at least one of the vaults actually increases you chances. (Perfect runs have a bigger drop table full of cool loot and less chance to drop the part at a guess)

    You are right on the mark there, and thank you so much for the information. I'll definitely try it out for 20 or so more runs!

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