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Posts posted by plinkoo

  1. 12 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:

    Stop grinding. Stop chasing after things. All that ever does is give you grief. Just play the game and some day you'll end up on a spy mission and it'll just happen.

    Ivara is the ONLY Frame I do not have, aside from Saryn Prime. And don't get me wrong, I love this game to death. I'm not grief-stricken by not being able to acquire her. I won't quit Warframe because I can't get her. And I'm essentially saying I've given up. I'm just wondering if I'm the only one.

  2. I have done upwards of 200 spy missions on Pluto and Ceres to try and get the Ivara BP to no success. I'm wondering why they didn't just put the BP in the market like the majority of other frames. I've nearly given up farming for her cause I feel there is no hope. I have gone solo and groups of three and people eventually see me as a lost cause and I resort to solo again. Every one of my friends got it within 5-20 runs. They all agree I have the worst luck with her. I got all the other parts super easy and I began farming the day she came out. Is anyone else having as much trouble as I am??

  3. Thing about how it is now, everyone is more or less on the same field. You wait, or rush. But if you have this, you wait, rush, or pay plat to not have to wait as long. It's one step closer to a paymodel we don't need.

    Firstly, I don't believe waiting 3 days for a warframe while someone with platinum gets it instantly is 'more or less on the same field'. I'd consider this a more permanent investment into the game than a rush. Also, Warframe is getting closer to that paymodel with almost every new weapon or anything they come out with. With the affinity boosters and weapons buyable in the shop, you could powerlevel to mastery 12 in a couple weeks with enough pocket change.

  4.    Okay, okay, okay... Hear me out. Imagine an item you could buy in the market (and/or host an event similar to the 8-player raids or something) that reduced the time required to craft items in the foundry. Maybe further along, create upgrades that reduced credit cost or resource cost. Or even reduced time even more. This would be a huge hit and I know my friends and I would be willing to pay a hefty amount for something like this.

  5. Loot detector Aura is kinda useless for archwing, by the time the mods show up on radar or glow ur pretty much right beside them and have most likely spotted them visually anyway (I've been running aura + thiefs wit for a few missions or so to test but I dont think thiefs wit works.)

    Thief's wit definitely works. it makes them bright gold and helps quite a bit for me. I do agree to the sort of carrier recommendation. Something that picks up items at a distance would be a life saver

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