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Posts posted by MrMik3y

  1. Okay, I know some won't care about this. BUT. I think after all this time and so many new clan dojo rooms added, I really think it would be nice to have a dojo room change option. Like going into the rooms console and you can have the option to change the room to another room that is within that exact room range.being there are only a select handful of default room sizes with different looking map shapes, being able to change lets say a garden to one of the newer rooms would be really nice, especially for clans (like my own) that are absolutely massive and would actually now unfortunately be impossible to move things around. Obviously don't make it possible to change a hall into a obstacle course room as their default sizes are different, but from one hall to a grand hall would be nice. The downfall to this would be any decorations going away but tbh that's worth a sacrifice to get a new amazing room near a main hall. Again I know some people would come in and just be like "just built teleporters" or some nonsense, but being cross plat clans are coming and everyone is going to be together soon enough, it would be nice to get the change to move uodate slme rooms. 

  2. imageproxy.png
    We are The Sweet Ones!!! A smol, yet very active, and very fun PC ghost clan (currently) growing within Warframe. We accept anyone into our sweet community, New or Old players. Don't ever be shy enough to ask anyone for help, we will always be there for you ;). We have no family Alliance just yet, one day we will find another sweet clan to be allied with though 🙂
    We would like to stay small and not reach to the thousands of players, as things tend to get a little insane for which leads to a countless amount of inner circles within a community. And as admin, i feel too much distance between members can make things feel more like another social platform, and less like a close and supportive family. So with that said, we will stop accepting members in at around 1k.




    Clan Teir: Ghost

    Requirement: MR 3+

    Current Membership: 10+

    Research: 99% (No ignis wraith)

    Alliance: N/A




        •Must be at least MR 3
       •Must Speak English
        •Must have a mic




     • Please be polite and respect each other, We're all friends here!
     • Racism, sexism, transphobia, harassment/abuse, trolling/flaming or any other malicious behavior in any form is NOT permitted.
     • Do not spam/flood clan or alliance chat. Selling & trading in chat are allowed but don't make it excessive.
     • Do not take advantage of fellow members; instead, offer help and advice when you can.
     • No Backseat gaming, nobody wants to play with people who tell them they are playing something wrong or doing something wrong, let peeps enjoy things in their own way.
     • If you have been inactive after 30 consecutive days, then you will be kicked on the 31st. (if something important happens as life loves to throw at us, please DM @Sentinels & @Orokin that  why you have/will be gone, that way you don't get kicked for being inactive) You can ask for an invite back to the clan when you come back online



     • A fun and interactive Discord Server! 
     • Small, Active and fun close mates that all know one another oh so well 😉
     • An international clan with members from all over the world.
     • 99% research (Hema is all that's left) (& 50% of pigment)
     • very large, organized Dojo (Soon to be fully decorated)

    Again, we are smol. So for things like a beautiful Dojo, intense Obstacle Courses, etc.. will all come as we grow 😉



    Please post In the comments down below, your in-game name, rank, region, and why you would like to join! We will reply to your comment as soon as possible to confirm that we have sent you an invitation. You will find the invitation in your inbox in-game.


    IGN: MrMik3y

    Rank: 21

    Region: US

    Reason: I would love to make some new friends





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