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Posts posted by Suzaku4489

  1. Carrier is ruining my experience in warframe. It seems like every match I load into everyone is running the most overpowered sentinel in the game carrier or carrier prime. Running around never having to look at what you're picking up, never having to worry about afk timers or even looking in the direction of the loot they are collecting. This is all too reminiscent of the now re-balanced Greedy Mag. Players were just standing around collecting loot, by pressing a button. Greedy Mag was since nerfed, but now a new enemy has emerged in carrier prime who picks every thing up without any effort. The Chesa kubrow is one step away from needing a nerf, but is only fair in that sometimes it actually makes you work for your loot by running away. Loot collecting mechanics make the game too easy and should definitely be looked at. I think carrier should recieve the same treatment as mag. Carrier should automatically trigger the afk timer as soon as it starts collecting loot, because the player isn't really putting any effort out to collect the loot. I hope DE takes this broken mechanic very seriously, and looks to rebalance carrier so that he is in line with the now dead greedy mag.

    Let's go over everything wrong with your statement:

    1)  Carrier is not OP

    2)  AFK timers still work if you don't kill things.  This includes while using a carrier.

    3)  Greedy Mag picked up loot for everyone from 50+ meters away.  This made it possible to gather energy orbs for the entire team, allowing everyone to stay in one spot while still collecting all loot.  Carrier picks up loot only for you in a small radius.

    4)  Looting mechanics don't make the game easier or harder.

    5)  "I think carrier should recieve the same treatment as mag".  Carrier is the same treatment as mag.  Loot only for you.

  2. They really need to simply figure out how to make secondary ammo not conflict with primary ammo.  I completely forgot about this bug for a while until I went into a sortie with my Ivara with a bow that had 20 shots because my Talons (leveling for mastery) were gimping my ammo count.

  3. MR19 here.  I've gotten a couple of rare resources, but it's been 3-hour credit/affinity/resource boosters almost 70% of the time.  Before the update, it was nothing but weapon/sentinel exp at least 90% of the time.


    This change has been a massive improvement.

  4. Really, with the proper build, I find it very easy to deal a lot of damage, and though her survivability is low, it's because she's not supposed to be hit.  Similar to a Loki, you should be invisible almost all the time, and tossing ziplines in good spots can give you safe perches where grenades, rockets, napalms, and other deadly aoes won't take you out as collateral.


    One thing I particularly enjoy about her is the ability to make reviving easy for others.  See a teammate go down?  Just jump in and revive while Prowl is on, or use Navigator to guide a Cloak Arrow to your downed teammate so others can revive him from cloak.  Slumber Arrow is wonderful for halting the advance of deadly eximus or heavy units, too.


    Also, you can jump and roll while Prowl is active, so while your mobility is lower, you're not stuck at a crawl if you turn yourself into a tumbleweed and the ground into a trampoline.

  5. I'd like to see her with a passive 30% increase in fire rate and reload speed and a 10% damage bonus for all bows (Attica included).


    If they change things like flight speed or shot arc, it could really mess with players that have gotten really good at placing their shots.

  6. Acidulant and Blazer-X are right.  With the change they're planning, it will make multishot mods fire more rounds in the same amount of time;  This is the definition of fire rate mods...


    Such a change can only be labeled as a nerf;  not balance, not variety, not a good idea.  Unless the change makes all multishot mods also come with a hefty reload speed boost and ammo gather boost, all it will be doing it increasing burst dps (rather, it would keep it where it currently is), but cripple sustained dps, and ammo efficiency will sink like a rock, especially on stronger weapons where a single shot would get the job done, but you're forced to spend ammo to fire two.

  7. Nope, console players do not have the ability to get platinum discounts as daily login rewards. I still don't understand why this is still a problem as it needs to be fixed. Nonsense like this is the exact reason why I will not be buying platinum any time soon.

    It's not a "problem", at least not in the sense that it's a bug.  Putting in discounts on consoles would take away profits from Microsoft and Sony.  These companies happen to enjoy money, so they won't let DE put discounts on them.


    If you want to blame somebody for no discounts on consoles, blame Microsoft and Sony.

  8. What can moderators do? Ban anyone who don't write structured, reasonable and logical arguments at all times?

    Heck, when the mods do end up doing that, then the community just yells "Abuse of power" and "Bring it on!  Ban me!  I don't care!"

  9. It's funny.  I just read a thread complaining that a player using Rhino was upset that he was being killed so easily, and here we have someone complaining that they can't kill Rhinos.

  10. Now make non-rapid fire weaponry worth something against their spheres and i will accept them as my lords and saviours,

    This for sure.  It's quite bothersome to fire an Opticor shot that you know can crit for well over 400k, and have it shrink their shield by... 15%?  I end armies with that thing, yet they shrug off nearly 2 entire magazines.  Otherwise, I find them pretty balanced, honestly.


    However, I love killing them with my Nekros and then using SotD.  You can't spell "slaughter" without "laughter", and that's all you hear when I'm marching towards my enemies in an allied Nullifier bubble.

  11. Maybe it's intentional that we can bleed out while solo now?  (unless this is something that happens rarely, a.k.a. a bug).  If it happens every time, for all solo players, then it could be intentional since there may be a chance to revive yourself through the previously mentioned methods.


    Guy said bleeding out. Not bleed procs. You know, the 20 second timer thing?

    Nope, he said


    ... how the heck am i bleeding on a solo mission?

    Though I see now what he meant to say.


    Also, if you're Nekros, a healing pulse from an Ancient Healer spawned from SotD can revive you.  I assume the syndicate one can do that, too?


    last i checked NONE of those things can make any of those elements out of thin air (ie snapping their fingers and poof fire). ember as an example can produce fire herself to the point of even being engulfed in flames, so fire from another source should have no effect on her. it does in fact make perfect sense (this would be the equivalent of johnny storm being hurt by flames... yea).

    If real life examples won't work, then let's use games:  You and another mage fight each other.  You're both throwing fireballs, made by snapping your fingers.  You take a fireball to the face and die.  But you're casting fire, too!  Shouldn't you be immune?


    The difference is control.  You are in control of your own fire, while the ball o' flaming death headed for your face from your opponent is not in your control.  This is why frames can take damage from an element that they also wield.

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