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Posts posted by Chosen420nord

  1. 3 hours ago, --SA--Chalfus said:

    Hello to anyone who reads this,

    During multiple Omnia Fissures of Void Cascades, I would come across this bug where the exolizer will not have anything to clear it with, and be in a perpetual state on the enemy side without any way to take control of this. We have tried void dashing, using klamora prism's all along the perimeter of the bubble, and contamination waves to try and find any spot where a point to hit, but come to no avail. Is there any way this bug could be fixed? Attached is the image where this has happened: https://imgur.com/a/ALGrqOA

    Thank you, and have a good day!

    Please check out and fix

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  2. Hi DE

    We love the ability but the actual animation puts me off and honestly hurts my brain/eyes lol

    Can we please get a rework on Protea's 4th ability's animation? I was thinking an instant disperse in flames with a protea flower made of flames and smoke fading away as you instantly reappear where you activated the ability.


    Any other animation suggestions from the community?



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