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Posts posted by -TRandH-IGHANIM

  1. hmm, hi helen.

    DId DE[Rebecca] said any thing like: i am sorry for what i said or apologize at least about the registered losers, cause i heard a song that remind me of her lost conscious at that moment and the last quest just ruined my imaginary viewabout her at all>.>

    May Morgulis be happy with the demonic Balas, they deserve each other{spoiler alert},

  2. hmm,Banshee primed with any puncture side and main weapon.

    melee weapon better had glaives for thick enemies^_^

    you need to had the maximum strength and range and the syndicate mod of banshee that made its quake stronger and longer^_^(you could repeat pressing 4 as you like^_^)(do not forget to had at least 115 efficiency^_^),and Naramon operator to increase your energy generation^_^

  3. Since i am a little bit cautious about what if the lotus isn't as kind as it seems, what if she is also using us, or what if this a call to mature away from her leech!

    i think we are ready to be more independent ,that we might not need her anymore.

    as it seems that the lotus is one of our past problems too(and she have bloody hair>.>), we might reach the moment where we finally can find Rebecca be only as she should be:management employee,yup give her a vacation off the voice acting.

    i think we might found out at the late future that the sentient and sentienels (which they had machines same week points) could speak too but we couldn't understand them>.> 

    maybe the kubrows,sentinels,kavats will talk too^_^(that would spice things a little bit up),remember when roach in witcher 3 talks ^_______^.

    and last but not least,the damage system of the game need to be reevaluated(yup sorry again it needs to be fully revisited,you had huge number of awesome weapons that they also need extra special abilities as the warframes actually had),the weapon of eidolon(melee ones),and the weapons of the operator(range ones) also needs to be revisited again>.>

    what else i forgot to mention>.>

    leave that down on the comments please^_^

    note; sorry Megan i cannot be part of the contest of heart breaking event,cause Morgulis destroyed what left of it>.>



  4. HOW in life the price you gave for hydroid prime is almost the same for other primes?!, I am an old fan of hydroid since he also represent one of my heritages who fought the evil ships of Spanish empire.

    you need to add something else more than an armor set and weapon attachment, for god sake try to be creative.

    HYDROID PRIME need to add more items to be the real prime ,what a shame!?

    I can buy hydroid prime and his weapons for 400 plats and his armor set is not as attractive as it should be .

    Hydroid Prime 3/10

  5. since perfect prodigy vanished without sending me any E-mail about their disband,i am looking for a clan that had youtube channel so we could share our knowledge and other things(EXCEPT if you are mogamu NEVER EVER SEND me even a happy birthday).

    and i would like to say hi to REBECCA and SHELDON and every one that i :fist:  dont think they miss me so much( i felt like jack sparrow at the POTC when he returned back to the black pearl since we will have a primed Pirate finally).

  6. I had been playing this game for long time since 2 years more or less and i was trying for 2 months or more to make a war frame concept and sadly i tried many times .

    I have 0 ability of drawing a picture( i asked for help many times and no 1 even answer)(even when i said i dont need money and i will give all the credits to the artist)

    i have 100 ability of writing a story and make states and abilities for frame that depends on spending more health than energy as a sacrifice for the abilities of the frame.


    And now i am thinking!

    why would i waste my time to write and think when no 1 will even read or encourage or even stop attack me?

    what is the reason of concept section? is it about a section where an art manic  Tenno who got talent in art and want to drew(like A huge board of Drew! for kids)?

    what is the real relationship between me and the game?is it like  a person and his family  or A dope relationship( drug addict and drug dealer!)?

    what is the standards for accepting concepts or concept arts?

    did any 1 care except the bank or  marketing section of Digital Extreme care about a money who i spent from my blood and my sweat and tears?

    did any 1 care that the game has many shrouded clouds around its story or lore?

    why the air in most of global games under the management of English companies or groups has many tense and hatred much more than other eastern or Korean A like ?

    i know i shouldn't say i have  more attention than other tenno but am i like them?(for the 1st time i love a game and i like to support it but i feel this is love from 1 side)

    why cant you be clear with us DE and make a schedule for every frame release time or prime release? why the shrouded clouds around those things?

    I love many channels in you tube about war frame and my most favorite is quite shallow(shy) cause she always say what she feels without refine or fake words^_^

    Am i A fan? sorry i am not

    Am i A supporter who want this game to be best game in the world? yes i am

    I am some 1 who wants to be treated better than other? no i am not i just want more care and love that is all.

    finally happy new year again tenno and i  wish you to stop destroy many gifted people by attacking them cause all they want is to make the game better and make you  fell less boring^_^

  7. Bravo for earning anew spot in war frame frames as archer( why the hell they hate my concepts!)

    please guys if you wanna see A ( prince of Persia warframe) vote for me( Hema the mystic)(master of the sands of time)(the ancient prototype of excalibur)(the unreleased orokin warframe) in the link Below


    (this link above will be reworked compleatly  so wait for it)

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