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  1. what would it be? You crash onto a new planet. You explore the planet after a certain amount of time and you find a rotting ruin in a shower jungle. You go into 4-5 ruins and in each ruin you find some story about him and history of the past. Searching and exploring the story through the ruins takes 1-2 hours. Reward would be the main bp. Missions for him Surv with new opponents and defense for his parts, for his weapons 2 assassinations.
  2. Dinosaur frame; base a Rhino base but slightly larger, armor plates optically reinforced (3d), blue glowing eyes, passive: more robust against melee attacks, 1 Rage which gives him Atk speed crit chance/damage damage reduction of 5% with strength scalable that lasts 30 seconds , 2 fire beam for 20 sec, 3 dino form (T-rex), 4 long sword (buffs atk speed and damage)
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