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Posts posted by (PSN)The_1_true_Blaze

  1. Thank you for your feedback. As i said its just an idea but given ember has WoF, zephyr has tornadoes its always felt like Overload needed a full electric event-type of upgrade. I think the synergy with Volt's Speed to increase the frequency of attack's would add that bit extra and maybe if each strike caused a electric proc over a few seconds which could be increased while Speed is active as well.

  2. Hey guys. We all know Volt's ult needs some love. As a master of electricity I believe Overload needs a visual update as well as stat rework.

    My idea.

    Overload becomes a bunch of storm clouds affecting enemies withing range with lightning strikes.

    For synergy lets say if Speed is active than the strikes are more frequent by the increase of Speed's effect.

    Range is 5/10/15/20m. Affected by range mods.

    Strength - would need fine tuning.

    Duration is set time limit. 5/10/15/20 secs

    Efficency would depend on number of enemies within range. The greater the enemies the more energy/sec used.

    Feedback would be great.

  3. Cloud walker allows you to bypasse blast waves and corpus laser grids altho limbo is more suitable for spy missions.

    Its also useful for dropping in behind enemies while they r focused on a cryopod or squad members n take em by surprise.

    Staff jab is useful for knocking enemies over n allowing finishers.

    Defy is a handy ability for endgame/high level runs.

  4. Finished SC2 LOTV campaign already. Played it since SC was released. Yes there is some similarities between the Orokin and Protoss. Protoss were always gold armour with blue/purple bodies to begin with but since SC2 they have shown more colour in both their armour and their skin pigments. I do agree that the Raknis Helmet does have a Protoss feel to it and maybe we could even see a dual energy blade corpus melee weapon in WF which personally would be awesome.

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