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Posts posted by PolestarDragon

  1. 14 hours ago, Tekka_Croe said:

    As weird as it sounds, I think it actually qualifies in this instance.  We're using movement mechanics to work around a "problem" that shouldn't even be a problem to begin with.  I reiterate: I think that Moa knockdowns are fine.  They have a distinct telegraph and a visual indicator of their danger zone.  Grappling hook knockdowns are not fine because the behavior of the hook doesn't match up with the firing animation.  It's not difficult to mitigate the danger posed by grappling hooks, but that doesn't mean that the grappling hooks are working correctly.


    TL;DR  Learning to work effectively within a broken framework does not make the framework any less broken.  Moas are fine.  Grappling hooks are not fine right now.

    Okay, yes. I see what you're saying now.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Tekka_Croe said:

    "It's okay that DE leaves badly-implemented mechanics untouched, as long as I can band-aid around them."

    This attitude is why we deserve every bad decision that DE makes.

    Like another poster said earlier on: the Moas are fine because they have a distinct telegraph, but please don't pretend that grappling hooks are in a good place.

    Because movement is totally a band-aid solution.

  3. Just now, (PS4)CaptainIMalik said:

    I'll try to do more parkour then. But I still want them to get some sort of nerf like the nulifiers my friends told me about (that they're getting a slight tweak to them) 

    With all due respect, you're doing something wrong if you truly believe that they need to be nerfed.

  4. 1 minute ago, (PS4)CaptainIMalik said:

    How can it be clean quick with the annoying crowd control? I am trying to kill them but 15 metres away, someone is knocking me down, pulling me. It doesn't always happen but when it does, it's not good game.

    The amount of enemy knockdown/pull spam that it would take to prevent you from killing the enemy quickly while making full use of parkour 2.0, realisically doesn't happen.

  5. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)CaptainIMalik said:

    Obliterating them isn't a problem. But getting closed to them is, no, not even that. One knock down then another before I am surrounded by cancer on the floor only then to be surrounded by more cancer and more knockdowns with Eximus quickly draining my energy even with rage when I'm on my last legs with Quick thinking. It's like they just like to spam annoying things and follow a procedure of annoyingly killing you. 

    While I do emphasise the word spam though before I have a chance to do anything 

    Make full use of parkour 2.0, my friend.

  6. Just now, (PS4)CaptainIMalik said:


    Jump? That actually works?

    Nikana Prime. 

    Besides, my issue isn't them knocking me down but them spamming it. 

    Yes, jumping works.
    And with a properly modded Nikana Prime, you should only be knocked down once before you obliterate them.

  7. Just now, Angrados said:

    inb4 everybody and their uncle starts yelling that they charge cash and therefore it isn't a beta.

    While technically true, I think it's time to start giving the game and the devs a little more credit than just "this is only beta", if you're reading me. They've done an awesome job here, and I'm greatly looking forward to what comes next. 

    By no means am I implying that by being in a "beta phase", the game is lacking. I completely agree with you. I was just making an observation.

  8. 4 hours ago, Leumarian said:
    1. Your IGN - Leumarian
    2. Your Mastery Rank - 4
    3. Your previous Clan(s) - Non( There was actually one which I can't remember its name, It was dead regardless)
    4. Why you want to join Gryphus Tech - Tired of being a lone wolf.
    5. What do you expect from Gryphus Tech - Conquering ^ 

    Welcome to the clan.

  9. On 17/04/2016 at 8:21 AM, Oryshkiawhat311 said:


    16 (ridiculously close to 17)

    None recently, last one was months ago so I don't remember its name

    I would like to join in order to expand my social aspects of Warframe within a clan that has a friendly, helpful player base, and to raid together with people daily/often since I very much enjoy that. And of course, a fully unlocked dojo isn't a turn-off, amirite? :P. I'd like to play with like-minded non-toxic individuals with which I can laugh and talk about and enjoy Warframe together in a social manner, something I find very lacking in my day-to-day Warframe life.

    I expect from the clan to offer a mature friendly and non-toxic player base as mentioned by Gryphticon, along with some laughs and giggles that always help in making friends. I expect raids set up by clan members (From a certain rank, as I read) daily/often, especially nightmare ones as they are the most fun and rewarding.


  10. I gotta say, all this talk about changing/nerfing Hysteria doesn't bode well with me. I like the critical thinking here, but it still kinda makes me sick to think that Valkyr's going to plummet in "Favourite Warframes" list at some point.

    Also, I just realized that the whole damage = energy loss thing will overwhelmingly impair the scaling of her tanky-ness.

  11. I'll be honest, I don't want Valkyr changed at all. But if you insist on a change being so inevitable, then I can tell you (in my opinion) that a Valkyr that "avoid gunfire" is not a great idea. In fact, avoiding gunfire at all costs completely undermines the sole purpose of Hysteria.

  12. Stalker has always had immunity to powers or the ability to disable them. My point is that Quick Thinking is a mod, not a power, and I (theoretically) shouldn't have died in one hit since I still had a sizable amount of energy.

    Theoretically, you're right. But as far as I'm concerned, Shadow Stalker can do more than we realize. (Despite this, it's safe to say that it probably was a bug)

  13. My Question is, Why do we have 2 Stalkers now?, Whats going to happen to the old one?, I still have scans left on the normal one.

    Maybe I'm just an idiot, but as far as I know, there's only one Stalker. After the events of the Second Dream quest, he becomes Shadow Stalker. However that brings up another question: Is he going to STAY as Shadow Stalker or ever revert to normal?

  14. i have got the same problem and because of this i cant complete the second dream quest

    after 30-60 seconds of submersible I freeze for +/- 20 sec than play for 0.5 sec and freeze for +/- 20 sec etc.

    Here's how I was able to complete the quest: On the submersible mission, I think it was Spy, I hanged back out of the water and let my teammates carry me. I wish there was a better solution, but it is what it is.
  15. I don't know if anyone other than me has experienced this yet, but every time I enter the water in a submersible mission, and there happens to be a water-jet-like thing somewhere in the map, it just DESTROYS my game by freezing for up to 20 seconds at a time. If I'm hosting the squad, the members lose connection. If somebody else is the host, I lose connection. Sometimes it even crashes. Is there a way around this?

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