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Posts posted by Kristal8008

  1. As someone who went into end game content 100 hours in, It has been very painful since not knowing which mods exist really hurts the experience, since you only know of the mods that you got, which are usually pretty weak, even though some of the better mods are very accessible, just gotta have to do this mission once or twice, or kill this enemy a few times, stuff that you either know how to get, or stumble by chance by just constantly hitting your head against the wall until an actually decent mod appears.

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  2. Modding is very innaccessable point of the game where either you have to ask 1000 questions in the q&a chat, or consult the wiki constantly.
    The codex does keep track of your progression, but should it maybe do more?
    It would still keep track of your progression, but I think that it should also tell the description and drop location, I think it would make mods a lot more accessible to a lot more players.
    Don't even think it would affect the game negatively in any way, you already get the entire mod list by just using some square brackets, but that seems like a really weird way to interact with the game when the codex exists and could be used that way instead, you could even just search by the mods description rather than the name of it, which might be useful when you're trying to search for something obscure like life steal, which the names of those mods are not at all similiar to each other, you got life strike, amalgam daikyu target acquired, hunter's recovery, etc.

    I think these are good reasons for the previews to not be ???? ????????? ??? ?? ???????? but something actually helpful, while still giving you the ability to track your progress of mods.

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  3. https://youtu.be/qcfuA_UAz3I?si=LjQT7YvlQQafskxL

    (Going to be mostly repeating video above)

    With fandoms questionable ads and UX decisions. It's time to move to a different place.
    If you ever used fandom without an adblocker/element blocker, you know how invasive the ads are to the content of your page.
    The load times are incredibly slow, due to the site preferring to load ads before loading any images relating to what you actually want to see, which would be the info about said topic, it can be as bad that if you don't outright block ads, the page tries for 10 seconds straight to load ads before giving up and finally loading related images.
    When any random person wants to add information/change wrong information, instead of just having them be anonymous, their IP gets leaked, which for anyone with common sense is obviously a big no-no.

    Is this possible? Yes, very possible. Many wiki's have already done so (minecraft, satisfactory, terraria, and more.
    Users have been happier since they've moved, it has allowed for more customization, with less drawbacks.

    I suck at writing so I'm going to end it here, do watch the video if you have time, but do know there is more that the video doesn't cover.

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