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Posts posted by LordViridian94

  1. in the dojo, there is nothing to do that would keep you going there or to make you want to so stuff in it (and the things that are there are just abit boring now) so what i thought was a good thing DE could do is to add minigames into the dojo( like a minigame room) where members of the clan could go into it and create a lobby where they can play minigames throughout the dojo (something like the cluedo one) and  you can add like a betting system (if you want to) into it to make it more interesting 

    well Player Hubs are going to be a lot like this, just not in the dojo. but according to DE, they will have a minigame/ arcade room. and a bunch of DE made warframe themed arcade games to play. :D

  2. I assume other player was not affected by this UI bug because mission ended successfully with extraction. Both buttons were not responsive for me.

    the UI problem you had didn't happen when my Archwing Gear started randomly spawning, but i have had that UI issue SEVERAL times this past week. for some reasons mosly on ODD. :P

  3. i play Warframe with a Duelshock 4 Controller. what you need to do is trick the computer's drivers into thinking that the Playstation Controller is a 360 Controller to get it to work.

    if you use this method it makes it so you can use it on ANY game, that has 360 controller support.
    it's annoying to setup, but look into  "DS3 to XInput Mapper" if it's a Ps3 controller you wish to use.

    for ps4, it's "DS4 to XInput Mapper".

    it also helps to have bluetooth capabilities on your computer, but you don't NEED to. USB is still a viable option.
    Google is your friend, sir. ^_^

    good luck.

  4. hello fellow tenno, i've had issuse like this in other FTP games such as "HAWK3N" and posting on the forums did not get me the help i needed, however the way to go about getting your plat is to go the support section of the WARFRAME website and submitting a ticket for support explaining you issue, and while it may take 1-3 days, they WILL get back to you. DE are actually really good about stuff like that. so try that out and let us know how it ends up working out for you.
    good luck, sir. ^_^

  5. so while playing Earth Defense, leveling some low lvl gear, as i was meleeing my 'Veritux' and 'Arch-Gun' popped out and wouldn't go away, and continued to clip through every animation that i did.
    while annoying and strange as all hell, i found it kind of hilarious and HAD to share with the community.
    posted pics to share in the sillyness. enjoy gents. ^_^



    anything this odd ever happen to you mid mission? if so, describe or post your screenshot/video capture of it.
    cheers everyone. :P


  6. We need archwing race mode!




    First everyone with Hyperion Thrusters and loki or rhino prime with arcane vanguard helmet just to be competitive.

    Then comes trench run skill.

    @Firetempest, you're right, as cool as races sound, there are a lot of things they would have to exclude for a proper Archwing Race Mode to work.

    however, this is is all just theoretical, 100%. but you are absolutely right, in that regard, sir. :P

  7. Something where the objective is just to survive the onslaught of a Fomorian. No timers or RNG air drops. Just survival against enemies growing more and more powerful.

    so basically ACTUAL survial directed by Michael Bay... i'm 100% on board with you there. that would be fantastic. xD


    yeah defense or survival would be great

    yeah, i feel like Defense would fit perfectly in Archwing with a few tweaks. the moment that becomes a thing, expect me to be playing a hell of a lot more archwing missions.

    side note: they made it so archwing mods drop more frequently in interception missions as rewards, so that might make me play it a bit more now until more game type become available.

  8. I am all for more gamemodes, buuuut...

    It's Sabotage, not Deception.


    merp, derp. sorry about that, didn't check what i wrote before posting because i was watching the DE livestream while typing, thanks m8! xD


    On topic now, I think that some sort of speed challenge would be awesome for Archwing, as speed is (relatively?) standard for all Archwings. Maybe you need to out-fly something. Not really sure...

    i think a PvP archwing Race mode with 4-8 people would be fantastic come to think of it. :D

    seeing as there isn't a lot of variation in speed between everyone's archwings though, it would be cool to be in a trench run map with tight paths, and sharp turns, so that people who aren't good at avoiding bonking the walls get pushed back, and people who are good at avoiding obstacles are rewarded!

    just a thought though. xD

  9. i think Archwing has a ton of potential, but as it stands right now "Exterminate", "Interception", and "Sabotage" just aren't doing it for me. 
    i would love to get some more game types for it soon-ish, of course they most likely are planning on it once they get more kinks ironed out with the core of archwing.

    personally i think "Defense" would be PERFECT for Archwing, because enemies could rush the pod from all angles making for some potential intense high wave defense matches.

    If anyone has any unique ideas for original game types or cool ways they would like to existing game types implimented into an Archwing game type, let me know! ^_^

    if a thread like this has already been done and i'm not aware, please let me know and link it! :)

  10. Selling MAX Hornet Strike starting at 250p, willing to haggle if you need to. ^_^
    i can be an understanding gent. :3

    PM me your offers, i check my messages more often than thread replies. c:

  11. First and foremost THANKS TEAM! Sorry for frustration but hey, if you will create something this addictive.... :)


    As to controllers, i havent gotten to Archwing yet, but as to power menu, it seems to have issues ignoring the underlying bindings (with place marker on B if you hold the ability shift B will still place a marker) - i wont be using but i felt it only fair to try it and hope it will be smoothed out in future patches.

    i don't blame you for being so passionate about the issue, us controller users get undermined in a lot of pc games by the "elitist" keyboard / mouse players, so it can feel like we are group of people that don't get as much merit to the developers sometimes, but clearly DE does value us controller users after all, seeing as the most recent hotfix seemed to focus a lot on our controller issues.

    but yeah, you're right about the B button issue, did the same thing (made the B button mapped to 'Place Marker'), i can confirm that it DOES conflict with the power shift function. i would like to mess around with that feature, as it does seem like it could be a cool feature if it was more customizable and didn't have as many conflicts such as this. once these issues are fixed though, i'll be more open to using it myself, but until then i'll stick with using the d-pad buttons as the abilities themselves. :)

  12. Um... why reload key is still at button 'X'? before the U15, reload key is Button 'B'. and now I can't change it.

    i believe they are still keeping the activate and reload buttons the same button, which has a few flaws to it (like activating a lazer in void defense when you want to reload)


    however, DEJim was saying that their team was looking into possibly being able to give the option soon to switch back to reload and activate being 2 buttons again, and making it an option for people who like the functions being combined to keep it that way to have more space on the controller for a spare funtion to be assigned.

    i personally don't mind it being the same button, i've actually gotten used to it, and now i have room on my controller to assign Alt-Fire to a button, however i can understand why people have a problem with it.



    And I'm at the archwing mission, I can't use my archwing power because the LB button is setting 'Descend' and I can't change it.


    This seems to be the only MAJOR problem with controlling archwing for me, i hope that soon they are able to make the "decend" function assignable to any button, because i think that since the 'A' button is default for "Ascend" i would like to be able to assign the 'B' button to be "Decend".


    i feel like those are the 2 issues a lot of controller users now want to be addressed, but on the brightside; for now we can at least remap our buttons again, so that alone is a leap in the right direction. clearly DE is looking into adding more functions for controller users and they obviously want us to be able to customize the experience as much as we would like, but it seems that means that we have to bear through the issues that we have for the time being until they are able to properly fix them. hopefully they address this soon, but for now, at least we can play with our control schemes almost how they used to be. :)

  13. i'm glad it only took a day to test out the new feature for controllers, thanks DE_Steve for heeding our call, there are still a few minor things controller users would probably like added (full controller support in menus and such), but for now, this is fine for me, as long as i can remap the controls, i can play WARFRAME once more. thanks for not ignoring your controller using audience, even though we are looked down upon by most keyboard and mouse players for the dumbest reasons. even if you guys are known for having bugs every major update, you at least listen to your fanbase and are open to change things if the majority of people want it changed. i'm happy, and even though there are still plenty of bugs to be fixed, i can at least enjoy my time playing the game once again! ^_^

    i honestly didn't expect things to change back so soon, so i am pleased with your diligence on the matter DE employees!
    i'm off to finally play some archwing! :3

  14. was about to rush my archwing so I could get into it. Dodged a bullet there since I cant play with the current controller layout.  Won't be playing until the issue is fixed.

    i wish i wouldn't have rushed my archwing -_-

    but back before the first hotfix it was still possible for me to remap my buttons back to the way i had them before, after i hit the default button to mess about with them again, i couldn't go back, so that really screwed me over.

    i really am hoping this whole thing gets sorted soon enough, because i'm really excited for U15, but i find 3rd person games very uncomfortable with a keyboard/mouse, and usually only do that with first person or puzzle games, so controller is all i'm really used to at all when it comes to WARFRAME. so i'm with you lot when it comes to not being able to enjoy the cool stuff in the update until the controllers are at least able to be remapped once again. glad the devs are at least talking to us about it and addressing the problem in some fashion. it really is a big deal to some players that can make or break the game in some cases. ill be checking back daily for a hotfix of some sort where this is all better and patched up hopefully.

  15. Emergency extraction boundaries in Archwing missions need to be larger or more defined. I was seriously just a bit below a control tower in an interception mission and I got extracted. 

    actually, that is a bug that all grineer Archwing missions currently have, if you want to play Archwing missions right now, you have to play Corpus Exterminate or Corpus Sabotage Archwing missions. currently those are the only non-bugged ones. if you go to region chat, you'll see everyone talking about the bugs they're having, so i assure you that isn't a boundary problem meant to be in the missions, that's just a bug that is populating the grineer missions. hope that cleared things up a bit for ya m8.

    cheers, and pray to the almighty Red Text for another hotfix for this issue soon.

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