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Posts posted by Trapkid

  1. Hey guys,

    Im not sure how to call this bug, I call it ghost bug cause it makes me feel like Im a ghost and I cant interact with anything while in a mission. Happened to me many times thats why I decided to finally post it. I can fall out of map and stay there without getting teleported back to map, I cant open caches, cant pick stuff (ayatan stars, mobile defense datamass, ammo), basically im taking and dealing damage but I cant do anything else. I leave you some screenshots. I dont know if anyone had the same problem, is it a well known bug (currently being fixed) or maybe devs doesnt know about it yet but its pissing me off especially when my carrier trying to vacuum ammo and the sound of picking ammo is stuck on replay till the mission end, really annoying brainwashing stuff.

    Screen 1   Screen 2   Screen 3

  2. Hey guys,

    I have a question about syndicates you have minus reputation with.

    My Syndicate standing >HERE<


    Thats how my standing looks like I kinda messed it up cause i had no idea how it works, now i wanna fix it and get reputation with Hexis and Suda. Can you tell me how can I do it? I clicked initiate but I get no syndicate alerts from either of these 2, just Meridian and Veil pops up, also cant buy any sigil of Hexis and Suda. What can I do now? Am I screwed or is there a way to fix that?

  3. Hey guys,

    Im not sure if thats so important but I just found out that the most popular build for Tigris Prime made by Godlliam is set to 3 formas but it actually need just 1 forma. Maybe you should fix this buddy :)

    The build >HERE<


  4. Hey guys,

    Is anyone working in Warframe Support team? I posted a ticket 7days ago about changing my email nobody answer. I posted a new one yesterday and same, no answer. This is the worst support I've ever met... Can anyone help me?

  5. Then I dont understand why is it only me, thought everyone else have same bugs, maybe cause my game was installed through steam? I dont know. (But of course many other people play through steam just like me.)

    This is a screenshot of Chat Tab bug, I cant do anything here, only move mouse coursor (mouse click not working, keyboard not working, nothing.) alt+f4 needed.

    Screen: http://i.imgur.com/1o5RMlU.jpg

    And as you can see there is a free spot between Trading and some other player who pmed me. Its happening like all the time when Im closing PM chat tabs, well not 100% of the time but like 80%, realy annoying thing ;/

    And yes I know I have to press Offer it even says "Specify items for trade and then press Offer" or something like that ^^ I always do that dont worry Im not a noob :D But that day I posted this topic nobody could see my offered items I was even pressing Accept Trade and nothing. But it was just that one day, never had that bug before or after. Cant say the same thing about chat tabs, bugging all the damn time, even now, I came here to write this post only because it happened again and I had to close the game...

  6. Dear Warframe,

    Here is my list of bugs that you should fix long time ago:

    - When you Whisper with someone and you close the chat tab it bugs and you cant do anything. Cant type in chat, cant close chat, cant use keyboard at all, all you can do is move your mouse, and thats it, game restart needed.

    - Sometimes when you press esc and navigate the game menu, same thing happening you cant exit the menu, cant move or do anything (cant play), game restart needed.

    - Today I had an awesome maxed serration offer (150p) and guess what, I couldnt trade it cause when I put my platinum in trade tab the other guy couldnt see them. Even game restart doesnt help, nothing I still cant trade with anyone cause they dont see my offers, this is the most disturbing sh** that could actualy happen.

    Please guys, those bugs are here for a long time and they are realy the priority to fix in my opinion not to mention "Failed to join session" whenever you invite someone to Dojo or Mission. Realy guys stop thinking about new contests or market discounts, fix the game first. Thank you.

    Sincerely, a gamer.

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