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Posts posted by willowy_

  1. I prefer an all-around build on trin, but I also have a bless/link and ev build should I need them...


    All-Around   \/


    EV   \/



    My Bless build is just the all-around build with a rank 5 narrow minded in place of intensify.

  2. To address the root of the discussion, Warframe currently has some problems at it's core that are holding it back from being better than what it is.

    -The main issue is the fact that the game lacks the ability to pull people in past a certain point, as stated, this is caused by a lack of tutorials and explanations to new players.

    -It also is undeniably poorly marketed, other than occasional Youtube ads or Wikia banners, I can't even recall a time I have seen an ad for the game

    While this is true, DE has been moving in the right direction, with this like the Natah and Second dream. And the tutorials they have added recently have been effective. And people agree on that.    \/

    1 hour ago, AJotr said:

    The Parkour V2 tutorial is EXACTLY the kind of Training / Tutorials of which we need a great many more for the other parts of the game.

    These are fundamental problems with Warframe and really the only thing stopping them from being solved is DE just simply not doing anything, but again, they have been starting to work towards solutions. And you could go on for hours about how to implement or structure these tutorials to make them the best they can be, the simple fact is anything is better then what we have now. Whether you think Warframe can or should "kill" AAA games or not, it is undeniable that Warframe can be better in some basic aspects, and that more work in these areas can and will make Warframe an all-around better game.

  3. This is definitely an interesting and well developed idea that clearly has some love behind it. I definitely like the switching aspect, all be it a little similar to equinox. I would recommend changing the passive's slash proc to puncture though (mainly because puncture is underused and slash is a bit overused+it would make more sense for something being poked to be punctured rather than slashed). The main problem that I can foresee though, is this guy being a bit to complicated for some people. A good warframe to look at to gauge complexity is equinox. They have a fair bit of complexities and that made some people not particularly fond of them and I think that would be a bit of a problem here as well. But I think Amixus being built off of these complexities does in a way mend this problem.

    The only other thing I could see being an issue is his concept being a bit similar to Inaros and Atlas, and I doubt that many people would spring at the idea of another ground-based frame especially when the frame we just got is in the ground variety.

    But overall this is definitely a good idea that should get some attention.

  4. I've noticed that the setting re-enables on restart as well. But on the topic of it not doing anything, I found that it was riding up the cpu usage of Warframe to very high levels. Warframe coupled with my other frequently run processes generally used 45-55% of the cpu. But when i had high shader quality on, it would raise the usage up to 80-90%. I made Warframe frequently stutter, yet I saw no marked graphical improvement. This may just be the result of my pc having trouble running intensive things, but it is a little annoying having to alter the setting every time I try to play the game.

  5. I've had this problem too. As far as I know, this is brought on by switching weapons at strange times i.e. the same frame as a stagger registers. I don't think there's an immediate fix though, so I would just try and only switch to the staticor when there isn't much happening around you.

  6. So I was doing the last mission of the Inaros quest, after i completed the objective I realized I should have been scanning the guys, so I decided to restart the mission. However when i got to my ship, the vessel was gone from my inventory. It's still sitting next to my codex though and the quest is still active. But I can't do the quest because i need the vessel equipped.

    What should I do?


    Update, in the most recent hotfix DE mentioned solving some problems related to the quest in the next upcoming hotfix.

  7. I was looking through my codex and i noticed that kubrow dens were undiscovered for me. So i went to Earth to scan them and when i tried to, it said that the codex entry was complete. and it still has undiscovered in the codex. Im positive its the kubrow den im looking at because the only other objects i dont have scans of are rare and reinforced containers. I also tried scanning the dens with Helios and still nothing. If you know a way of fixing this please let me know.

  8. As one of the scrubs who threw plat at the game when he started, I don't really understand the issue. How exactly does entitlement get into this? Why are the grinders more entitled than cash spenders? And what's with the "we limit you for your own good" mentality? First of all, many people don't have the time to grind the stuff, myself included. Hell, I bought Nyx/Nova prime, as well as Mirage, Zephyr and Mesa, not to mention a small mountain of potatoes. If I chose to grind for them, I'd still be at it today (and I started over a year ago). Second, do I feel like the game is not worth playing any more now that I got the best stuff that I can have? Hell no, I just skipped the worst part of any f2p game, the power curve. Now I can actually have fun playing with the proper guns instead of the starter and mid-curve garbage. I wouldn't even want to touch that stuff with a barge pole. That's the reason I'm not going near the Archwing, I don't want to go through the curve from nothing to powerhouse once again.


    And third, in a financial sense, this suggestion makes none. "Spend time or spend money" is the cornerstone of f2p, not "spend time, then money". If you can't afford something, then grind, if someone can afford something and doesn't mind paying don't get your ego in a knot. That player has exactly the same entitlement as you.

    The problem isn't as much about people who buy things and keep going in the game and try new things, its more about people who buy high tier gear at the start and either never try any other gear while neglecting mastery or just drop the game. I understand not having the time to grind for things and for that ive skipped some items as a whole. Buying plat and prime access are great ways to support DE it's just people are missing out on key features of the game like mastery progression because they can buy top tier stuff and never need to do anything else, where as if you do chose to try new things, then your actually experiencing the game at its fullest. It's people who dont chose to try new things in the game that are the problem.

  9. Mod set up? Really? So that maxed Serration, Heavy Cal, Split Chamber, Hellfire, Stormbringer, Infected Clip, Cryo Rounds, and Shred can fit in a noobs UNFORMA'D gun? Face it, if an unforma'd gun that's in newb hands is doing better or equivalent against an experienced player's tatered/forma'd gun, the last thing you need to worry about is how and when they got that gun and actually worry about the skill that you should have acquired and tempered to mean much more than equipment. Also, was talking to the other guy.


    For the last part, it IS limiting options, for better or for worse, there's no other way to cut it. The argument about people leaving because they have god tier guns which would lead to no room for growth and/or boredom enough to quit the game? It's stupid because it could be said about the other side of the coin. Having weak guns can put people off enough to quit. This game isn't catered to one person's lifestyle, some people work all the time, and this "no effort" thing you are talking about? The effort is the money they made to buy plats, it may not be easy to see but it's there.

    I knew you were talking to the other guy, i was just trying to clear things up at parts you didn't understand (clearly didn't help considering you are just repeating yourself). Besides, boltor p and rhino p were just examples, not the only thing new players tend to gravitate towards. Also the fact that you think I formaed the boltor p practically makes me laugh, I know you think im stupid(with the great reason of me saying i was unhappy when i worked for something and someone else just bought there way to it) but really? You didn't even know if i formaed the boltor p or not and you automatically assumed I did? It's becoming obvious your posting more out of stubbornness rather then giving constructive criticism, because you can't accept that people may have a different viewpoint then you. I agree with Razzburiez about you.

  10. You do know that guy is supporting the game more then you really are dont? The great thing about this game is people can just play the game and get 99% of the stuff in it or pay for it and support what i see as one of the best game companies out there. Wow so this thread must be from the past as the rhino prime access was almost a year past... sounds strange, either way i dont care that much. What i find annoying is the certain rise of the brat player that cant let people just have their stuff and want to exclude or limit people on MR. If it wasnt for founders and early players this game wouldnt be here (bought with real money) show some respect and control when saying things please.

    I'm not sure you really know what I meant by this post, I wasn't trying to attack founders in any way. What I meant by saying noobs are buying good gear instead of earning it was that they were getting plat and trading for the parts, because prime access and plat purchases are a good way to help DE grow, what im saying is that there should be a system for moderating what people who basically just started playing the game can and can't have. Top tier gear should not be obtainable without effort of some kind. And Rhino Prime was just an example not the only warframe with this problem

  11. So i was running Sechura and i found a mastery 0 Rhino Prime with the boltor prime and i got to thinking about how you should have actually had to play the game some before you can get some of the best gear in it


    When people get top tier gear so early on in the game its bad for everyone, people who have worked long and hard to get their stuff feel like they are just wasting time, when a noob sees it they are encouraged to buy the gear as well, and the noob who got the gear is affected the most, they no longer want to explore new weapon options or even try to play the game in new ways.


    For example, when i got the boltor prime (at rank 12) i was so happy because i had farmed for it for at least a month. But on about the 3rd mission i used it on i saw a rank 1 using it with almost the exact same results i had.


    So how is this fixable?

    The first step of this is unavoidable, and its mastery locking things. The reason for this is pretty much self explanatory

    Some optional things are

    -making it so you have to have gotten a weapon to at least lvl 15 before you can use its prime version

    -making it so prime and syndicate weapons stats are better depending on mastery 

    If things like this dont happen then there would have to be a lot of balancing

  12. I was talking to a few friends of mine and we started thinking about the raid that happens during a survival......

    We came up with some ideas and decided it could probably be a functioning mission type.

    so here's what we came up with:


    It would be a stealth oriented mission where you would raid a vault or resource ship of sorts where you sneak around and avoid patrolling guards. Stealth wouldn't needed to be used but utilizing stealth would help greatly. There would be certain doors that would close on an alarm.


    You could raid crates and there would be varied rewards based on the faction of which you are raiding



    Corpus: Feldron, Corpus related resources, or even new weapon blueprints

    Grineer: Detonite injectors, Grineer related resources, or new weapon blueprints

    Infested: New mutalist items, or items respective of the ship or bases original faction before infestation

    Void: Prime parts, or maybe even papers or documents that could expose lore or lead to a quest of sorts


    Also rare crates would be more likely to spawn in this mission


    The system would work something like this,

    You would sneak around and when you find a crate you could look inside and see whats in there.

    To prevent people from being able to get massive amounts of resources there would be a encumberment system.

    For example a rarer item, such as a prime part, would take a lot more capacity rather then a normal resource.

    There could probably even be mods to increase your carry capacity. You would then sneak back to your ship and extract.


    This mission would work as alerts for the normal factions and exceedingly rare keys for void.

    The alerts wouldn't be super rare, but probably on the level of a helmet blueprint alert or a little bit rarer.

    This is entirely because of the high rewards for the mission and so the system could not be abused to get high amounts of rare items/resources.


    New tilesets could be developed for this mission type to make it function better.


    This is about all that we came up with and I'm pretty happy with it

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