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(XBOX)ampu chan

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Posts posted by (XBOX)ampu chan

  1. We are slaughterhouse and we are looking for recruits, new and old players who really want to rock the top of the ranks. we are serious clan with a full dojo. but we don't we don't want slackers. We are willing to teach and train. We're also looking for people in PVP and farmers. As for GT: ampu chan and I play between 10 AM to 7 PM possibly 11 PM to 3 AM


  2. I was saving up ash prime parts and either today or yesterday i go to sell them and they are no where to be found. I haven try to make or even really touch then until now.

  3. Hi DE!

    A frequent bug we get with my friends on Xbox One is being stuck in the ship.

    By this, we mean being in the ship with any button press working, so we can't do anything.

    (button menu not working, nor the vote button)

    It can happen any time while on the navigation, in the arsenal, in the mods ... or just waiting for the others to be ready.

    If it happens, the only choice we have is ask the others to launch a mission and its timer or quit the game and restart it.

    This bug is quite painfull since it is relatively frequent (a few times in the group every evening) and we don't know yet a workaround to avoid it.

    Thanks for your work!

    Indeed i get stuck when i change my mods on my secondary gun. And when that happens i have to use thepause menu to hopefuly get out

  4. Once you see 14.5 back out of the game, on the big warframe tile click menu and chose quit.


    Then cold boot your console by holding down power button on console for 5 secs until it turns off. Wait until it is fully powered down and then turn it on.


    Fire up Warframe and it should do a normal xbox game update for it.


    If you have your consoles power and startup settings to auto update games try turning it off and try again. Even try turning it on and try again.


    My settings are energy save mode and mine updated just by starting the game.



    This helped


    Thanx love 1 angry gamer


  5. A lot of the Login rewards are XP for existing gear, not items themselves. The images are admittedly a bit deceiving in what's actually going on. Example, in one image it shows you a picture of a secondary but the text says "Secondary Weapon XP". Can you think of any rewards that may have been just a misunderstanding?

    I think the deathcube but now i will pay more attention

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