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Posts posted by (XBOX)Sketchy77

  1. if they wanted to add new missions they should put it in the store so ppl could choose to buy it and waste their time downloading it, instead of making it a requirement for thoses who wouldn't have bought it any way

    Except its a free update that adds free content, not a paid DLC. Plus have you never heard of compatibility issues? Almost all multiplayer games require users wanting to play the game in multiplayer(or at all) to have the latest build of the game.

  2. Ok dumb dumb shutup now an let us whine a bit more

    Here is some food for thought.


    If you like the game, and are mad because you can't play a game you like, then maybe you should at least show some respect to the company who MADE the game you like.


    If you don't like the game/aren't overly fond of it, then why are you even bothered? Just skip out and play a different game, problem solved. 

  3. Cause If it wasnt for our constant whining you wouldnt be able to play the dang game so shutup.

    I can't play the game, I'm unable to download the update like everyone else. If and when the game is fixed, its not going to be because you whined and posted a new comment every 3 minutes, sorry to burst your bubble.

  4. and a punk @$$ kid defending the company that made the F*** up. Dont know abput you but i like my days off work to be fun of playing the game instead of bullS#&$ that cant properly be handled.

    I'm not defending the company, they obviously messed up hard, but whining like a bunch of 8 year old's is childish and immature and serves no purpose but to make you look like idiots. I like a lot of you have played the game since release, I purchased platinum, and poured 100 hours+ into the game. I'm not happy either but I also know whining like a toddler serves no purpose and that not being able to play Warframe for 2 days won't bring about the apocalypse.

  5. The amount of whining in this thread is unbelievable. You sound like a bunch of spoilt 8-year old brats who didn't get the Christmas presents they wanted and are having a tantrum.


    They are doing what they can to fix the problem. It's been less than 2 days, calm down and learn some patience. Sure, the situation isn't ideal, I'd love to be playing Warframe right now, but I'm not whining about it and posting new messages every 3 minutes.

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