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Posts posted by SneachtOra

  1. Just the title, mostly. Some enemies such as Denial Bursas or enemy Spectres have an attack that blinds players, causing the screen to instantly flash to white. Blinding isn't a very fun mechanic in games, but in this case, the issue is mostly that it is so instant, and that it instantly switches to an extremely bright screen.

    This blind is uncomfortable for most players, and can be genuinely painful for people with sensitivity to bright lights or colours. Most other games have changed blinds, for greater accessibility and less discomfort for players, and it would be really nice if Warframe would finally follow suit as well.

    The blind itself isn't much of an issue, but that it is represented by a white screen is an extreme accessibility issue, only offset by the mechanic being very rare. As someone with photo-sensitivity, I genuinely feel some anxiety when I play missions that I know that this mechanic can appear in, and do my best to avoid them.
    Even if the only change was switching the colour of the screen from white, to a lightish-dark grey (similar to the colour that Discord's Dark Mode is by default, for example), it would be a huge improvement.

    There are also some enemies with extremely bright attacks, like Bombards and Napalm units, who could be addressed as well in the same vein.

    Again, the mechanic itself isn't really an issue, it's mostly just that the game literally flashbangs you irl when it happens.

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  2. I think this is a really good idea that would make Aegis Storm more usable, its Shield drain is very high, and Shields are also Hildryn's main defense, and firing the Balefire drains them as well. That Aegis Storm has such a heavy drain, coupled with not being able to use Hildryn's only shield-restore ability while its active, makes Aegis Storm impossible to use a lot of the time, especially in high-level missions.

    Honestly, if they do do this, I'd also love for the Balefire to get some attention too, it  wasn't that great when it released, and has only gotten worse as the game evolves. It has high base damage, but every other stat is low, so it doesn't scale much at all.

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  3. The Scintillant farm is still a huge pain-point, on Deimos. Scintillant has a random chance to be in the Isolation vaults in a random location, or to drop from bounties (with the best method being to simply repeat the first stage of the bounty repeatedly, like with how aya used to be).
    Part of what makes pity systems such as those that Liches or recent frames have, work, is that, when running the mission, even if you do not get what you want, you are still making some progress toward your goal. Scintillant cannot be bought from the syndicate, meaning that it is the very opposite of those systems. If you did not get a Scintillant, you made no progress, it is effectively a slot machine where you either get it, or get nothing, which makes farming it feel particularly soul-crushing when a player gets repeatedly unlucky and Scintillant does not spawn for them. Scintillant is also known to be buggy, and to not appear for certain players in multiplayer missions.
    It was mentioned that the team plans to review Necramech acquisition on Deimos soon, and I was wondering if, while doing so, they could also review how players acquire Scintillant, and maybe make it a more guaranteed reward, or available in more ways.
    I am writing this as i have just come off of 2 hours of farming Scintillant, just to make no progress at all toward the end goal. The missions did not feel fun or engaging, and knowing that every time I did not get what i was looking for, I had effectively accomplished nothing and wasted my time, as I had made no progress toward acquiring any Scintillant, felt extremely soul-crushing, and has made me just not enjoy my experience at all.

  4. On 2024-04-15 at 5:33 PM, sh0shin said:

    It is like sh*tty Tennokai now, yeah... As someone who invested in their Titron after Slam buffs, these changes can feck off. They could've just cut the damage in half and it'd still perform worse than the Magistar Incarnon slam builds. Whatever, power creep and new content are more important. Screw my Forma and potato.

    I feel your pain, I do hope they go back and reconsider the changes to it.

  5. On 2024-04-13 at 3:50 PM, owendawgx said:

    After a lot of testing, I think that it is in a much better place than it was immediately after the nerf, but I could also see the argument for a further increase to its slam damage multiplier. I don't think it needs to be multiplicative though. 

    If you're having trouble making it feel really good, I recommend using Melee Influence. The Arca Titron is probably the single best user of Melee Influence in the entire game now (bar maybe something like the Xoris.) 

    You can run a Corrosive build and still proc influence thanks to the guaranteed electric procs from slams (including those in combos,) and if you run Weeping Wounds you can basically spread 10-stack Corrosive to every thing while getting periodic electric procs from slams. Emerald shards obviously improve this even further. 

    The reason I could see an increase to the slam damage multiplier being nice is in the case that anything changes with Melee Influence. I don't think anything needs to change with Melee Influence, as its just a unique build option that typically struggles against really high-level armor, and only functions in really high enemy density. The Arca Titron is also one of the only weapons that can do the Corrosive build I mentioned above without a specific Warframe buff from Saryn or Lavos (I believe the Xoris can do this too.) 

    Overall I think the Arca Titron is better than it ever has been right now thanks to Melee Influence. If Influence were to ever change I think the Titron would need another buff to compete, but I think Influence is completely fine in the game currently as it offers a unique alternative to the must-proc-slash method of building melee that we've been relying on for years. I also like how Influence interacts with certain weapon gimmicks like the Titrons in really cute ways. Its fun and allows for different builds! 


    I agree! I really like Influence, but at the same time, I don't feel like Arca Titron itself should be balanced around being able to use Influence in that way. Influence itself is fine imo, it's one of my favourite melee builds currently, and it works on pretty much any weapon! You don't need one with a base electricity mechanic, but it can make it stronger. If you like Influence, I'd recommend using it on weapons like Fragor or other weapons that have good status but no slash to take advantage of it. You have less single target damage, but damaging multiple enemies at once makes up for it. Titron's electricity makes it a good user of Influence, and Influence itself is so strong that I can see the argument that Influence currently makes Titron the strongest it has been, but personally, I don't feel like the weapon is as fun to use as it was before.

    And I do agree, Titron is definitely in a better place than it was immediately after the original nerf, but I do feel like it lost some of its identity in the recent buff afterwards, and that the buff makes the weapon stronger, but less fun overall. I nearly feel like I would've rathered it kept its janky stance mechanics, if it meant that it was going to get transformed into something completely different than it originally was in the aftermath of it kind of pretty randomly getting nerfed, with very little justification provided for why it needed to be nerfed.
    Thank you for the advice though! I do appreciate it.

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  6. I'm not entirely sure where to post this topic, but I feel like this is probably the right place?
    I really like the changes to most things in this patch, it seems really nice, but as someone who used the Arca Titron before any of the general slam changes, or changes to its functionality that were done recently, I can't help but feel that these changes really miss the mark on the issue with the hammer now. Before, the idea with Arca Titron was that you would kill 10 enemies, and earn a large explosion that dealt overkill damage to everything in range, and then spend a short while using it as a regular hammer again to earn the large slam again, kind of like a more extreme example of how Incarnons work, where they offer an obscene amount of fleeting power, in exchange for needing to be charged beforehand. Needing 10 enemies for the biggest boom meant that you couldn't spam it, and the slam was strong enough that it really felt like you earned it, even if the weapon wasn't incredibly strong in most settings.

    The main issues that Arca Titron have had were that it had some serious usability issues and frustrations due to losing charges on some combo attacks, leading to players having to cancel attacks early to avoid wasting the slam buffs, and after the general slam buffs, that it could reach some very very big numbers a bit too easily. The changes to Arca Titron have been really disappointing, in my opinion, at least. The changes to its usability were amazing, no complaints there, the hammer is very fun now in that regard, but the changes to its slam have felt really bad. The change to Additive instead of Multiplicative damage hit it really hard, to the point where it felt like the main point of the slam buff wasn't the damage, but just that the capacitor increased your slam range, and plenty of enemies were now capable of surviving the slam, even at just regular Steel Path levels and missions. This patch now "fixes" that issue, in a way, as the slam capacitor is now much easier to fill, but it just... feels worse, now. The lower cap encourages you to spam it as soon as you get it, and 5 kills for the slam is an extremely low amount, and the issue with its damage wasnt addressed as it will only be slightly higher than it was before this patch, tankier enemies will still survive it. This patch has solved the issue of Arca Titron having low damage for the investment it requires to deal that damage, not by increasing its damage, but by just encouraging players to spam the slam twice as often, which will make it stronger, but it doesn't make the hammer feel fun to use, or as unique as it did before. Now, the only unique attribute its slam has is its range, pretty much, but other slam weapons like Pangolin don't require any set-up, and deal far more damage then Arca Titron does.

    I don't personally see how, rewarding players for using Arca Titron at 10 stacks, was an issue, but I can understand that, due to how strong its old damage stacking was, you could simply kill one enemy between slams, and spam it, for very strong damage, albeit with a shorter range than a fully stacked slam capacitor. I feel like, instead of lowering the damage but increasing its spamability, it would be a healthier and more thematic change to keep the old 10 stacks required for maximum buffs, but make it so you can only consume your slam charges when at 10 stacks, and rebuffing the stacks to be some form of multiplicative scaling (it doesn't have to be as extreme as before, but I personally wouldn't see it as being problematic if the hammer dealt the same damage as before, it didn't encourage idle play or dominate the meta in any way, even in its strongest state), so that the hammer fully leans into its original design philosophy, offering an obscene amount of fleeting power, in exchange for needing to be charged beforehand, which I, at least personally, feel is the more fun and unique design for the weapon. It would limit player options, by forcing them to fully charge the hammer to benefit from its unique attribute, rather than being able to use up their charges at any time for a diminished effect, but I feel that it is probably the ideal middle-ground for it, now that slams in general have been buffed. Keeping the buffs to its usability by not having attack combos consume slam capacitor charges would really finally make the weapon fully embody the concept that it was meant to on release, but that it has always been held back from by bugs, or changes that just slightly miss the mark. Arca Titron's history can really be summarised as always being one step forward, and one step back, but I really feel like this is a great chance for the weapon to finally be in a really good spot.

    The Arca Titron in its current state isn't weak, really, it still is one of the only hammers with a strong enough slash weighting and high enough status chance to reliably proc bleed, and the general slam buffs do mean that the slam will kill most fodder enemies in its range, but it really feels like the Arca Titron has lost its identity as the slam hammer, and what made it fun to use, and is now just a decent, but kind of generic weapon.

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