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(XBOX)crazy shinobii

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Posts posted by (XBOX)crazy shinobii

  1. will how it happened i was going to kill my Kuva Thralls all of a sudden became unkillable  night wave came up and glass apperd and i could not kill it it life bar stay grayed for the in tire match and would instant kill my frame it only happened once so far 

  2. Cant join random people even if it says 100 people in open squads or joning  to alerts  or connecting to friends host not found few sydacate missions  i started gor exaple doing mobile def the pad in the ground so have to restart the sydacate fragments are in the ground also or be hind some locked doors there should be a buttion of the arkwing flying so you have to hold to fly fast instead of it being locked in place 

  3. hello me and my lotus clan are having trouble with the stalker dropping items just wandering if you can have some one look into hem for us please and thank you and I ran into into few bugs playing survival on Saturn and when I revived it tossed me out side the ship and had a problem getting points is said I got an error when I tried to buy 10$ worth of platinum but it went though the second time so you know

  4. I just came across this really odd bug well it happened like this I log-in to the game got my rewards and went to my arsenal and I looked down to see if I had any revives and I don't still says I have 0/4 so that you might wanted to know this problem

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