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Posts posted by DeucedXS

  1. Corrosive permanently removes 25% of enemy armor when it procs, and the effect can stack until armor is completely removed.


    High level Grineer generally have very high armor values which means high levels of damage reduction, therefore the utility value of corrosive is sometimes recommended over straight damage bonuses in radiation and viral.


    But you really only need to worry about this in high tier void or Lv30+ planet missions. Rad + Viral is perfectly fine in low-mid game missions.

  2. Intensify is generally quite useless on Zephyr as most of her offensive skills do next to no damage. Those skills are better used for CC or movement.


    I build Zephyr in two 2 ways: around Turbulence (for near invincibility) and speed.



    Intensify, fast deflection and vitality are less valuable here because you would ideally not be taking damage.

    Swap them out for Constitution/Narrow Minded for more duration, and Overextended/Stretch for debuff range. Stack those mods (if you have them) for better effects.


    Speed Run:

    Generally the same as a Turbulence build.

    Add in Rush and Fleeting Expertise (less cost for more Tailwind, less duration for more controllable Tailwind).

  3. You should edit, it's A-N and not A-Z

    Limbo : already has a minor speed boost in the rift, like everybody, 20%.

    Mesa :  already has a passiv no ? or they blasted it ?

    Mirage : already has a passiv

    Nova : suggestion doesn't make sense to me...

    Zephyr : totally agree, what is the point of having less gravity if you have to recover when you land ? like i have to recover when i go down the stairs...


    My suggestion :

    exca : each successive melee kill should increase his melee damage for a duration, each new stack refresh the whole stacks (with a max amount of stacks of course)

    Trinity : i thought about something like "every time she uses an ability, close teamate get a % of the energy she used to cast"

    Oops. Thx for noticing, fixed!

    Limbo: Didn't know that, thanks for clarifying! Removed my suggestion.

    Mesa: yeah it was stated in the same stream that an overeager coder had coded the ideas, and they had to be pulled.

    Mirage: adding quicker recovery from knockdown on top of existing passives. It doesn't make much sense to me that she can do everything faster, but not recover faster after downed.

    Nova: I'm kinda lost on this one too. I didn't want to add any status buffs/enemy debuffs to her already powerful skillset. But those generators coming out of her body and head do suggest that she can generate energy/matter, hence the passive suggestion :/


    Excal: Nup. I explicitly wanted to avoid direct damage buffs to avoid power creep and setting damage-increasing precedents (buff one, and the forum will demand similar buffs to other frames).

    Trinity: Nup. That's what EV does, and a passive shouldn't overlap with a skill. Also, such a buff is redundant to a good EV build.

  4. Prelude:

    The floodgate invitation for Warframe passives is open:


    Design Philosophy

    My philosophy in suggesting Warframe passives is that the passives should evoke the frame's theme by applying mechanically unique changes, and only resort to statistical changes (and preferably non-damage/DPS changes) where mechanical changes become less feasible.


    This is to limit any ramifications of power creep, while encouraging players to adopt a certain playstyle that suits the Warframe's theme.





    Increased weapon holstering speed.

    Decreased threat level with melee equipped.



    Innate limited enemy radar (~5m). Stacks with mod powers.



    Fixed duration movement speed buff on skill cast. Speed buff amount based on percentage of energy used plus flat base bonus.



    Enables stance combos 1 and 2 in quick attacks, without the damage/stamina effects.



    Innate Coolant Leak.



    Change enemy grunts and death grunts while being grabbed by Tentacle Swarm

    Stamina boost

    Grants player the title of 'Captain' and the Black Pearl

    Innate minor Rapid Resilience (reduced status duration) [courtesy to DeckChairVonBananaCamel for the suggestion]

    Increased ability damage to enemies/frames of the opposite gender [courtesy to BaconDragon42]



    Unlimited range enemy radar for enemies in the rift, while in the rift.



    Increased enemy accuracy speed debuff while sprinting.



    Innate short-ranged Vacuum (preferably for ammo only).

    Reduced shield recharge delay. Slightly increased shield regen rate, stackkable with mods.



    Further increased weapon holstering speed.

    Minor buffs to secondary reload, accuracy and recoil reduction. Emphasis on minor.



    Increased Warframe action speed - climbing, recovering while downed(minor Handspring/Constitution), recovering from jumps, on top of everything she already has.




    Innate minor Undying Will effect (reduced bleedout rate).

    (Alt)Gain 0.5 HP and 0.2 Energy by walking over a corpse. Effective once per corpse.



    Minor Energy Siphon (0.1-0.2 per sec).



    Decreased threat level.



    Forced rainbow colour correction theme

    Automatically friend players in the party

    Innate minor resist Knockdown (Sure Footed/Fortitude) [courtesy to BaconDragon42]

    Minor HP regen up to 10% of max HP while idling. Can activate after 33% max HP lost, and after 33% of max HP is lost between each use.



    Increase threat level in a small area while casting Rhino Charge and Roar. Then increase armor (by a small amount) based on the number of enemies affected times number of players in the party.



    Innate minor Rapid Resilience (reduced status duration)



    Increased revive speed. Increased being revived speed.



    Gains a stack of minor movement speed buff on kill which accumulates to a cap. Stacks decay constantly.



    Increased ammo capacity for all weapons.

    Innate minor ammo scavenger effect (extra ammo pickups)



    Converts % of energy used to a % of current weapon's maximum clip size, if the weapon is an energy weapon.

    (I.e. 10% of 25 energy cost adds ammo = to 2.5% of current weapon's maximum clip size)



    What she currently has + remove landing animation. Jumps (regardless of height) no longer interrupts reloading animations and such on landing.


    I follow a few rules when designing passives:

    No direct damage increases - passive should not increase weapon or skill damage, ever. The ramifications of power creep is too strong.

    Minimize number of indirect damage increases (through RoF, reload speed increases).

    I don't want to mess with elemental resistances since the next logical move would be elemental weaknesses. I.e. Frost is weak against fire, Ember weak against Cold etc.


    Suggestions discussions comments personal attacks/professional criticisms are welcome.

  5. Turbulence benefits greatly from power range against hitscan. I warmly suggest to replace narrow minded with stretch and replace fleeting expertise with flow, so that there is no power duration drawback (streamline+flow is the best energy-wise combo you can get without fleeting expertise).


    I don't suggest adding positive power strength mods because as you tested the speed increase is applied on base speed (before rush).

    I only ever use this build for Cap/Sab/Spy missions where I don't have to deal with enemies so power range is a secondary concern to speed.

    I do build for range and duration in my utility build though (updated 1st post with build)


    No speed boost aura?

    Updated 1st post.

    I do, but I didn't find a 10% speed boost to be more practical over... literally everything else.


    adding intensify with rush is amazing...however, I often felt myself going TOO fast XD. I think I'll just stick with Base Jet Stream for some extra Movement speed. I'm giving up my Overextended, but I think it might be worth it

    Ho ho ho you haven't played Jet Stream Zephyr with a +pwr strength Volt have you? :p

    (Hint: you reach supersonic speeds)

  6. So this Jet Stream mod got released. A voice in my head said:


    I feel the need...




    ...the Need for Speed!TM


    Just saying, Zephyr is probably the fastest frame in the game with Turbulence on :p


    The sense of speed is AMAZING. Factor in enemy accuracy penalty that's dependent on your movement speed, on top of Turbulence, and Zephyr is almost certainly un-hit-able on most missions (will require more forma though).



    Edit 1:


    Jet Stream movement speed buff is affected by power strength.


    Tested in ODD - Earth. Sprinted from the railing at the bottom of the spawn room to the door (stopping right at where the door opens).


    Results (averaged and rounded)

    No Turbulence: ~9 seconds

    Turbulence with no +str mods: ~7 seconds

    Turbulence with +75% str mods: ~6 seconds


    Edit 2:


    Here's my utility Zephyr build



    Simple max duration/range build with strong survivability. Works fine against Grineer/Corpus missions of all levels (but I haven't used her in any Survival/Defense missions, ever).

    I like to err on the side of caution when it comes to surviving high lv Grineer missions, but Fortitude + Vitality can be swapped out for something else.


    Pure Speed build (incomplete, needs 3 formas):



    Yes there's an awkward 7 cost Stretch there because I had no better 7 cost mod to fit.

    I honestly cbb formaing Zephyr again for a small increase in speed offered by Sprint Boost + Intensify/Transient Fortitude, so I probably won't be using this build often.

  7. Rotating doors (the ones that clip you off map if you rush into them to the right) will open, but does not allow client players and some skills (e.g. Wormhole) to pass.


    Weapons can pass through normally. Projectile skills (e.g. Antimatter Drop) can pass through as well.

  8. I think the importance of 'tankiness' is highly relatively in Warframe, seeing how damage scales with group sizes, making tanking a secondary consideration to supporting team mates in squads. However, a frame's 'tankiness' will be more important while soloing.


    I've got Zephyr (potatoed + 2 or 3 forma) and Rhino (potatoed, no forma [yet]) and I hate to say this, but I would never take Zephyr into T4S or D, whereas Rhino may fill a niche in certain squads.


    Zephyr's skills lack status buffs or even CC. Tornado's CC ability is too unreliable, and Divebombing groups is a hassle.

    Rhino can reliably AoE/line stun and buff wep/power str.


    While soloing, I would always use Zephyr in high level missions since a max range/duration build would make her nearly invincible against Grineer and Corpus.

    I do prefer using Rhino's stomp in lower level missions for convenience's sake though. Also Iron Skin = pseudo invincibility against pea shooters.

  9. My tweak suggestions:


    1st: No change


    Great utility skill. The DoT is actually quite nice for a 25 cost skill, just don't expect insta-gibs. Great for choking corridors/doors on high level T4.


    2nd: Reduce energy cost (to 35?)


    Damage is quite frankly, subpar for a 50 cost skill, despite hitting twice.


    It's saving grace however, is that most Hydroid builds would probably focus around duration, which increases this skill's travel distance. Lowering the energy cost would make this a more viable utility skill.


    3rd: Make enemies half-submerged, or multiply the damage per tick by 5 or above


    Very limited utility - somewhat useful with Curative Undertow and quite useful for covering downed allies for revives in infested missions. But completely submerging enemies from friendly fire and dealing next to no damage makes this skill inferior to Tentacles in most situations.


    4th: Needs a more fleshy texture

    I consider this skill to be on par with Vauban's Vortex (once you factor in its fun factor) for defense missions.

    Lasts forever, allows allies to deal damage to snared enemies, loads of fun to watch, endless screenie opportunities.

  10. Adding to the above:



    Nekros - not the worst frame to farm. Golem nav are quite accessible from ODE, and ODE runs are plentiful.

    Hydroid - beacons are a b**** to farm. Buy him if you can spare the plat



    Nekros - not terrible (then again, not many frames are), but his abilities aren't geared towards damage or large scale CC so I wouldn't bother.

    Hydroid - surprisingly good. All 4 skills do AoE CC well. Quite well suited for defense missions.


    Fun factor:

    Nekros - SotD = puppet kingdom

    Hydroid - Tentacles + rain + puddle on the floor.





    Soul Punch: fun for ragdolling, not much for anything else.

    Terrorise is a weaker Nyx Chaos. Moderate CC but has a limit to no. of enemies affected.

    Desecrate = farming skill.

    SotD = puppet kingdom.



    Barrage: great small area CC (knock downs). Very spammable but low & unreliable damage.

    Tidal Surge: Slash Dash + Rhino Charge. Good for mobility if you mod for duration.

    Puddle: useless other than for helping other teammates revive downed teammate. Add Syndicate mod to make it useful.

    Tentacles: Biological Vortex. Also fun factor. Ok damage.

  11. I would argue that Natural Talent is more convenient than useful, since skills with long cast times aren't made to be spammed and those are spammed have short cast times.


    Imo NT is quite useful on:


    Nekros - Desecrate, SotD, insta Terror

    Mirage - Ulti has quite a long cast time

    Ember - faster WoF cast

  12. I'm running a 64bit with GTX 670 and 8GB RAM, with most effects other than blur/DoF/shadows turned to high and PhysX on.


    Warframe uses 4.5GB of RAM during missions and ~4.1GB in Liset on my system.


    This amount of RAM usage will most definitely crash any 32bit machine so I wouldn't count on PhysX until they've further optimised the game's memory footprint.

    (No pagefile doesn't count, unless you want sandwich-and-lunch loading times)



    On the other hand, if your GPU and CPU are capable of handling a 64bit system, then there's really little reason for you not to reinstall in 64bit. Live with the hassle of reinstalling every program (or back them up) and you'll be set for a long while.




    • Cache Optimization thresholds reduced to not occur as frequently. The launcher will now only Optimize Cache if approximately 1/3rd of the data is in need of optimization.


    My launcher auto-optimized the game cache with the 15.5.0 and 15.5.2 updates.


    I installed the game in my SSD so please do not optimize the game cache under any circumstances.

  14. I love flying around with Zephyr but I'm quite unsatisfied with the paucity of visible PhysX particles from the user's perspective when flying forward.


    I propose that Zephyr's Tailwind PhysX particles should be animated around 2 metres directly in front of the direction of flight, so that the particles will been seen on the user's camera.


    The default gust animation is quite adequate, but I personally like more PhysX particles flowing around me when I use abilities.

  15. I exclusively used the Kunai for mid game. It's a fantastic sidearm - fast reload, high bullet efficiency (if you can consistently lead targets/adjust for gravity), high damage, some ragdoll on kill. And best of all, it required no forma or potato to be very effective.


    I also used the Kraken as an anti-Corpus sidearm. High impact dmg makes it pretty good at eating shields, but it's a tier below the Kunai in overall usefulness.

  16. Instead of changing the unit, how bout adding targeting laser that turns from (one colour) to (another colour) or has multiple beams that focus into one before firing? This will:


    1. Give the player some warning to take cover/do something

    2. Retain the ability for the unit to instagib without feeling cheap

    3. Reveal the position of the sniper for a counterattack

  17. 1. Increase your attack speed.

    Throw charge time is negatively correlated to your atk spd. Higher atk spd = shorter charge and vice versa.


    2. Channelled explosion dmg is based on your glaive's dmg. I'm not sure how the math computes but it will scale with your glaive's atk.


    3. (Null)


    4. I don't have a Halikar (yet) as I believe there's an extra 0 behind the Oxium cost.


    If I have to speculate, then assuming:

    1. the Halikar disarms *every* enemy it hits, regardless of remaining bounces

    2. It flies into enemies rather than around them (as some users have reported)

    3. You're using it to disarm enemies rather than go for consistent headshots + explosions


    Then build for more bounces.

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