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Posts posted by SeveringFang

  1. 22 hours ago, Gambloide-PC said:

    I would love to merge my completely unrelated PS and PC accounts, but given what I have read in the forums here it seems linking would wipe my PS account instead of merging it with my PC account, because I did the PC to Switch clone when DE created FOMO by stating it would be unlikely to ever be possible again after the initial wave ...

    I originally started playing on PS, but switched to PC after ~200 hours of always having to wait for new content longer on console (that was WAY back in the day, around Trinity Prime Access). I never touched the cloned Switch account again after the novelty wore off after a few days and would gladly have it wiped if it meant being able to merge my PC and PS accounts.

    I have the exact same issue; played on PS4 originally, finally got a PC and started over there. Did a migration to Switch because they made it sound like they'd never do this again. Played it for literally 5 minutes on Switch and never touched it again.

    Now I have a lot of stuff on PS4 that I'd love to have on my PC account, but I can't merge them because of that one Switch migration that screwed me over. I was really excited for this merge and had been wanting to get back into the game for a long time, but this is such a giant buzzkill.

    I'm honestly confused on why that Switch migration would even affect my eligibility to merge accounts. It's not like I'd gain an unfair advantage or gain anything free by doing the migration and then a merge on a completely separate platform/account.

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