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Posts posted by mamaswan

  1. Karak wins over Dera. Nuff said. A 50% magazine size doesn't compensate for the inferior damage and fire rate as well as having projectile speed. Sure, the Dera's accuracy is high, but it's useless against moving targets even at short range due to its painful projectile time. #Team Salad V sign up to the master race today

  2. The fact of the matter is that there are not enough players to unlock the star chart with a team.  It was not like this in summer 2013.  It used to be easy to find a team to unlock the star chart with.  One way or another, this is a problem that DE will have to solve because it makes no sense to say a game is coop or MP then not have someone to play with AND not be able to play alone.  Either one can play alone or one can find a team to play with, if not, the game is unplayable and people will pass it up.

    I agree. When I write ''casual fusion core aquiring'' in the recruit chat, go into a Cambria <level 1-6> the idiots on my squad are like GTFO YOU F*CKING NOOB STOP WASTING MY TIME NOOB NEXT TIME BRING A FULLY MODDED NEKROS OR MAG OR MESA. Too many tryhards who want to max out the rewards for their time. Pressing 4 1000 times over and over again to maximise rep is just

  3. Seriously? Been half a year now and they still havent fixed it. First it wouldnt update, then it crashes after i hit the play button, then I cant play coop because warframe freezes for about 7 minutes before saying I cant connect. I downloaded  warframe on my other laptop hoping it would have no bugs. But DE have gone too far with this one. Now the screen freezes for about 20 minutes before either crashing warframe or crashing my computer. I have tried EVERYTHING and nothing works. I've contacted my bank to refund the money Ive spent on this game because its clear DE are cheating their players. Ive also told my friends who have just started warframe to quit. DE wont get away with this.

  4. Yo mamma so fat, Frost just makes her sit on the cryopod.


    Yo mamma so ugly, the Infestation think she's one of them.


    Yo mamma so dumb, she's surprised when the Lotus says it's the Grineer.


    Yo mamma so ugly, Tyr Regor thinks Halloween is back.


    Yo mamma so fat, her extraction ship is the Oscar Meyer Weiner Mobile.


    Yo mamma so dumb, she thinks the Void has nothing in it.


    Yo mamma so lazy, when they opened her cryopod she tried to close it again.


    Yo mamma so dumb, she went to Hobby Lobby to buy a warframe.


    Yo mamma so ugly, even the Stalker won't go near her.


    Yo mamma so fat, her warframe is a fomorian.


    Yo mamma so dumb, she keeps trying to put her forma together to form a picture.


    Yo mamma so fat she got invaded by the Grineer.  (Apparently I got beat to this one, oh well)


    Yo mamma so ugly, the game crashes when it tries to render her.


    Yo mamma so fat, when the Lotus sees her coming down the hall she shouts, "There's a heavy unit approaching!"

    How dare you insult me.

  5. The Grustrag Three were formerly regular Grineer marines who (while aboard a troop transport) suddenly slaughtered their comrades, claiming that they were growing "impatient for the killing". After being committed to the Grustrag Reconditioning Facility, Facility Director Dr. Tengus discovered that the marines suffer from a rare mutation brought about by cloning, vastly increasing their combat potential at the cost of deteriorating mental faculties.


    ''Don't blame us for friendly firing, blame radiation proc''


             -Shik Tal, captain of the Grustrang Three

  6. real LMGs dont spool up like that.  They dont have a slow fire rate that increases with every shot. They have a brief period where they do not shoot at all, and then it fires at full speed. Well fukk the reality right this is a game of space ninjas and aliens.

  7. In my opinion, using micro-transactions to get items not attainable using in game currency is OK. Buying platinum to speed up farming is CHEATING. If you pay not to play the game then don't play. I don't see the satisfaction or achievement in spending 100 Euros to buy a Vulkar. It's the same as bribery. What is the fun of a sport if you can just bribe the referee to turn a blind eye?

  8. It's still a mid tier weapon, laughable in comparison to the high tier weapons like the soma, soma prime and boltor prime. Seriously, whenever i get the gorgon blueprint as a login reward, I laugh in DE's face and wait for to buff these weapons considered mastery fodder by most players. The gorgon, for the the time it took to get it, is simply disappointing. The Prisma gorgon is ridiculously hard to farm and is has a 2 day frame to get it. 

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