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Posts posted by NeonNebula9

  1. 1 hour ago, Gerlon. said:

    Also if it was “intended behavior” that means they knew about it and should have communicated it instead of having people be unpleasantly surprised. 

    They're referring to the username change when they said this. Why did they not say anything about how they lost access to their original forum accounts? They basically ignored that part of the support ticket and asked that person to open another ticket lol. Support could've at least been more helpful and cooperative seeing as how they take 1+ month to respond.

    • Like 1
  2. On 2/6/2024 at 5:17 AM, RB3_Reloaded said:

    So are we going to fix the issue of people unable to access their original forum account for their platform or are we removing it all together?

    because either way I’d still like access to my PSN forum account cus it had more than just platform related bugs ect it had many suggestions and ideas.

    If you guys are considering just ignoring the Issue with the accounts or even worse just deleting them for this sake of this new update it just kinda means you guys never cared about what was being suggested in the first place.

    I’m not too concerned about those who can’t log in at all as atleast I assume thats going to fixed regardless but this one bothers me more. I’m not gonna rag on you guys just yet and see what this “update” has in store to bring a solution but this issue that has been annoying players for over 2 months now since the start of cross save would be put at ease if you just acknowledged it…


    Thankyou for linking I kinda stopped using the forums cus of this issue it’s just kinda disappointing how I haven’t got a single response from ANYBODY and you keep expecting me to roll over and keep using this service like it’s nothing…

    hopefully it gets fixed but as of now… o7

    They probably screwed up and don’t want to admit it. 

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, NightmareT12 said:

    They're not all uploaded. Case in example: Wisp Prime, Grendel Prime and Gauss Prime avatars are not uploaded to the forum back end (they are to the main page since it loads from somewhere else).

    Reason for this is because: a) There's many and sometimes they slip and b) They used to do it in advance but we could look for new releases before they were announced (happened with Oberon Prime).

    As I previously said, that issue only started with cross save. And others have the same problem. Also, I'm not talking about new glyphs only.

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  4. 1 hour ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

    Just fyi not all ingame glyphs work here. I've been using a glyph with Volt Arrester Helmet for months and it never showed here. The second I switched to my current Lotus glyph, it appeared here immediately. I switched to the new Kullervo glyph and it's not visible here either.

    It's just that some work and some don't.

    Why do you think it's not a bug? Why are some glyphs visible here while others aren't? What is the reason behind this inconsistency? They never said that some glyphs won't be visible on the forums. So probably a bug with the forums because I never had this issue before cross save was a thing.

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  5. 2 hours ago, DeZaruu said:

    When will people who enabled cross-play be able to update our forum avatar? It used to change with the in-game glyph, but ever since I enabled cross-play it's been stuck with what I had prior 

    Yup this. I changed my in-game glyph several weeks ago but it's not updating here. 

  6. Are you going to acknowledge this issue? I don’t know why you guys are ignoring it? I’m sure you’ve seen the many posts about it. It’s been more than a month with no acknowledgement from DE or response from Support. So is that it? Is it intended or hopefully just a bug? We lose access to our original forum accounts forever?    


    • Like 7
  7. 23 hours ago, UnstarPrime said:

    Yep, this seems to a "bug"* that is affecting many console players who activate Cross-Save: you entirely lose access to your previous forum account and support ticket account.  Big bummer.

    There have been bug reports and support tickets about this issue for more than a month, and from what others experiencing this issue have said it sounds like the issue has not been publicly acknowledged by DE nor have any of the support tickets had replies.  So none of us know what's going on.

    If you're interested, this seems to be the main bug thread that folks are following:

    *I really hope it's a bug and not by design...

    Yeah more than a month and no acknowledgement from DE or any response from Support. Lost access to my original forum account (was NSW) like many other console users. So all reputation, support tickets as well as access to our console's bug subforum gone. For instance, I can no longer post on the Nintendo Switch bug subforum. We created new PC accounts for cross save only but we are being forced to use them on here. I mean even the forum avatar no longer updates. I changed my in-game avatar weeks ago and it still hasn't changed here.

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  8. 2 hours ago, -1FPS said:

    The domestic drone looks amazing

    Also what happened during the stream the other day where the drops weren't working? Where they just not enabled as a bug or was something else going on?

    The drops worked. Assuming you actually claimed them on your Twitch drops page (clicked Claim button). Try unlinking and relinking your Twitch account. And make sure when you do that you’re logged out of the game. Then when you’re done log back in. You should receive your drops. 

    • Like 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, Xylia said:

    It's fun when you can actually shoot crap, and actually PLAY the game.

    It's not fun when all you get to do is watch everybody else kill crap before you can even do anything.

    Why is this so hard for you to understand?

    Why is it so hard for you to understand that newer players, and lower ranked players would like to actually be able to do something in a match that they are forced to go public for, because it's too difficult to solo?

    I'm just.... I don't know what to say to people who think that sitting around watching everybody else play is somehow "THE Warframe Experience" and if you don't like that, then "Warframe is not for you" ....

    That has to be the most braindead response I have ever read.

    Dude you were complaining about the gameplay. “I have to complete the whole star chart, I have to get a necramech, a railjack, I have to get all this other crap done”. So what’s braindead about my response when I quoted you saying that and responded with maybe Warframe is not for you? 

    • Like 2
  10. 5 minutes ago, Xylia said:

    EDIT: And "just adapt" ... you mean "spend dozens, probably hundreds of hours grinding to get up to that point while being bored to tears watching everybody else play and have fun" ...

    You act like all you have to do is snap your fingers, learn a few things, and bam you can be OP just like them. lol. Okay. Not like you don't have to clear out the entire star chart, get all this other crap done, before you can even start building something you could call a competent arsenal that would let you keep up.

    1 minute ago, Xylia said:

    That's not "playing" the game. The game lures you in by giving you this nice fun intro and then for the next God-knows-how-many-hours, you're asked to clear the whole star chart, get a necramech, a railjack, blah blah blah before you can even start on the path to getting stuff that lets you even remotely keep up.

    Maybe Warframe is just not for you?

    • Like 3
  11. 18 minutes ago, Xylia said:

    Read what I quoted.

    "HOW CAN YOU BE SO LOW IN MR YET CLAIM TO BE AROUND SINCE 2015!?" .... simple, long breaks from the game.

    Definitely not what I meant when I said it’s hard to believe OP has been playing since 2015. I don’t know why you’re using quotation marks as though it’s something I really said. I was referring to the post in general, the points and the reason OP is complaining about. Not referring to their MR at all. I know there are a lot of long time players that don’t care about MR. Nothing wrong with that. 

    18 minutes ago, Xylia said:





    Did you not read the point where I said "being bored to tears joining publics only to see people killing everything in 2 seconds"? This happens even if you bring your best frame and weapons to the match, or you bring unranked crap. Not being able to even shoot anything is fricken boring.

    Now, the OP is complaining about wanting to use a new weapon, but the complaint also applies to people who must join a public to get (insert thing here) done that they can't solo and...

    Yes, it's boring to be chasing squad markers and picking up loot laying on the floor for the entire mission.

    I’m not missing the point. Maybe move around more and just accept the fact that sometimes you will play with players that kill faster than you. 

    • Like 2
  12. 15 minutes ago, Xylia said:

    You're acting like people don't take long breaks from the game.

    Like me.

    I'm only MR17. But yet, look at that Grandmaster badge on my profile, I was [i]obviously[/i] around back during the day.

    And what if you need something from a mission that is impossible for you to solo?

    Like, um, Voidrig?

    Which you know, 100% of the entire fricken game is locked behind?

    Impossible to solo not because of enemy strength, I can kill the stuff in bounties, UNTIL they slap a Defense Target in the rotation, which they *ALWAYS* do, and I am convinced they do it on purpose to prevent most people from soloing unless they are so ludicrously OP, which you can't get until AFTER Steel Path.

    So, I'm forced to group up.

    .... and fall asleep while everything around me dies in 2 seconds to people who are ludicrously overpowered.

    What does taking long breaks got to do with what OP is talking about?

    Also, if it’s something that can’t be done solo then by all means play public, no one here is against that. But don’t be like OP and complain because you didn’t get a chance to use your shiny new weapon. You want to try out a new weapon or frame and want to have all the enemies to yourself then play any mission that can be played solo. 

    • Like 4
  13. On 2024-01-27 at 3:33 PM, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

    I think it would be hella boring if all deluxe skins followed lore, it's nice to get something different for a specific Warframe.

    Hell I'm sure there's frames people don't touch because they don't like their theme, if a deluxe being different from the base is enough to make those people play the frame that's already a win.

    Different is fine, I don't mind that, but most of them aren't good. Like Styanax Deluxe looks awful imo.

    • Like 6
  14. On 2024-01-19 at 9:38 PM, Zinxori- said:

    Nuke Builds Are Ruining Gameplay Enjoyment

    No they're not. 

    Reading your rant, it's really hard to believe you've been playing since 2015 to be honest.



    Say you got yourself a shiny new Gotva Prime from the Twitch Prime rewards, and you were itching to try it out in a mission.


    C'mon let me just shoot my Gotva and leave happy. 

    I got two words for you: PLAY SOLO.

    • Like 1
  15. If you all really watched the stream (unmuted, not in the background) and you actually claimed the drop on Twitch and you still did not receive it in-game then try unlinking and relinking your Twitch account. That fixed it for me. 

  16. On 2024-01-26 at 4:50 AM, (XBOX)Tatakai no Kami said:

    No, I was not. Read what I wrote again. I was talking about how I get my Xbox account back for the forums, after losing access and only being able to use the new PC account here after being forced to create one for cross-save.

    And yes, prior to to being forced to create a new account I had 2FA enabled. Creating the new account reset it and I had to enable it again which is how I can now post here with my Xbox account and not the noob PC account. It is most probably because I never had my email address linked to my Xbox log-in here, and creating the new PC account for cross-save required my email address.

    You can look back through this thread and see I posted on my PC account a couple of times. The 3rd post down on this page is from my PC account. It's a reply to you after you replied to me earlier.

    Now I am on my Xbox Account, replying to you.


    Well we already enabled 2FA and still we are forced into our new PC accounts when logging into the Warframe website and forums. You're lucky that it worked for you even though it doesn't make sense how enabling 2FA is a solution to an issue like this one. Maybe it was something else and you just happened to do this at the same time and you thought that is the fix :)


    On 2024-01-26 at 7:30 AM, Nova_Montter said:

    I have the exact same problem just from pc to console. I've made a detailed explanation on my support ticket which has been posted over a week ago by now. No reply from them though 

    Don't expect a response from them any time soon. We've had our tickets open way before yours and we're still waiting. Expect to get a lot of "we apologize for the delay in our response" auto-reply though 😀

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  17. 4 hours ago, RB3_Reloaded said:

    Wait not so fast bruh he’s trying to offer solutions and honestly I’ll take ANYTHING rn so I’ll try it first by deactivating my 2FA reactivating it logging out everything then logging back in to see if anything changes I’ll take or try anything atp 

    cus DE is truly NOT helping so I’ll do what I gotta do and tell everyone *IF* it Works


    Did infact NOT work can’t even deactivate 2FA once enabled even reset my password and checked my old email of when I first 2FA to see if anything was there but nope nothing… and nothing worked either welp

    That person was talking about something else entirely. They did not have 2FA activated.

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