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Posts posted by Dolmur

  1. You appear to have another pending clan invite (you can only have one at a time). It shows up on your clan window; you can right click it to accept or decline the invitation.

  2. When the game crashes you should get a crash handler giving you the option to submit your crash report. It also will tell you a bug number i.e. WAR-70815. Make sure to submit these reports. Also, what bug number(s) are you getting from the recurring crashes?

  3. Regarding the clan MOTD - it is not sent through our chat server. The message is stored with your other clan data such as member list and simply displayed in the chat window. This means that the presence of an MOTD doesn't point to any improvement or regression in chat functionality.

  4. If you are the last player in a clan and there are no pending clan invites, you can leave, which disbands the clan. The most common problem players have with this is that they leave invites pending.

  5. If a player crashes or closes their game through a similarly abrupt method, our chat server doesn't know that player has gone offline. This information is updated next time the server pings that player and doesn't receive a response. We allow players to log back into the chat server with a suffix in their name to prevent players from being temporarily locked out of chat if they disconnect.

    Our chat server is a different system from our contacts list presence information. Contacts list is much more accurate and responsive in the vast majority of cases.

    In other words, this all sounds like it is working as intended. If you think players are closing their game normally and still staying around as ghosts though, that may be a bug.

  6. It should definitely be checking that there is another warlord present before allowing you to demote yourself or leave the clan as a warlord. mindlord since you have another Warlord it is working as designed that you were able to demote yourself. LoQui I don't know how you could have gotten into that state, but we will try to find the problem.

  7. Some might see it as a feature but it was certainly unintended. The issue was that if a message came in to any of the channels you were in (for example, Clan chat), even if that tab wasn't selected it would popup the chat history.

  8. As others have suggested, this bug occurs when your framerate is too low. Try lowering your graphics settings. If it is just happening as an unusual spike of bad framerate, you can also jump up the stairs as a quick workaround. Not perfect I know but that's what you'll need to do until we get around the finding a fix for this.

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