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Posts posted by Raoghnailt

  1. About not-dreaming-operator: my first guess is that it's basically devs pushing U18 as fast as possible, and operator model not sleeping is used for fast transition when you use Focus menu trigger. My second guess is - we don't know how they "dream into" a specific Warframe, Maybe you can just send it basic signals when it lurks aboard the ship, and "dive in" to full extent of your abilites when Warframe goes to fight. So it's like telepathy when WF is aboard, and you can be awake and do your business (toilet, nom-nom). When it's fight time, you turn up Somatic Link to the skies and dive.


    About in-mission transmissions: I thought about them and listened to quite a number during last few days, then thought struck me - it's Operator talking to Lotus, or talking to himself/herself. Because it's either direct replies to Lotus briefing during mission, or concentrating remarks like we people do when we concetrate on a task - we whisper to ourselves. For example, "hmm, this integral goes here, and this here, and I mustn't make THIS mistake". Compare to "Hmm, Grineer are weak to this and that, mustn't forget".

    And sometimes Operator is joking around with himself/herself, for example, "lol, why Grineer hadn't cloned someone pretty instead".


    About frames: if I recall correctly, first frames were built around scientists who returned from Void borders and were disfigured and changed. Well, to help them live and harness their abilities. It was before Orokin domination.

    Then frames have gone to mass production by Orokin factories - these are represented as Prime Frames, parts of which can be found in old Orokin bases.

    And then Orokin were destroyed, and the remaining technology and Cephalon abilities only can replicate an almost exact copy of Primed Frame, but... almost.


    So, if we tie in Second Dream lore, Orokin female scientist got a hold of a ship full of changed children. Building a frame for every child is expensive, and basically who cares that much, right? Also, children tend to grow with aging, so frames will go to the trash can very fast.


    What's the big idea? Right, we put them into sleep and figure how to channel their powers into our Prime Warframes. Yay.

    OR - children were changed, but not like original scientists with flashy ninja moves, but acquired only "dreaming" powers, so we just harnessed a telepathy-dream power via sleep and got operators. Yay number 2.


    Anyway, in the Orokin era we somehow got operators and a memory of almost same incident with framed scientists.

    Next step -> execute the female scientist (oh well), then bound all children by some Honor code, replicate frames from framed scientists, add some technocyte spice to get flesh, nerves and other bio-mecha soup into a frame -> connect operator to a frame via Somatic Link.


    We've got ourselves an army! Let's go hunt Sentinels!

    Then Sentinels came, wipe everything, Lotus goes crazy, saves last bunch of children and her squad of frames, then goes into hiding.


    So, basically we play as an Operator, after all, in my opinion.

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