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  1. 1 hour ago, Darkmatt3r said:

    OP created the thread and left?

    guess he couldnt argue and just vent some hot air. point stands as many here wrote: Saryn isn't OP. she does the job DE intended her to do. the only problem i see is that ESO is a VERY small area where you fight so you can spread your Spores easily. stop hating on Saryn, start complaining that ESO is a joke of a gamemode; you can literally just use Nova with Amprex and kill'em all in seconds.

  2. A New Year, a new application for Quasars



    MR: 24

    COUNTRY: German

    CLANS: currently Forsaken Necrontyr (as placeholder for Labs); EGT long time ago (yeah i know...no bully); Bronxkloppa (met cool player, left cause inactive but 3 players including me)

    joined the game on 25th September 2014


    well what should i say about me... after 2900h+ i'm not doing that much missions besides kurwa grind. I MUCH prefer playing with people in Discord or Teamspeak³ (currently sitting with IceColdHawk in TS³ lol). Would love to do daily Raids, endless Missions, Events, derp around -you name it- with some good banter in an organized Team. Do most Missions with Nidus cause he's most fun for me; but don't have a problem with switching to other frames when needed (would actually be good to be forced playing other frames to git gud as player). Did some Missions with Voltage too cause we're buddies of IceColdHawk.. maybe he got a opinion on me, maybe not. if you have more questions for me, just ask ingame or PM here.

    looking forward to hear from you. Cheers

    Mastery rank: 23 (24 when i feel like it)
    Time Zone: UTC+1
    General weekly activity: daily Login, mostly doing some trading
    LOR(+NM) JV complete?: LoR+NM done often times but took some months off and need get into again,should be np ; JV - Nope, only saw some  Youtube videos of a run, willing to learn asap. into daily runs with discord/TS³
    Favourite Warframe: Nidus mustardrace, (ofc) Nyx, Nova, Harrow, Octavia
    Anything else we should know?: mostly into trading 'cause i don't like to play with PUGS. I'm looking for a group of good players to do some endless runs/Raids/Events/whatever and have some banter on discord/TS³ while doing so. old Clan, Bronxkloppa, is pretty dead. Looking for new challenges with organized Teams.


    Mastery Rank 23

    ~2500h ingame; mostly Trade, still poor tbqh fam

    Country: Germany

    Current Clan: Bronxkloppa

    Been there, done that. No, my ign has nothing to do with Warframe but Dota 2; found out Nyx was a Warframe after i named this account. I do mostly trade since PUGs are unbearable. Would love to have a good Discord Channel with decent people to hang out, i often hang out with some Clanmembers on TS³ but yeah Clan is dead with 3 active members. 

  5. alright guys i rolled a kinda good Kohm Riven, check out Stats and offer your Platinum


    (ignore the left Riven, it's igni-satiata now)

    Before you ask: +99.7% Recoil has no effect what-so-ever on this, propably the best negative i could get


    c/o: ---

    b/o: will add later, depends on offers


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