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Posts posted by Mabswer

  1. 29 minutes ago, Kuro972 said:

    these 300 pl you get from selling arcane or prime stuff doesn't come from the game it came from player who put money on the game :)

    and yea 60 pl 3 slot i'ts expensive but well ... i'ts not like i'll reach the max capacity , unless i have INSANE luck to drop first riven mods for god tiers weapon and GET INSANE stats on god-tier weapon but... that will never happen :)

    and as always keep up the good work DE love u :*


    Well theres Secondaries, melee and then Shotgun riven mods coming, which all share the same 15 slot cap despite what is or is not said in some random livestream which never will be reality because greed. So in a way Warframe just became P2w overnight, just like Payday 2.

  2. well, to be honest this "new" weapon is taking 2 weapon spaces, which we normally would have in a Reinforcements, I guess DE is hopefull that this IS suposed to take twice or more to craft than any single item sofar.


    So i wouldn't be so sure not requiring other weapons to craft, it's more than likely at this point that it does.

  3. this topic needs to Quite down Quick or there wont be any Augment mod nor  Damage numbers.. . . .


    OP you say?!?




    o'mah Gawd  Scott needs to have a look at this "resonance" ASAP!!!!!




    -You done did it now..

  4. it may eventually rotate. just like prime access accessories.

    Or event mods... like primed chamber.. remember that too was supposed to be "rotated"... As well as frost prime bp was supposed to be exclusive...


    None of these did or would happen.


    But regarding those Void items, it's not to say that there won't be other way to acquire those items besides Baro the second hand trader.

  5. Well, since we're throwing 'something' around. how about if  De removed the Cap altogether?!... feeling like doing 100 waves on T4? Great, that would net you around 50k rep.


    -Sure would rather have no caps than Daily or weekly... just saying, i know neither of these will , ever, happen. but one can hope..

    - Happy Year of the Quality, Where Working systems are broken and Broken systems are broken even more.

  6. Why was it only used in the darkest days of the old war? Is that the only lore attached to this weapon? Was it inhumane to use in the beginning of the war? When is war not considered a dark day? I mean, war is pretty terrible any day. I guess Mail day would probably be pretty good. 

    No, This item, alone make it the Darkest day(s)...  it's that bad.

  7. Another slash melee weapon? Please, don't. This is getting boring.. put puncture on it instead (can't confirm slash damage, because it hasn't been uploaded to warframe wikia yet). Just dont't let it be slash..

    It's slash, and on the weaker side of it too, So Rejoice Warframe community, another Mastery rank Fodder item right here!!!

  8. well -xeqtr-


    i own a pchamber (and i bet u too) but top 100 stuff again is a bad bad bad idea. you see it ... the reaction of most people with primed chamber. much cry. much want. but without working for it.


    if u didnt work ur @$$ off for it (call it work,wasting time,beeing hardcore,whatever) u should at least pay a high plat price for it.


    sure DE said "yea yea we will release it again" 


    but that was 2 or 3 weeks after that top 100 event..  i doubt they will release it again. if they do.. prepare for backlash (specially from these top 100 guys,if they still play)



    i think DE learned from that top100 event mess and will NEVER do such a leaderboard event again



    edit: lol @bot_6   u really dont see the difference between a  50point score (which everyone could do within 10minutes) and a top 100 PLAYERS placement which needed days and days of playing??  top kek you.


    also:  price = what YOU are willing to pay for it. nothing else.  some prices are stable and OK but not everything...



    all these discussion about event weapons and other exlusive stuff is really dumb..


    im a kind of collector myself and the only things i dont have are  Braton Vandal and Lato Vandal. but do i cry about it everyday?? hell no.. these stuff should never be released again. which sucks for me. but it is ok

    Well atleast with vandals you actually had to be around for them. While the aforementioned event was sort of an fluster cluck with trainers and cheatengines from top50 up. And then we want to reward them for it..

    No just no. Release it with another event or better give us a bit more control on transmute. In other words fix it. .

  9. i dont think it should be brought out again.....just because it was awarded to the top 100 players of a previous event i think it should stay that way.


    But if people are really desperate for it then it should come back but only on the same grounds it was first awarded...the top 100 scores in an event get it otherwise I don't think that would be fair on the people who won it first time around.



    And just so you know I don't have primed chamber

    well then by that logic neither should we have cicero mods either. Just... shut up and think what happend to rest of the " exclusive" things like frost prime being exclusive...

    What im after is that De is better be bringing those back either by another event/drop or remove all together. Or go full retard with the "exclusive" mods and make more boring events and "leaks"

  10. Ruined by the patron program. Don't buy. Don't play. Without patron you can't craft or own land because you don't have labor points. Aaaand you need alot of em to do anything.

    1 labor point per 5min. And you need 10 to harvest a single potato plant to put things into perspective. While with patron you get like 5 or 10 per minute.

    -feeling boned yet?

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