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Posts posted by FashionFrame

  1. 5 minutes ago, Joe_Barbarian said:

    This is why the player base is getting worse, so what you're saying is if I want to AFK a fissure I should just roll frost press 3 when I'm bored and make sure I'm not flagged for afk by looting between waves?

    He was doing his job, how are you not understanding this? This isn't a difficult concept. He wasn't leeching, there were clearly 2 meta players doing most of the kills just fine, the frost was holding up a bubble, he doesn't need to get kills. If he was sitting at the spawn and literally doing nothing, then YES, he's leeching. Stop whining that the community is bad when the fact is most people in this forum clearly understand the frost was doing just fine. You're just overreacting.

  2. 1 hour ago, Zatoiichi said:

    5 506 hours on steam. 3 084 hours In game.

    Thing is, and this quoted reply is a perfect example, the ingame timer is also off to how much time you've actually played. Reason is because it used to only count your "in mission" hours only and not when you're in your orbiter or in a relay. 

    I heard somewhere they fixed this, but that's how it used to be, so veteran hours are crazy inaccurate with both ingame and steam. Reason for steam being wrong is because it counts the launcher time as well. 

  3. Just now, Kaotyke said:

    Thing is, if the requirements for the "rebuilding" are accessible even with all destroyed, the Quests wont be "locked" at all, they would be postponed untill you "rebuild" it first.

    Since this event is a timed ocurance, I think the only thing players don't get is the rewards for doing it, while the relay itself will be available to everyone after the event is done. I could also see every relay getting their own theme in the future too! 

  4. 8 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    We just dont know which state DE servers are in atm. There is a big chance that the network infrastructure is already there due to login servers etc. This is already an online game, the only thing is that the matchmaking is P2P. We are already playing on dedicated DE servers whenever we enter a relay or cetus, so their network infrastructure already goes beyond the basic login service. So we know that DE can already host several hundreds of player per instance on their servers, several thousands per server when you add up all the relay/cetus instances during Baro or massive PoE events.

    So the step to dedicated servers for missions isnt that far away.

    Guess we'll see in the long run, but I honestly could only see DE doing it if we had some massive player connection game modes, of like......50+ people in one game

  5. 45 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Well with the number of players that WF has there is nothing stopping them from actually adding dedicated servers. As this is a F2P game with microtransactions it pulls in far more revenue than many games that do actually have dedicated servers already. That is a known fact, F2P (or B2P) with microtransactions are far bigger income sources than say a sub based game. So with the current numbers if you compare them to even MMOs there is really nothing stopping DE from adding dedicated servers.

    Servers arent that expensive unless you live in backwater US states/towns or 2nd/3rd world countries, even in some of those bandwidth is cheap. It also comes down to more than bandwidth when you run it P2P, it also comes down to hardware. And that can vary a great deal, making people with good connections bad hosts just the same.

    The question just comes down to if it is needed. Well in its current state, no, not really since it is a 4 player game. However, if they plan on adding bigger and bigger content that requires better performance then yes, it would be needed. That or simply fixing their matchmaking which isnt working well atm as I said earlier. The ping limit does barely nothing. The things you mention arent actually a solution to the problem, they are bandaids if even that.


    Idk, Silverbones clearly states at page 4 that it is indeed costly. Here's a copy paste:

    Secondly, let me give you a little bit of what I know. In my day job, I am a SysAdmin for another large video game publisher, and I can tell you this without any hesitation, dedicated servers are not just expensive, they are E X P E N S I V E.

    Literally, millions of dollars of network infrastructure are needed to cover games with such large player bases, and on top of that, you have to double up that infrastructure to allow for redundancy. You then multiply that by having to rent datacenters all over the world, and you can see how this cost can quickly become overwhelming.

    Edit: This does also not take into account the rental costs that are paid month-to-month for hosting said services. Costs vary of course, but they can total to hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to maintain said infrastructure.

    It is not about saving a few bucks here and there, dedicated servers for worldwide players can incur costs that would quickly wipe out most small development studios.


    They might not be a solution, but it's still saving DE money, and those band-aids are there for you, either you like to bleed out or not. Won't change the fact DE really just doesn't want to put in crazy amounts of resources into dedicated servers. Just not worth it. Especially when they're still gaining huge amounts of popularity just fine without them.

  6. 4 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    And regarding the dedicated server thing. Yes it may be costly, that isnt what I'm pointing at. My point is that P2P is trash, rubbish, garbage if you have the option to have dedicated servers. P2P will never be better for gaming. It may be alot cheaper for DE, but it is still total crap to have to put up with it.

    " we have systems provided to help get the best out of p2p, so use them." Maybe I need to reiterate that. Use recruiting, change matchmaking ping, invite friends, or just simply go SOLO. DE has these to help with your p2p problems. Again....use them. Because this won't be changing any time soon.

    And yeah, glad you agree, it's cheaper. Which is why DE won't be using it. Especially when this is a 4 player game, and again, not some big multi-million MMO open world. And I don't see DE putting an insane amount of resources to turn Warframe into one of those. So if you truly are right about the numbers being MUCH higher than steam and others show, then why bother changing it? Seems they're doing just fine without all that fancy, expensive nonsense.

  7. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Elvenbane said:

    I disagree. Imagine a Warframe where anyone can leave after a bounty, ESO wave, etc. without forcing the rest of the squad to sit through a host migration. Imagine always being able to reliably use abilities like Nova's wormhole when playing public instead of passing right through it due to lag. Dedicated servers would greatly improve the experience and with DE moving towards larger open areas like PoE and Venus I'd certainly welcome it.

    But again, super expensive. 

  8. 35 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    You dont have 360k active players, you have 360k concurrent players. That means an avarage of 360k players being online at any given point of the day. In most games you multiply this number by 20 or so to get the actual amount of active players. Lets count low here and you'll still end up with 6.5m active players.

    edit: Oh and to the people defending P2P over Dedicated severs. /picardfacepalm


    I'd love to see you actually provide those numbers, because I'm not seeing it. Sometimes we just gotta see proof. 

    Also, the whole "defending p2p" you should read some of the comments in previous pages and realize this: we have systems provided to help get the best out of p2p, so use them. Dedicated servers are insane expensive, which is perfectly understandable in DE's perspective, and some of us just see the bigger picture that p2p is just the cheaper, easier method for DE. 

    Maybe in the waaaay future there will be servers, but we're not running a giant mmo open world game where thousands are all in the same spot. This is a 4 player game that doesn't really need anything above even 10 players. So that idea of dedicated servers seems like quite the money waster. 

  9. 2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Those are always concurrent users. Right now there are close to 90k online through steam, which means you need to add in the stand alone people aswell, plus 2 other platforms. Out of 36m registered users that is far more than a fraction. And these numbers are fairly steady throughout the day, meaning it has alot of active players around the clock.

    Alright so lets double 90k to 180k, and then add to those other platforms: ps4, xbox one, and say they also have 180k players. Still not even a million, compared to 36million, that's definitely a fraction of players. Just saying.

  10. Just now, AnGeL_KRoM said:

    36.000.000 registered users is not "that big" for you???  Wow...

    Doesn't mean all of them play at once you know. Steam alone shows this.


    Yeah there's other platforms, but say they all have those same numbers, that's still a FRACTION of how many people are registered. Just because it says "Hey that's how many accounts are made" doesn't mean they all play the game still.

  11. DE already has systems implemented for you so you can find the best connection. Use them. 

    Only system more I wish they had was "host only" so that when I start a mission, I'm automatically the host. It might really limit the chance of me getting people in my squad because a whole ton of other people would probably try the same, but still better than nothing. 

    Literally the only reason I can see DE not doing servers is because it's saving them money. 

    Oh, and yeah, this isn't under feedback, DE isn't going to see this because you put it in the wrong forum. 

  12. 10 hours ago, (PS4)NachoZissou said:

    Absolutely yeah the waypoint is a key part of the game used by everybody and it's currently pretty shonky. Unless it's Lua rescue in which case it outright trolls you. 

    A bit of TLC for waypoints would be much appreciated and help give the game that professional sheen that it's a bit uneven with. 

    Completely agree! 

    Lua rescue is insanely buggy to the point where the rescue target saves himself somehow. Has happened numerous times! 

  13. 2 minutes ago, Voltage said:

    Yes please. I am extremely worried what it will be like using Nova Wormholes on the new Gas City tile set to come because of this. Countless times, waypoints move across the screen and sometimes go the wrong way. It is frustrating when you have to stop and wait for a waypoint to catch up or guess which door you need to head through.

    My suggestion would be a waypoint at every door/intersection, and as you pass through said point, the previous disappears. This would provide instantaneous directions and be much smoother in gameplay.

    I never thought about how gas city would be actually...oh God the amount of hopping the point would do, it would be nauseating! 

  14. It's been quite a problem for me for a long time now, but I think it's time to ask for a couple changes for the waypoint/objective marker system in warframe. 

    Problems I'm having is that the waypoint loves to take its time updating/moving to the next room so then I can know where I'm going to progress in the mission. Sometimes it's instant, other times it won't move from behind me until I touch the floor in the room I already entered, or when I reach some random spot in the room. 

    That's not the only annoyance, it also loves to make players do crazy detours that could take you further back to where you're supposed to progress. Sometimes I could go for the door we are supposed to go through, but the waypoint will stay behind, waiting for me to go to it because "You took the short way and not MY way! Come back and try again!" 

    Nothing is more annoying in this game than an objective marker that slows down and impedes progress in a game where you're supposed to be fast and agile. At least to me. 

    This could really use a fix. It's buggy and really frustrating when the waypoint snaps back and forth through certain pathways and confuses the players about where they're actually supposed to be. I get many moments where we just stand around, trying to figure out what the waypoint is trying to tell us. 

    Thanks for reading, and have a nice day! 


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