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Posts posted by Nyddedaallan

  1. I'm thinking that they have been working in that liquid so much that it causes something similar to what Grineer have, Cloning Decay Syndrome. So their solution is to replace the severely damaged organic parts with robotic parts. As for the head I don't really know..Maybe their heads are removed and memories and personalities are transferred across to allow for faster thought processing or even for Nef Anyo to have better control over them.

    There's that theory or they could just be obsessed with replacing parts of themselves with robotics for no apparent reason, other than maybe to survive the weather conditions better. 

  2. Unfortunately the transfer would only be from PC to XBox and not the other way, same thing with PC to PS4. It has something to do with some form of legal agreement/contract. So to get XBox to PC, you're gonna have to start over again.. Besides that they haven't even mentioned a transfer of any type recently.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:

    Raw damage has a cap. Not limited to just powers.

    I think a few people used high crit weapons, Strenght Sonar Banshee to achive that.

    (image not mine)


    I was referring to the supposed Damage Cap on Gara's Splinter Storm. 

    "What if you have stacked Gara's little Splinter Storm ability (when it did NOT have the damage cap nerf)"
    I am still able to continuously add damage to my Splinter Storm with no issue what so ever. and in doing so I can still reach numbers that are able to insta-kill lvl 155s+ with no issues.

    My apologies for being so vague..


  4. 2 hours ago, Dddsasul said:

    How did you get outside without this bug? And that thing with "used to store the audio, lighting and maybe the reflections" makes no sense.

    I keep that part secret, and I will continue to do so. As for this: "used to store the audio, lighting and maybe the reflections" Developers used to often place small boxes outside of maps to allow for processing of certain aspects of the map, whether it be small or large. It's a technique that is fading out as there are newer, better ways of processing the aspects.

  5. First couple of images are just the base of the operator room, been there since U18. The box has been there for about the same amount of time. I keep checking it every few updates, but considering how long it has been there for I would say that it is just used to store the audio, lighting and maybe the reflections. Other than that nothing to get excited about. As it is not only do I check that box for any updates I check the entire ship(outside) for any updates and noting has changed not even with those.

  6. So I was exploring the Plains with my friend (showing him the cool night-time/day-time thunderstorm) and an incursion started.. Everything was normal until we had almost killed all the enemies and that's when I noticed that there were some strange mounds..Now I remember that there were no mounds there at the beginning of the incursion so for them to suddenly be there is just a tad-bit scary..









    Pretty sure they are for the New Ghouls but I have been waiting around for the past 20-30 min for them to "incubate" but so far nothing has happened... 


    EDIT: They're all GONE! Well except for 1 but now I'm pretty damn certain that this is not supposed to happen... XD





    EDIT 2: Okay after some more testing they seem to appear roughly where you are.. As for making appear in the first place, well I have no idea how to trigger that..

  7. When using the Mirage noble animation and proceeding to equip the fishing spear (Any Tier) then throwing the spear will cause a soft-lock. In this state you cannot move/use abilities and using unstuck does not release you. To fix this you need to re-equip a spear using the gear wheel as switching weapons also gets locked, however this is not permanent as using the spear again will cause the soft lock to occur again and thus requiring you to repeat the process if you wish to fish with the animation on.

    Hope this gets fixed soon.

  8. I think the Caves are linked to the bounty cycle in some way. The one marked T5 at the moment will change when the bounties roll again. This is from what I can tell so far anyways... I used to think that they were split into quartered rotations. e.g. 1st 50 min of day would have one cave rotation and the 2nd 50min would be another rotation. This would also apply to night as well just split into 25min lots, but after some testing I figured that they were just linked to the bounty rotation which means that the one under camp 4 is more than likely bugged.

    I do hope that they just keep the caves open at all times on Free-Roam (No bounties selected) or even just all the time. The fact that they are locked is just annoying.

  9. Hello to whom ever is reading this.

    I have recently encountered this rather frustrating bug when loading into Cetus. I am not sure if it is just me but considering it does not occur with my friend(Maybe he was doing it wrong, I dunno) I feel like that if I am not the only person having this issue I would bring it to DE's attention.


    If a reference PC is needed my specs are:

    CPU: I7 6700 @ 3.40GHz 
    RAM: 32GB
    GPU: Asus GTX 1060 Strix OC - Drivers: 388.13.

    Hope this gets fixed >_>



  10. As the title states, Ivara can use navigator on bait which also takes complete priority over every other projectile for the time that the bait is active.

    This can cause issues if you are trying to use a projectile based weapon with Navigator as it does take complete priority over all other projectiles for it's active time.


    While on the Subject of Ivara, Please allow for the use of the gear wheel while on the Dashwires.


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