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Posts posted by Mecronmancer

  1. My first was excal. I was so proud the day I got my Gorgon - I used it to no end in every single mission.

    My biggest regret was selling my old Snipetron before it was Rank 30. Thankfully Plague Star allowed me to finally finish it.

    My most disliked memory was having to farm old school Nef Anyo again and again (when he was a really big corpus crewman) for Gallium, and doing the Earth defense mission when it was an underground power core for Rubedo with my former roommate so that I could forge the Gram - the hardest hitting two-hander. Yes, back then even Rubedo was a very uncommon resource.

    And my most liked memory? Zorencoptering throughout missions and charge attacking with my Gram. Those charge attacks were so satisfying to connect.

    Oh, and the bugs. The bugs were so funny to witness:


  2. 1 hour ago, Stoner74 said:

    Hell, its like 2 similar stores next to each-other and both fight for a common thing, customers. So they try their best for being the better store. Competitive clans are similar. 

    No. The difference between stores competing and "competitive" Warframing is that the former is actually productive use of effort and the latter is a total waste of time.

  3. Overall DPS: Chroma, Mesa.

    Overall Surv: Chroma, Valkyr.

    Stealth: well I don't have many stealth frames but my Loki P does it in a pinch. Looking forward to playing with Ivara once I get her dang blueprint though (cmon RNGsus)

    Defense: Frost, Gara, Limbo for babysitting the dumb operative :sleep:.

    Single target DPS: Chroma with an Opticor, and Mesa again. Maybe Valkyr if she gets a high MCC. Mag with Magnetize and a Lanka is also ridiculously good.

    CC capability: Booben. Hands down. Nyx/Nova combo gets an honorable mention here.

    Versatility: this one's a silly category because the term's so vague. Most frames when modded right are fairly versatile and can react to many situations that can be encountered. Maybe Harrow because of his buffs and CC capabilities?

  4. I love my lil stupid dogs, but the only reason why I don't use them is because of the lack of UV. A simple toggle option like OP's post would make diversity in using companions a lot better.

    And no, having UV doesn't "casualize" the game or w/e the naysayers are talking about. If I wanted to go play Pickup Simulator I'd go play Borderlands. This is a game where I'm a fluid space ninja, not a Loot Goblin from Vermintide.


  5. I agree on the perception that pineapples are way too common a drop. It's getting kind of infuriating, since I've been getting those too frequently myself. A replacement of that drop possibility with some Arcanes from raids (here we go with a can of worms) would be nice.

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