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Posts posted by Nerthiril

  1. On 2024-06-02 at 2:36 AM, Redrigoth said:


    • First ability: Increase base cone range to 15m and allow weapon usage while channeling it.
    • Change first ability augment Spectral Scream: Chroma breathes all 4 elements out at the same time and range is fixed to 20m unaffected by range mods. Also affects the 4th ability Effigy by making it also pump out all 4 elements at the same time.


    Effigy isn't good either. In order to get good VA stacks you pretty much need blind rage. which turns effigy from 10energy/s to 15 energy/s which even with primed flow (about 860 energy) means it will only last 57 seconds, during which you can only get energy by energy orbs. and will get cut down even faster when you take into consideration vex armor costs about 110 energy so you only really have 730 energy after you cast both so 50 seconds. then adding onto that if you also use elemental ward it will be cut down more. all for a turret that cant move without an augment. and barely does any damage. Also that is partially the issue with spectral scream that you cant use weapons during it. but currently you can use melee and even then you will find no one touching it its damage needs to scale hard with VA and even then I bet even in low level sp it would be near useless. 

  2. 7 hours ago, TeaHands said:

    1. Chroma Prime: This will never change, I'm currently working on my 3rd copy so I can do an all Tauforged Crimson Shard Power Fiend. Love theory crafting builds to make him viable in harder missions using every tool available in this game. And he has endless fashion options. He's my number 1 guy.

    From one chroma lover to another may I suggest combining that power fiend build with a primer tenet arca plasmor or hound primer + tenet arca plasmor. Combining with galv savvy makes it so you start off dealing no damage but by the time you get full VA you are now two shotting everything. Haven’t tried in end game steel path (not there yet as I’ve been slacking) but I did use in netra cells and elite deep Archimeda and it worked well.

    • Like 1
  3. 8 hours ago, DarkBlueSeaDragon said:

    Hello, here again to present my Chroma rework idea; The previous post can be found here. I posted it before guardian armor.

        And now that I've played for some time with guardian armor, there are some changes to my dish that I'd like to make.

    Passive: Draconic Pelt - Chroma gains 5% resistance to ETCH damage on damaged up to a maximum of 45%, 65% for coloration element; Chroma has 1 extra jump and bullet jump


    It’s currently early in the morning where I’m at so I won’t really go over other suggestions I have at the moment (as I’ve not read over the other abilities) but I would like to inform you this is a worse Caliban passive. Caliban has adaptive armor that gives 5% resistance stacking to 50% whenever they take damage. This is just a more limited version of that (being only ETCH damage) and 5% less resistance on the elements that aren’t his color. Most people will just run the actually adaptation mod at that point as it stacks to 90% and doesn’t have any limitation on damage types. Also does this Passive have a duration? Or would it be for the rest of the run till they die? Because if it’s the latter it may actually be stronger than caliban (as theirs decay)

  4. 19 hours ago, Mr_Stach said:

    What I would probably do is just have the Effigy become duration based and honestly remove the Armor reduction bit. Just getting the speed boost and be Duration based could benefit a lot for it.

    Duration based would help infinitely in making it useable. The main issue with effigy is that at base efficency with primed flow you can only have it active for 55 seconds during which you can’t regain energy via rage/energy nexus, and goes down much faster when you consider you have to make sure to keep VA up (assuming no guardian armor/ aren’t killing fast enough) only getting worse when blind rage cranks that drain to 14/s for a sentry that gives a 50% multiplicative armor reduction (which is ironic as that’s chroma’s only multiplicative and it’s a negative and means VA with that active slashes your armor much more than it appears) and a movespeed bonus. While the sentry barely does any damage. Removing the armor reduction would also help a lot in making it more worthwile and not a straight up nerf to your frame to cast that ability.


    19 hours ago, Mr_Stach said:

    Other changes just for making it Synergize and feel better could be:

    - Effigy now follows you floating nearby attacking nearby targets.

    - Effigy gains the benefits from both Vex Armor (both scorn and fury) and Elemental Ward while active. 

    - While Elemental Ward is active, Effigy's status Chance and Damage are doubled. 

    These are all very good ideas. Though effigy already gets fury bonus from VA. But I’m still in the boat that it doesn’t really feel like it fits chroma. They aren’t really a caster frame. More a weapons platform due to circumstance. It kinda feels like DE was going for a middle ground but it somewhat failed due to VA being so much more useful than the rest. I feel like they should full send weapons platform and make them closer to something like voruna. Their abilities compliment their playstyle and focus on good gunplay over nuking the room with abilities.

  5. On 2024-04-29 at 5:35 PM, Mr_Stach said:

    I like the Hold abilities to switch elements, reminds me of Voruna and Lavos, it's a simple way to get away from dial and select. 

    Same here. The dial to swap elements does get annoying after a bit even if I only stay on heat or cold (others are meh)

    On 2024-04-29 at 5:35 PM, Mr_Stach said:

    I don't think you should so casually toss out Vex Armor, Chroma's long time Iconic ability and for a lot of people 1 of 2 actually good abilities. 

    100% agree. I usually play chroma and it is 1 of 2 actually good abilities (1 deals no damage while locking out of weapons, and 4 is an energy hog, deals no damage, and strips you of 75% armor for an increased move speed) that’s my biggest issue with this. If effigy was taken out fine, spectral scream? Fine, even ele ward (the other decent ability) alr a bit too much but if the replacement is good alright I can deal with that. But vex armor? Their damage/tanking buff? The one reason people use chroma other than looks? The ability that previously made them a god at eidolons? they selected that ability to remove? That’s one change I cannot support. Imo on the rework idea claws should replace 1 and give VA back to chroma. As Spectral will still probably be useless and don’t think the imbuement + VA will break the game. VA is already theoretically the lowest damage buff in the game. With the others being multi and so many ways to get base damage there is really no reason to use VA over roar or eclipse.

    On 2024-04-29 at 5:35 PM, Mr_Stach said:

    As far as Overguard I would say, it would completely trump health regen and shield regen would be good for general shield gating.

    This is the other issue I have with the rework. It’s the second time where I’ve seen someone suggest giving chroma overguard. They weren’t made to get overguard and overguard has been kinda relegated to the end all be all of tanking. I don’t want to see my favorite frame just get sent into overguard hell as it just seems so bland. Oh they aren’t tanky enough? Just give overguard and they will sort it out. And overguard would easily beat out elec ward, heat, and as much as I would like fire rate on my guns that’s just more dps which isn’t really what chroma needs as the rework removed vex armor thus taking out their main gun buffing ability for just more fire rate and an additional element.

    On 2024-04-29 at 5:07 PM, VasjaTheOx said:



    Also can stay similar.

    Holding his 4nd ability, Switches Chroma to ELECTRIC Element.


    Kills Done with ELECTRIC element, grants Chroma 100 OVERSHIELDS per kill.



    Chromas Elemental Kill Bonuses can overlap, so players can switch between elements in combat and have more than one elemental bonus active at the same time.


    And finally effigy. Not sure where you got the idea that it can stay the same, maybe since you took out VA chroma no longer needs Blind rage to get any substantial power str? But rn effigy is straight up unusable. Drains energy in seconds, deals no damage even with high str, and slashes armor by 75% making you insanely squishy for a tank. Effigy’s only benefit is the doubling credit drops which is only good on PT. Other than that it’s the subsume slot for nourish or something actually decent (SS has the element swap so it can’t go). Imo effigy should be nuked from orbit. Strip that out and replace it with a completely different ability that actually synergizes with their kit instead of ruining their tankyness and energy Econ.

  6. That’s a major issue with every frame + volt tbh. But can be canceled out by backrolling. Chroma’s issue couldn’t be fixed by just moving around which is why it was a more pressing issue. Imo they should have a setting to opt out of volt speed boost as it’s so annoying to play with as I just have to pay attention to the sound cue of speed and backroll instantly else I run into the wall. If it was capture that would at least make sense. But if a Volt is spamming speed on a defense or survival. Why. We aren’t going anywhere

  7. Chroma has been off and on my favorite list for a while now due to the changes, but now I can say it’s solidly back on as I am now in love with my tenet Arca plasmor primer/nuke. Have 5 status on that and with it having multi gunCO it pairs perfectly with VA’s insane base damage boost, combine with shotgun vendetta for more Multishot and reload and it’s a beast. Guardian armor helping with duration and healing helped a lot with bringing me back onto chroma. (They still need a change to 1 and 4 as 1 doesn’t do any damage and 4 ruins his tankyness while making him run out of energy in seconds, but 2 and 3 are fine with the right weapons)

    Voruna: Other than (reasons) I always do like status builds more than crit, and what’s better than a frame with a primer as an ability. Allowing me to use any weapon I want freely with CO without needing to build an epitaph or similar gun to swap. Equip equilibrium. Press 3, press 1, press 2, smack em with a melee, and watch every enemy around you just die from every status effect inflicted upon them. Only issue is their 4 but that’s an easy subsume for something like breach surge as a panic button or to stack more damage.

    • Like 1
  8. On 2024-04-17 at 12:01 PM, Exoni_Prime said:

    I think the removal of chroma being able to switch between elements shows a lack of understanding as to why the mechanic is there, and in general of how his kit works in tandem. Not to mention the suggested change is nullified by a secondary weapon with high enough status and secondary encumber.

    Not just this. Voruna exists. The suggested change would just be a worse voruna 2. As you can easily spread status upon enemy death to groups while still chaining abilities together instead of this new chroma ability forcing you to stop for a moment.

    On 2024-04-17 at 12:01 PM, Exoni_Prime said:

    I agree, cold is fine where it's at.

    Heat change is redundant as heat ward's range isn't good enough where heat application would matter. Instead should also apply heat proc chance when chroma is hit.

    electricity change is good.

    toxin fire rate buff shouldn't be added. There's a reason people complain about haste motes. attack speed however I agree with. Holster damage too needs to be replaced. Instead will increase sprint/walking speed and enemies hit by the toxin proc have a chance to spread status.

    I am 50/50 on cold. I feel like it should be a lower but multiplicative bonus to armor or VA needs to be multiplicative because cold at the moment is only useful when you are trying to stack Scorn as when you got 1200%+ additive armor. The 400% isn’t going to do much.

    Agree on heat and electric,

    100% agree on toxin.

    On 2024-04-17 at 12:01 PM, Exoni_Prime said:

    It needs to be multiplicative or needs to work as a bane multiplier (same for eclipse on mirage wtf) seriously though he got gutted by a change because of a bugged interaction that literally wasn't even because of the multiplicative buff.

    De acts like we don't have roar Saryn running around with cloud contagion nuking entire rooms but at the same time think it's bad design for chroma to be a reasonable weapons platform.

    This tbh. Mirage mains getting their change slightly reverted now made chroma the worst damage buff on top of being the hardest to stack (being unable to obtain stacks currently unless they get damaged to hp) at least previous eclipse was unreliable. (Roar is just bs as it’s a single button press for one of the highest buffs in the game). chroma is only really good now for nieche things like Grendel runs (pair with harrow for inf energy). Or to use stuff like shotgun vandetta/longbow sharpshot/multiplicative gunCO. Which sure I like being able to use those stuff effectively. But there is no need to spread VA to Allies because it’s guaranteed they are using primary merci/serration/deadhead so the buff is just meh to not needed.

    On 2024-04-17 at 12:01 PM, Exoni_Prime said:

    Effigy already has a miniscule health value so why even bother with energy drain?

    Either have an energy drain with damage impunity or give it a health bar that scales with enemy level and mods.

    You can easily just make effigy like page flight but a tad bit stronger since it's an ultimate then have it apply the element chroma chose while having said element it attacks with apply without needing to recast the ability.

    Also, casting speed of his blind needs to be hastened.

    The armor removal and speed increase also needs to be removed and replaced with effigy acting as an extra companion (sentinel) being near chroma and helping with aggro/cc/damage amplification clear. 

    Players are probably going to scream at me for suggesting effigy also gives status amplification, but Sevagoth works the same way with his shadow, and both do not stack. With that said, when I look at effigy and what it tries to do it only makes sense to have it become a helpful ally and more importantly make players have a choice when it comes to helminth.


    Anyway. Suggested changes are fine for the most part but a lot of them don't tackle the issues that chroma has. 

    Honestly they should get rid of Effegy. It gives you an armor decrease in exchange for movespeed… on a tank frame. On top of Effegy being an energy hog and dealing no damage. I do like the suggested change but feel like chroma would benefit a lot more if we just threw it out like hydroid’s puddle. Not sure if it is possible due to being a part of their identity, but if not throw out completely, just completely change how it works.

  9. I don’t think most are saying that he is bad per say. Just he is outdated. His 1 and 4 have no use even being there and I’ve done 99% of my missions with chroma without even touching Effegy. (Only times I did was it was a mistake and didn’t leave it up for long). His 2 is barely useful and if you get wisp on your team his heat ward doesn’t work, and same with hyldren and electric. Cold is additive so it’s only truely useful when trying to get scorn stacks. After that it’s a very minor buff not really worth the energy investment. Then toxin no one really talks about because no one uses. Then finally 3. His “best most defining ability”. It can be replaced by any other damage ability and be better. Only truely good if you are using gunCO with a gun that is multiplicative, or longbow sharpshot. It does free up mod slots and arcanes. But most builds aren’t even so tight that you can eke out extra damage by replacing serration/merciless with Vex armor. You get more damage from roar or eclipse with serration/gunCO/merciless. Still fully usable in any content you want. Just overwhelmingly mediocre.

  10. On 2024-04-11 at 8:06 AM, Samhel said:

    Holy s*, you're right. Altough, the other point still stands, he has 1 useful ability :'D 

    I’d give it a hard 1.5. At least half of Elemental ward is useful (if you don’t have a wisp (overwrites heat), hyldren (elec is just bad but Hyldren overwrites it), Max scorn stacks (Cold is additive with VA so basically does nothing when you easily get 1k armor from VA), and who uses Toxin (Toxin is probably the least used one chroma has))

  11. To start off I agree that overguard should honestly be removed and we should have never been given access to it. It now makes it impossible to make any mode actually challenging when all you need is like one Dante or one Sty to instantly make the entire team seemingly immune from death

    but to get back onto chroma

    5 hours ago, Vazumongr said:

    Edit: I got so caught up in the Overguard part I forgot the Chroma part, oops. I am 100% in favor of a Chroma rework. Even if we lose our beloved Vex Armor which I doubt as it's, unfortunately tbh, his most iconic feature. I would love for them to modernize his kit and learn extremely hard into the Elemental Dragon themes. The reason I think it's unfortunate for Chroma's most iconic feature to be Vex Armor, is because it's not tied that strongly into the dragon or elemental themes - it has 0 relation to the elements. The Augment and upcoming change just feel like bandaid fixes. They don't address the root cause of the problem. It's like instead of fixing what is making the patient sick and producing all these symptoms, we're just treating the symptoms themselves. 

    They honestly should. Tho they aren’t properly a dragon. They just slayed a dragon like sentient. They could instead lean heavily into a Paladin style for them. Tanking and supporting their team to prevent them from dying. Removing overguard would make this role also more achievable tbh. But it already seems like DE is trying to push for that with the introduction of GA augment. But they haven’t gone all the way. Ele ward is also a team buff. So he has 2 team buffs and 2 useless abilities. Why not make him have 3 buffs (nourish is already one of the best anyways and what I use on them so I already run 3 buffing abilities) and maybe a damage one on 4 somewhat like wisp (except the 4 is actually useful) maybe like a panic button if things get tough. I did suggest a Paladin style croma. Tho it was unfinished missing a passive and 4th. This would not only tie into their theme but also keep VA. Instead of replacing all 4 abilities to fit dragon. 

    ps. On the upcoming changes they are 100% bandaids alongside the augment which only patch chroma up. I bet the stacks on kill won’t be useful outside of having a Dante on your team. He is desperately in need of a rework. He’s gone through so many indirect nerfs. (From VA “fix” to self damage removal, to overguard) and everything they’ve done is just bandaid fixes. It’s honestly not enough

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, TigranZ said:

    I, a mere Dragon frame main, am just asking that he may spread his wings, without worrying whether an overguard frame is going to make him dawdle around awkwardly as they make his most useful part of his kit ...moot. 😅

    This is kinda another gripe I have with chroma despite wanting so desperately to main it. A frame shouldn't be defined by a single ability of their kit. it should all work in tandum, does that mean every warframe should have 4 op abilities? or even 4 abilities that are useful 100% of the time? no. But no warframe should have 2 easily replaceable abilities in the helminth. (3 if you count VA, the most defining part of their kit, being easily replaceable by any other damage buff in the game)

  13. 1 hour ago, TigranZ said:

    In either case, overguard removes any ability to generate buffs for any frames that require shield "or" health damage in order to function. So I feel it needs a review, and no this is not a call for any sort of nerf to overguard, as functionally it serves its purpose really well.

    Its been announced next patch that chroma is going to be able to generate fury with ranged kills and scorn with melee. which imo is a bit of a bandaid fix as it will only really matter if you have an overguard frame in your team. And rage/adren will be able to work through overguard if you have no shield.


    1 hour ago, TigranZ said:

    Needless to say, overguard needs to be looked at in terms of how it interacts (or in this case, limits) certain frames like Chroma from reaching their full effectiveness. And I dare say, this would make a fine time for Chroma to receive an actual rework himself. If for no other reason than to bring him up to the times, and I know Pablo and the team would be able to pull such a thing off.

    Agreed. Even with GA he still feels kinda eh and the fun you have is not really with their kit, but the guns you use. which you can use any other frame and the same gun just subsume roar for a better time. It feels like de is trying to get chroma to be a support tank and not selfish like theyve been for years. Chroma's VA is not just a self buff, nor is EW. But everyone had to go narrow minded to get VA duration to a point it is usable. Now with GA removing the need for that chroma is a bit more of the support tank it seems like he always was meant to be. But without a full rework looking over his kit (in particular 1 and 4) he will always be alright. in between good and bad and most importantly, dated. VA was not meant to keep up with SP enemies, with them able to easily kill you through scorn before you get enough fury stacks unless you have at least 300% ability str which is kinda the biggest issue with chroma, going max ability str should be a choice, not a requirement to make serviceable. basically knocks away any other potential build due to how bad going anything but str is in high level play.

  14. 17 hours ago, DarkBlueSeaDragon said:

    Chroma's pelt is a defeated sentient in lore, it could grant 5% adaptation to damage types up to max 35%, with GA this would then also apply to alies. It may not perfectly fit the idea you had, but it fits the name I guess?

    Thank you. I was looking for basically anything to fit it. and innate adaption would fit both the sentient aspect of lore and also help chroma cause adaptation is nearly universally used on them, freeing up a mod slot.

  15. Ok it is currently 2:30 am so this may not be my best work but I just want to get it down for feedback purposes and so I don't forget by tomorrow.

    As we probably all know by now chroma has been getting more and more obsolete as the years go on and patches come out that indirectly nerf them (Removal of self damage, overguard frames) and while luckily the second part is getting fixed somewhat next week (Finally something good for chroma for once). And the first got somewhat fixed by Guardian armor (Which should honestly be baked into the ability at this point. But at least its an augment worth the mod slot and energy). Chroma still is in the iffy place of not being bad per say. Like it doesn't draw the eyes of DE to fix them, but chroma just isn't worth playing when there are so many other frames that can easily beat it out in every category it once held claim to. So I have the idea of instead of trying to make it fit into already existing categories, why not make it fit into its own category, Paladin. Paladin for those who don't play DnD or fantasy games with classes are a class that's a hybrid between a tank and a support, often with powerful buffs to make their allies last through the fight. With guardian armor augment he is already on the path to becoming a proper paladin instead of a selfish self buffing dps/tank hybrid. No longer needing narrow minded for duration he can now actually buff allies within a decent range and take their allies damage onto themselves with guardian armor. Now that's Just Vex armor, the rest of their kit doesn't really flow into the paladin style game play in particular the 1 and 4. So my goal is to suggest some changes that will make their kit actually flow starting with passive:

    Draconic protection: The current ability feels like a placeholder, like DE couldn't come up with anything else but since the passive was getting removed they had to do something. Just an extra jump isn't doing much. It doesn't even fit the elemental dragon theme they previously had going on. But as I was thinking over how to make chroma more fitting as a paladin and how their current playstyle may fit a dragon's selfishness, the paladin idea can be them viewing their allies as their hoard to protect. Currently no idea of what to make this due to the Guardian armor augment's existence being basically what I'd want as the passive, but moving that augment to their passive could work

    Spectral Scream: Lets be honest, if this ability didn't also hold the most identifying part of their kit (swapping elements) it would be the one to go over even effigy, at least that has merit in PT with credit doubling. Low damage, low range, locks out of non melee weapons. this is the peak of useless abilities. So lets change it into something both chroma and their allies benefit from:

    Chroma lets out a roar infused with elemental might staggering and inflicting status on enemies caught in the blast. Secondary effect changes based on what element is equipped: 
    Heat: A flash of fire Blind enemies for 3 seconds

    Electric: Electric tendrils latch onto nearby allies instantly starting a boosted shield recharge

    Cold: Instantly Freezes nearby enemies (Currently a placeholder as cannot think of what else better to add)

    Toxin: Toxin drips from chroma and enemies hit by the blast creating toxic pools underneath them.

    This addresses some of the main issues I've been having with chroma, they are a tank but have no form of CC at all. Heat and Cold will allow that. Electric allows them a minor buff on their 1 to supplement the additional shield on elec ele ward. And toxic is just added aoe which due to this change taking out the only form of ability damage they have, it would be nice for them to still have something. I've always liked elemental ward and how it changes in effect based on element and feel like the 1 holding the swap but 2 being the only one that actually changes (other than just element damage) is weird. This will make it so 1 actually has a reason to be the one swapping elements instead of just moving it onto 2.

    Elemental Ward: One of my favorite abilities previously crippled by the dedication to needing to watch over VA. Now with GA being here we can finally reliably keep Elemental Ward up for as long as we want. My personal only change is just making this recastable, there is no reason not to, just makes chroma feel clunky to play when you have to wait an extra second to let ele ward drop before casting it again. But I'll bring up a change supplied from EmperorBlastoff 's post as I feel like it is a pretty decent change if you want to go further with it instead of a simple recast

    "Second Ability Changes: The second ability Elemental Ward at first seems like a decent survivabilty and support tool but in practice its pretty overwhelming for Chroma. First you cant recast the ability like on other support abilities, so your force to wait till the duration to end to recast it. Two you can only use one buff at a time so you can't use it at its full potential. Three most of the buffs kinda suck., for example the heat buff only gives you extra health but no healing. Which isn't good especially in steel path because extra health with no healing, armor, and Shield gating isn't gonna mean S#&$ to a Steelpath enemies. While the cold and electric buffs are decent, but like I said you can't use two buffs at the same time, and the worst of them all is the toxin buff. Having extra reload and holster speed is situational and most Chroma players rarely use it, unless they are using it in Eidolon hunt. since Elemental Ward is Chroma's subsume you can just slap it on other frames like Wisp or Trinity and get better results than on Chroma. I would keep Elemental ward but make some changes like making it recast able and being able to use two buffs instead of just one. I will also give changes to the buffs by giving them special effects. The Heat Buff will  give Chroma extra health and also extra healing like Wisp's motes. The Electric Buff will give extra shields as well as extra energy regeneration, The Cold Buff would still give extra armor but it will also give out a slow moving aura similar to that of Sevagoth's gloom, and  finally the Toxin Buff will give extra ammo and ammo capacity to guns. You can only use two buffs at once, but just having just two should be enough survivabilty." (EmperorBlastoff)

    Vex Armor: This ability is a bit controversial about what to do with it but in my opinion these are the two best for this version of chroma

    1: Keep as is, it works perfectly fine and has synergies with stuff like Longbow sharpshot and guns/melee that have Multiplicative CO
    2: Turn it back into Multiplicative with the expectation that it will get nerfed to be not even close to the power it was before.

    I personally am in favor of keep as is, it allows different arcanes to shine like longbow and shotgun vandetta that fly under the radar due to merciless and deadhead being so prevalent. Those arcanes barely see much use due to merciless/deadhead being the best way of getting base damage onto a weapon, allowing for more optimization with mods no longer needing serration. Chroma has the unique opportunity of being a warframe that can directly benefit from those lesser used arcanes and I don't want to take that away.

    Effigy: This is the ability im most unsure about. I know it needs to be taken out of the picture completely it is so bad, especially with blind rage, have fun running out of energy in seconds. So I'll be taking feedback on what this slot could be that would fit into a paladin or dragon theme, all I will ask is that it isn't a buff, the frame with these changes already has 3 buffs (though only one affects damage, so it wouldn't be out of line) putting a 4th one will run the risk of making this a support frame or just being too timer focused

    All feedback is appreciated, all I'll ask is if you take issue with a proposed change, to supply some other way the ability could be changed instead. Criticism is more than accepted as long as there is constructive merit to it as well. 

  16. After reading more posts someone mentioned how Vex armor’s range was horrid especially compared to guardian armor meaning you can’t reliably protect your team. And with most range mods to actually make them a support frame taking away from tankyness or power str they suggested that Vex armor should be aff range too. Meaning no need to slot overextended or stretch to get enough range for it to be worthwhile on anything other than a defense mission. Which would be a very welcome buff to VA cause a lot of time it’s me running around trying to follow people so they don’t outspeed the VA buff and wind up suddenly nuked by their massive drop in armor. This can also be applied to elemental ward too. Would maybe make a good passive in combination with something else. But better if it was baked into the abilities


  17. I’m 50/50 on this fix idea. It does have merit but there are edits I’d do. Going down the list:

    34 minutes ago, (PSN)EmperorBlastoff said:

    New Passive: Chroma's current passive Dragons flight is more of a cosmetic feature than really a passive. Also having an extra bullet and midair jump isn't really that special to begin with. So I will give him a  new Passive  Status Retaliation. Chroma has a 25% chance to inflict a random status effects on nearby enemies when damaged. Is this the most creative passive no I think are better ideas for a Chroma passive, but it's the best I could think of.

    Completely agree with you on the passive. It feels like something you’d slap on just as a filler passive while you fix something that was broken or to hold it over till you give the frame the proper passive. Yet chroma has it and still has it for years. Status retaliation is nice when their primary ability relies on getting damaged.

    37 minutes ago, (PSN)EmperorBlastoff said:

    New First Ability: Chromas Spectrial Scream is one of the weakest first abilities a frame can have. Not only does it have no scaling damage, it's slow, and the status effects it produces are pathetic. Compared to similar abilities like Voruna's Fangs of Raksh and Lavos's Ophidian bite, it doesn't even come close to the amount of status effects they  produce in one cast. Oh yeah it also drains energy, Which is why I am replacing it with Elemental Fury. Once activated Chroma will be able to give melee weapons increased elemental damage, similar to Kullervo's Wrathful Advance but with elemental damage and no teleport feature. The amount of elemental damage will be scale with power, with just 200% power strength giving you a 215%  elemental damage buff. Duration obviously makes the effect last longer. Chroma will also have the ability to cycle through and choose any of the common elemental damage types (Electric, Toxin, Cold, and Heat) and use them. Now this is when things get spicy, Chroma can also combine two of the common elemental damage types to get combined elements like (Viral, Corrosive, Radiation, Gas, and Magnetic) and use them as well. But combine elements will cost more energy, and you can only have one combined element type active. This ability can make Chroma a very good melee wielding frame, and with the right melee build and the new Tennokai, Chroma can quite literary destroy high level content.

    This is another good point but it’s also where my ideas start to differ. I don’t like the idea that their ability only will effect melee. We already have multiple melee frames (like kullervo as mentioned and voruna) and the second issue is turning it into another melee frame will unless it brings something different (which it doesn’t) will leave it in the same place it is right now. People will just use Kullervo for crit and raw damage melee, and voruna for status and CO. Chroma is special because its buffs are universal. Buffing their guns and melee alongside their abilities damage. Making the first ability just a melee damage and status buff would just not stand out. Also it’s treading on the toes of larvos with the combined elements. Chroma should be the master of (base) elements. While larvos the alchemist should be the master of combining them. Tho don’t have as much issue with this as spectral scream. Another issue is no frame has more than one damage buff ability. That’s why you can only replace eclipse with roar with vex armor. You are prohibited from replacing any other ability. Giving chroma 2 damage buff abilities would make them stand out. In a bad way. People will complain at de asking why chroma can get 2 damage buffs. Maybe instead of spectral scream as it is it can be this:

    Spectral Scream: Chroma lets out a roar infused with elemental might staggering and inflicting status on enemies caught in the blast. Secondary effect changes based on what element is equipped: 
    Heat: A flash of fire Blind enemies for 3 seconds

    Electric: Electric tendrils latch onto nearby allies instantly starting a boosted shield recharge

    Cold: Instantly Freezes nearby enemies

    Toxin: Toxin drips from chroma and enemies hit by the blast creating toxic pools underneath them.

    With chroma’s new guardian armor augment they now have a nieche as a Paladin (Support/Tank) this will also augment that role giving them some desperately needed CC (Cold and heat), some desperately needed aoe damage (Toxin), and another means to support the team (Electric) also makes it so it works more like elemental ward in that it isn’t just a change of elements. But it’s actually a change in effect too.

    54 minutes ago, (PSN)EmperorBlastoff said:

    Second Ability Changes: The second ability Elemental Ward at first seems like a decent survivabilty and support tool but in practice its pretty overwhelming for Chroma. First you cant recast the ability like on other support abilities, so your force to wait till the duration to end to recast it. Two you can only use one buff at a time so you can't use it at its full potential. Three most of the buffs kinda suck., for example the heat buff only gives you extra health but no healing. Which isn't good especially in steel path because extra health with no healing, armor, and Shield gating isn't gonna mean S#&$ to a Steelpath enemies. While the cold and electric buffs are decent, but like I said you can't use two buffs at the same time, and the worst of them all is the toxin buff. Having extra reload and holster speed is situational and most Chroma players rarely use it, unless they are using it in Eidolon hunt. since Elemental Ward is Chroma's subsume you can just slap it on other frames like Wisp or Trinity and get better results than on Chroma. I would keep Elemental ward but make some changes like making it recast able and being able to use two buffs instead of just one. I will also give changes to the buffs by giving them special effects. The Heat Buff will  give Chroma extra health and also extra healing like Wisp's motes. The Electric Buff will give extra shields as well as extra energy regeneration, The Cold Buff would still give extra armor but it will also give out a slow moving aura similar to that of Sevagoth's gloom, and  finally the Toxin Buff will give extra ammo and ammo capacity to guns. You can only use two buffs at once, but just having just two should be enough survivabilty.

    This is the first I’d say is actually fine. No comments here just a good idea to make Ele ward more useful and consistent.

    56 minutes ago, (PSN)EmperorBlastoff said:

    Third Ability Changes: Vex Armor since Chroma's release has been his greatest strength but it is also Chroma's biggest weakness. This is due to how you gain vex armor, you have to take damage to get the buffs. Against normal level enemies this wouldn't be a problem, but against Steelpath and high level content this is an issue because as enemy level gets higher so does their damage. This makes building vex armor very risky, because if you take too much damage no armor buff is gonna save you from dying. So to fix this I would make it so instead of taking damage for vex armor, instead Chroma sacrifices half his health and shields. I say sacrifice not reduce since you can just cast Chroma's 2 to get that health and shields back, giving Chroma more synergy.

    Honestly this is the change I have the biggest gripe with. With guardian armor existing solely to make getting VA easier (And the confirmed change that now ranged attacks will stack fury and melee for scorn) this change is no longer needed. I’d even protest the change without Guardian armor existing. It just turns it into another roar/eclipse style buff of cast it for full effect. And honestly if this change went through it’ll get nerfed guaranteed. Making it in an even more sorry state than it is rn. Especially since you can just keep recasting the buff once you have it at max. Also guardian armor can’t kill you. Only drop to 1 hp. Meaning if you stay out of sight from the enemies but have like Vaz focus for more aff range you can easily get max fury in seconds without risk of dying. Honestly a better change in my opinion since I keep mentioning it so much. Make guardian armor part of Vex armor. It’s such a crucial augment for chroma in high levels if you want to not die trying to stack VA. Ig it does kinda make sense for such a strong power to be costing a mod slot.

    1 hour ago, (PSN)EmperorBlastoff said:

    New Fourth Ability: Chroma's  Effigy has always been an unreliable power. It debuffs Chroma by removing the armor buff from vex armor, drastically decreasing Chroma's survivability by a lot for minor 20% movement speed which is useless. The sentry doesn't hold up either not only is its damage comparable to that of a water gun, its stationary and doesn't move at all. And if your running a Blind rage Chroma with no efficiency the sentry would drain all of your energy in seconds, making it a liability for Chroma. Unless you are using it for profit taker credit farms  this ability just sucks in general so I'm replacing it with Rising Dragon. Chroma will spread his wings and be able to actually fly like a dragon similar to how Zephyr can fly, while in this flying state Chroma can only use guns. But if he casts his one he can breathe out an elemental status projectile that spreads status in a large area of effect, allowing Chroma to effectively spread status effects.

    Another very valid point. Effegy is usually the subsume unless PT farm. But I do take issue with the edit. Once again it’s exclusively for a single type of weapons. This time guns. Titania can fly and has both guns and melee so why can’t chroma. And I do like the edit to one to compensate for the lacking melee weapon but feel like chroma should at least be able to claw or use melee weapons too. They are basically a dragon afterall. But before I get ahead of myself like I just mentioned. Titania. This is very similar to their 4 except with a chroma twist. I personally cannot really think of one myself at the moment but I feel like chroma should start to lean into the paladin style of gameplay they are adopting.

    all in all these are pretty nice changes but not really what chroma needs for the most part. Feel like if he became a Paladin frame he would see a lot of success as the first one of that type. Most are either support or tanking (often with a bit of dps to help compensate so they don’t fall off in high level play (rhino)) Chroma being a Paladin would mean they can get into content that other supports can’t due to being too squishy. Or relying on their teammates too much.

  18. On 2024-03-04 at 7:47 PM, Cyrefy said:

    Chroma - has only one use and that is to multiply credits...

    Agreed. They’ve fallen so far from ultimate eidolon hunter to just being there for PT credit doubling. I even think people just subsume over VA when doing that so basically no one even uses their abilities when doing PT as chroma anyways.

    On 2024-03-04 at 7:47 PM, Cyrefy said:

    Voruna - I can fix her easily, her biggest flaw is how weird her fourth skill is in the kit, if the player can use literally any melee weapon to give a heavy attack, why not let her fourth skill be based on her melee weapon equipped, I researched a lot about it, people who use the fourth skill only use it for one reason "it looks cool" and that alone, there is simply no justification for it not being like that, it doesn't make any logical sense, it does exactly what a heavy attack would only make it much worse, another thing is the randomness of the status effect of the second skill, it took years to change eclipse due to inconsistency, I wonder how many years it will take to change this skill...

    Voruna yah. But I don’t think they need a rework. Maybe just a tweak. Reworks I’d save for ones whoes most of their kit just doesn’t work in the current system of which 1-3 all work flawlessly and really pair well together with the melee playstyle. 4’s main issue Imo is that it isn’t statstickable. If you could use a stat stick for it that would definitely increase its potency

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  19. On 2024-03-03 at 11:34 AM, --Leyenda-yight6 said:

    Chroma needs improvements in general, more than half of her kit is useless: the first skill is not used, the 4th is only used for profit taker, you will never see her in a normal mission and of her 3 only heat protection is used and cold protection.

    Yah agreed but a few things of note. 1st ability is the worst by far but de made it even worse by locking the swap ele on that Ability meaning it doesn’t even have a place as an ability that you can replace. 2: His 2nd is the elemental ward, third is vex armor. And yes only heat and cold are used. Toxin doesn’t have a place on it and elec is only used on like hydren when subsumed onto them but we shouldn’t take how useful it is on other frames into account as it doesn’t effect chroma. And yah 4 is horrid mainly because of its double credits ability. That gives people the idea that chroma is good for something (credit farming) without them realizing that most just subsume roar/eclipse over it and thus is it even chroma anymore? You don’t use the 1, 2 is only half an ability, 3 is often subsumed for a better buff and 4 is only for the double credits. If that 4 didn’t double credits I would have no doubt that people would just not use chroma for PT either and completely shut them down from having a nieche at all. (Imo he still doesn’t. Sitting there and doubling credits for everyone isn’t a nieche. Unless you plan on farming PT for hours for credits he won’t save you that much time by just standing there with 4)

  20. On 2024-03-03 at 7:55 AM, DeathOfASaint said:

    vex armor is so bad it's not even funny esp now that eclipse is still multiplicative and a toggle, too bad the dev are mirage biased and won't do anything for chroma

    they need to like double vex's buff and make it multiplicative when you consider you have to take damage for it lol

    The fact Vex armor is bad for a damage buff isn’t my main concern with chroma. It’s the fact that Vex armor is their only good ability and that’s only compared to their other ok to downright bad abilities that’s the problem. 1 is useless, 4 is only for credits, and their only half decent ability is useless in 2/4 modes.

  21. On 2024-02-29 at 10:16 PM, Hypertion said:

    ya but... Chroma is no longer part of that meta... People just use Volts at this point for better damage. Shock aug and Eclipse atm combined with shields.. Chroma really has no place its "meta" anymore..

    Yah, it’s a shame how much they’ve fallen. Volt is for eidolons and people just use chroma with eclipse over VA for profit taker. And that’s only due to double credits. Which I wouldn’t say is healthy for a frame. Not only do people just subsume a better damage buff over vex armor. Chroma’s previous claim to fame, and still is his only actually “good” ability. If you can call it good post nerf. It’s just a replacement to additive damaging on weapons. So yah. Using an ability for an extra mod slot. And Elemental ward is still only half an ability. Cold and heat wards are the only ones used. Electric is only used in very nieche builds where they subsume it onto a different frame. And toxin is never used at all because if you want reload speed you just put it on your weapon and don’t rely on ele ward. I used chroma for most of my time on warframe but it just kept leaving a sour taste in my mouth with every patch trying to “fix” them doing basically nothing (congrats spectra scream deals 400 more damage, we can change elements (people still only use cold or heat), and now we can triple jump. That’s all we need right?) or outright making them worse (see aforementioned VA nerf) they became less and less appealing to play.

  22. This actually looks amazing and definitely something I would buy for chroma just for the looks even if I don’t use him much anymore. I assume the sword next to him is going to be a gram skin? Because his prime got shipped with gram prime (even if he doesn’t have a signature weapon bonus)

  23. 39 minutes ago, RA1313ITS said:

    Should I switch Eclipse to Roar if/when these changes go through? 

    Maybe, if you are looking for just the strongest damage buff. But Eclipse can still be used to give Dr if you suddenly find yourself on the back foot and need to run away to get some breathing room. But I can still hit for millions with my bow with Vex armor. I’m sure a high str eclipse build can do the same so it’s really up to preference 

    4 minutes ago, Aruquae said:

    Was that including Chroma Prime? Usually base frames don't have high usage if their Prime exists

    Yes. Chroma base has a 0.1 usage from what I saw. Which kinda makes sense. The only people who really use chroma are those who have been using him for a while and have massive str builds. He is very underwhelming when you first get him when you realize that VA is the only substantial ability he has. So that probably draws people away. And those who do stick with chroma to the late game probably have the prime anyways so there is very little reason to use base.

  24. 33 minutes ago, DeathOfASaint said:

    chroma is still probably the go to frame for profit taker because of effigy lol just because he’s not the most used frame doesn’t mean nobody plays him

    Apparently chroma has a 0.9 percent usage rate in 2023 but how much of that percent is people throwing him on for profit taker to credit farm? Feel like that is the only reason his ranking isn’t even lower than it is because he doubles credit drops. Without that I doubt people would even consider using him in pt. From what I heard they don’t even use VA in it. They just subsume eclipse or roar over it instead as they are more reliable (PT takes place during the daytime so no worry about eclipse suddenly swapping to DR during the fight)

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