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Posts posted by ZechsMarquise

  1. Some people.... lol Every time I think someones reached the max level of ignorance some other idiot takes the cake. So, I'll say it once more.


    ---->Please Keep in mind<---- that these are just random Images from the web that --->"resemble<---" the concept of my idea. Of course I want weapons like these to have a --->"Warframe Twist"<--- to them.


    And you obviously missed this part as well...


    Please show your support for this Idea by Posting Images of your favorite style/type of melee weapon and then give a E-Signature!



    But these idiots...


    I shuddered at the sheer levels of spaghetti in this post.
    We need variety, not Cloud Strife and jawponees spam.

    Variety does not mean 50 barely different katanas and a rediculously oversized hunk of metal with a tiny handle on it.



    I was about to say something like this, but in a more polite way.


    ROFL this kid was hilarious

    News flash, we already have katanas, prime katanas and great swords in game, so what exactly is the new 'idea' here?


    But to help these uh... kids. I will clearify.. Common sense dictates that my idea for the future melee weapons in warframe was to include more styles than your everyday Short Swords/daggers/2handers - with different skins / same attack patterns and styles - My images were just what id like to see, whatwould you like to see?

  2. Please Support This Idea for the Dev team to bring weapons like these in to our awesome game.



    "Best Sword Ever Made" (Can you guess who's it is?)



    Double Bladed Katana



    More Katana's







    What Id like to see as a Prime Model



    Great Swords -






    How big they should be ingame -







    Please Keep in mind that these are just random Images from the web that "resemble" the concept of my idea. Of course I want weapons like these to have a "Warframe Twist" to them. Please show your support for this Idea by Posting Images of your favorite style/type of melee weapon and then give a E-Signature!



    IGN: ZechsMarquise

  3. I honestly dont find Cali Prime that ugly (nor the most awesome evah ofc)... plz dont say "we" because it's misleading

    You don't get it do you? All Primes should be the most awesome evah! and "WE" know it.


    Please don't assume to speak for everyone. Just don't.


    The look of Excal Prime is very subjective and I personally don't find anything wrong with it - I think the old-school deep sea diver look it has going on is very cool.


    Please don't assume to know what others are implying, You should have asked rather than just coming out and making yourself sound like a e-peen addicted &amp;#&#33;.


    Also Prime is "very subjective" ? Are you serious? Are you fat and fugly sir? are your $* bigger than your women's? Do you even have a women? Because if you were, thats like me saying YOUR very subjective. If your going to disagree then do so with out your sideswipe ego boosting comments.

    I'm all for number 2



    design is design... what is about abilities? It stay same as exalibur.


    abilities are abilities... what about the design?

    ya ya, let's try to not flame each other even in these small things please ;)


    *free hugs*


    i like free hugs, can i haves 2?

    I did say please didn't I? Being harsh wasn't my intent but rather cautionary, if you will. I really should add more smileys to my posts. :)



    Also a teensy bit faster shield regeneration rate. Most would even say the stock Excal is better gameplay-wise and more flexible for mods, as the double V slots on the Prime practically force you to use Focus and Continuity.

    Sorry I wasn't trying to be "harsh" previously either, but rather blunt on how ignorant i think you are. :) xD ^.^ <--- Did these make it sound better sir?


    Also a teensy bit of change on the Excalibur Primes Helm would greatly improve his look overall, and as far as abilities go Excali Primes mod slots are perfect as they are. Nothing wrong with them. He's meant to be ballanced, neither defensive or offensive but both combined.


    I like Excalibur Prime, no need to change anything.


    I respect your opinion sir but disagree.

    I actually don't like the look of his helmet but issues on beauty is highly subjective and I rather more skins can be introduced than to just change his look since there will be people who like his "cyclops" or "horse shoe on the face" helm.

    Beauty is highly subjective yes, but Style...... Style is widely recognized yet hardly subjective. But I love your idea about more skins. I would Like that but I doubt there will be "another" Excalibur Prime Helmet skin unless they redesign the one we have now. But who knows it could happen.


    Duck face lol


    lol you know it's true to.

    I would have to admit, I would like to color the areas that are always gray on the prime as well.


    Hopefully we can soon.

  4. Allow me to Rephrase ~ "We" AS in most of us Excalibur Fans would like to see some small tweaks in the design of Excalibur Prime's Helm such as removing the duck / 2lips and turning it into a ovaled curve, basically simplifying the look. Also to allow painting of the rear / Tent patch of grey to be colored.


    I realize I don't speak for everyone but we as a whole player base do expect them to put in as much effort in as possible, and to be frank, Excalibur Prime resembles Excalibur way to much yet Frost Prime looks like a completely different Frame when compared to Frost. So please don't Rage post in my thread simply because you disagree with a portion or all of what I said, but rather elaborate as to why the F*** you would want Cali Prime to stay being known as a freaking fugly space duck with 2 B**** lips? I mean seriously? Do you have no sense of style? Excalibur Prime may be a Prime model but don't forget the foundation of what he is sapost to be "Space Ninja / Space Soldier / A Lotus Elite" As is Excalibur Prime doesn't fit any of these. He's a Space Duck and thats why you see so many Excalibur Primes using Avalon Helmet, and many others who have Excalibur Prime but refuse to level it / play it because of its ugly defect.

  5. "Excalibur Prime" as it is FAILS horribly at its cosmetic design in every aspect of "Cool" and "Awe" when compared to the new and soon to arrive "Frost Prime".


    How can you guys allow this to continue?


    1. Fix Excalibur's Helmet so it doesn't look like a freakin Space Duck.

    2. Allow us to paint ALL areas of our Excalibur Primes like we can on Non-Prime Excalibur.

    3. Put some effort in to it seriously.


    We as your player base and fans expect not only Excalibur to be re-designed but also to have ALL the "Cool" and Awe's" of the new "Frost Prime" as well as Future Primes to not look like a Space Duck, or a Space Kitten even >.>.


    Fix it, Please we implore you.

  6. Anyone know if there is already a Mod Guide/List for what mods drop on what maps (as in more commonly dropped) "Yes I realize drops are random for each designated faction but Some maps drop Certain Mods much more frequently than others."


    Buuuuuuuut... While were on this topic lol ~ I seriously for the life of me can't get continuity to drop for me, or Focus.


    Please help me lol

  7. I have submitted a ticket.


    He said they have a system to recover accidentally sold items.


    Just tell them what you lost and they will roll it back.


    My ticket took 5 days though, so be patient. 

    Sweet thanks man, I don't Mind waiting a week or 2 to get it back as long as Im able to get it back lol

  8. Always include as much detail as possible. If you lost the Mods when you sold the frame then make sure to include that in the ticket you submit... and their ranks wouldn't hurt. Did you notice any other missing Mods?



    This is what i sent to them when i submitted my ticket.

    "Edit" And no, I don't remember any mods specifically missing, but definately noticed my Excalibur and Avalon and ability mods missing...



    First off let me say "I'm am terribly sorry for my stupidity" I request that my Excalibur Warframe (Rank 30) be restored back to my account, and all other items and blueprints that were deleted or sold on the same day. Please do this for me as I was not the one who sold/deleted them. I was baby sitting my nephew and he wanted to play Warframe so ratehr than making him his own account "As i should have" I let him play on mine. Well due to my own stupidity, My nephew was messing around with my account and sold my Rank 30 Excalibur along with several other items and blueprints from my inventory, along with an "Avalon Excalibur Helmet" blueprint that I had just gotten :(

    Please restore my Excalibur at the very least as It took a very long time getting him to Rank 30, and I know I have only spent 15-20$ on your game so far but I am a very Loyal fan and customer so it is my hope that you will take a small amount of your time to help a small contributor "Me" Thank you very much for your time.

  9. My friend got his frames starter abilities back 20 mins after sending in a support ticket xD 


    It is weekend tho so dont expect a reply till monday tho :P

    Yea Im missing 3 of my Excalibur's abilities as well.... Do you think they will restore him for me? Took for ever to get him to Rank 30... Would hate to have to do that all over again...

  10. My little Nephew wanted to play Warframe so I let him, however I did not expect him to explore my inventory and delete and sell stuff. He's Only 7 and I was baby sitting, and sure enough stupid me was talking on the phone and I stepped out of the room for literally less than a few minutes BAM excaliber Rank 30 gone, along with a few other items from my inventory.


    How do I go about contacting a GM or admin to recover my items lost due to my own stupidity. I doubt I'll get them back but its worth a try rite? Anyone who has any info that can help or further inform me please do thanks in advance.

  11. Nay, calling this update worse than Update 7 is simply wrong.  The backlash from everyone losing their mods and having their rank 30 warframes and weapons essentially stripped back down to zero was far more tremendous than this paltry feedback that we're seeing right now.


    If Update 7 was a maelstrom, update 7.11 is a light rain with the sun peeking through the clouds.


    Nice reply, See its not that hard. Also Didn't they fix Update 7? My warframes and weapons were still 30, also reverting all old mods into fusion cores wasn't all that bad. This update is massively effecting game play *BUT* I just learned that Iron Skin is currently bugged and will be fixed very soon.

  12. Seriously?


    Have you forgotten about the wave of rage from Update 7?


    Bite your tongue, sir.


    Rhino needed a buff indeed, but Banshee needed the nerf. She was ridiculous as was and as she is now, she's a lot more balanced with the positioning and need of use of her abilities.



    Did you both not read what I said about Banshee? I said She needed a De-buff, as in slight nerf, as in slight buff as to were she's at now?


    P.S. Katakuna, bite your own tongue, Either say something contructive or learn how to properly disagree ~ psshh... Kids..

  13. Warframe Ballance issues ~


    Rather than tweaking a few things for Rhino and Banshee, You did something completely unnesessary and nerfed them to the ground.


    Rhino ~ (Needed Soft-Buff Not Hard-Nerf)


    Iron Skin ~ (Needed Cool down timer to prevent Invi-spam, and Needed a wide spread AOE Taunt on activation for team-play, and it would have been perfectly ballanced)


    Rhino Stomp ~ ( Damage/AOE/and Duration all Needed to be Soft-buffed to make it more viable for end game play as well as slightly decreasing energy consumption ) "Otherwise we all might as well use Hammer+Cold and spam Jump attacks for a very simular and way more eficient effect" As is atm this ability is not very dependible and many players simply don't use it and replace it for some other mod.


    Banshee ~ (Needed a De-buff, Not a Hard-Nerf)


    As is now, Banshee is nothing more than a suicide bomber for defence, imo...


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