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Posts posted by Jusonwarframe

  1. Could we get a toggle for the hold/press toggle? For example, instead of eclipse's defense increase being press and the damage increase being hold, could we get an option for making the damage increase being press and defense being hold? 

  2. I've noticed a lot lately that natural-tiles are repeating in missions. It kind of kills the immersion during a mission. So, say if I'm in a corpus mission that has an ice-cave; the Ice cave will have a corridor attached to it that leads to the same exact same ice cave.


    Also, during Empyrean battles versus Sisters & Liches, two different Sisters or Liches will use the same exact phrase. For example, during the Lich encounter Empyrean mission, a spawning Lich might say: "Ten-O, that's my score when this is over" or something like that, then the next one will say the same exact thing when it spawns.


    It would be better if natural tiles weren't repeated. A natural ice-cave is highly unlikely to be repeated twice in nature. Whereas a corridor is a room for transportation and could be made infinitely, since it's a man-made structure, and therefore, it would make sense if there were many of the same corridors on a specific tile set. Then, if Sister & Lich phrases were on a loop, or at least non-repeatable, that would make those situations a bit more immersive and entertaining.

  3. Starting a mission from the navigation window:

    • Sometimes hangs on "vote" when you are not in a party
    • The "Starting" timer counts down indefinitely
    • Players still join your party after you've canceled the mission
    • (Related) Players still join your party after you've abandoned a mission

    Relic missions:

    • Insufficient amounts of reactant dropping from enemies in relic missions
    1. Low level exterminate missions don't have enough enemies
    2. Survival mission ends before players have enough reactant
    3. Enemies in defense missions don't drop enough reactant

    Buggy behavior in open world corridors:

    • Extreme lag at open world doors; sometimes, upwards of three minutes waiting for the door to open while your group is already active
    • UI bugs out and won't allow you to select "leave group" while attempting to leave
    • If opening the menu at the same time the door is opening, sometimes the camera will freeze in place even though your character is able to move

    Plains of Eidolon & Eidolon battles:

    • There is lag when an Eidolon is downed preventing button presses from registering for a brief duration. For example, holding R1 to activate an ability - R1 will not register. You will be unable to reload a weapon
    • Switching to or from operator, or entering a vehicle(Necramech or Voidrig) when the Eidolon is active - oftentimes, right when it is downed -- will sometimes cause the following issues:
    1. Will be stuck in operator mode
    2. Unable to switch to operator mode
    3. Unable to cast abilities or use weapons
    4. Will be unable to interact with objects
    5. Will be unable to jump
    • If an Eidolon is downed whilst on an uneven ground, such as on rocks or cliff edges, it will randomly die and cause a bounty failure(seems as if the lures "detach" when the Eidolon instantly changes height)
    • Lures seem to lag when an Eidolon spawns. Their "snap to players location" is delayed

    Kuva Lich & Sisters of Parvos:

    • The indicator icon for them sometimes remains after they are downed
    • They sometimes won't vanish after a failed attempt; they just remain in a bugged out state
    • They are sometimes downed in a location where they can not be attacked with the parazon(in walls, or near ledges)
    • The animation for parazon attacks is sometimes delayed
    • Vanquished & Lich/Sister has advanced updates that are supposed to appear after you exit the mission are sometimes delayed, appearing after one(+) mission completions or after moving to a new location; for example, going from a relay to the orbiter

    Boss glitches:

    • Ropalyst sometimes regenerates to full health instantaneously, preventing you from being able to kill it
    • Lephantus sometimes vanishes and/or relocates while spawned. The floor phase sometimes never executes


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