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Posts posted by Maegurillion

  1. We can get all the materials easily enough .. but those Nitains are a killer, lol. 

    I can only do about 2 or 3 Nitain's a day from Alerts if I have time (work right now does not give me that time) so it's very slow going; and I love Vauban so I must has his Prime variant. But I need 20 Nitain's.. I have 6, lol; so at a minimum, another 7 days (at 2 a day) .. another week. Ouch. xD

    You have my sympathies OP. 

  2. 20 hours ago, VadiseReikaz said:

    The bragging bit I just glided over because I dont care really, I am just trying to find out how it works a bit better. I did get the network messages at the orbiter, but only when the consoles are accessed. Maybe I didnt get bugged as much due to having all chats disabled. Is Squad chat handled by the server or the host do you know?

    Squad chat might be handled by the host; but since normal chat is handled by the server it doesn't make much sense from a development point of view to duplicate the client/server architecture for a chat system into the client itself when they already have one available. My guess is that all chat features are handled by DE. I'm only guessing, of course.

  3. Just now, VadiseReikaz said:

    Is it actually a useful benchmark? I was under the impression that most connectivity problems crop up when the game tries to update your account information, which happens when you extract and all your rewards are accounted for. Doesnt the Host do most if not all of the work and only tries to talk to the server at extraction?

    I've had instances where "NETWORK NOT RESPONDING" does crop up; either in Orbiter or in the a mission. Even though the game only tries to update at the end of the mission, it still wants to keep in contact with the server (the chat for example).

    It may not have been a very useful benchmark; but it most certainly wasn't bragging. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, Mabitude said:


    Eh. I don´t get it. Nutti wasn´t bragging at all, he was only testing the server connectivity by attempting to do a successful 40 wave run. He´s just trying to find out whether its your own connectivity or DEs connectivity. I think you are overreacting way too much

    To be fair, I did test it late last night which is why I believe he responded as he did; though the excessive over-reaction and aggression was a tad unwarranted.

  5. A 40 wave endless can go on for quite a while; which is a good benchmark to see if there would be any connectivity issues. I did one, without issues. I played for several hours, without issues. The point, which your "grown up" brain is utterly, and abysmally failing to grasp, is that I had no connectivity issues into late last night; which is indicative of a stable server. This tells me that the servers were fine up to about 12-1am GMT. 

    I was simply trying to ascertain if the problem was your end, or on DE's again; but I guess you're too busy being a "grown up" and attacking me with baseless accusations to get that.
    Well done, champ. *slow clap*

    Anyway, whatever. I'm done. Much better things to do with my time. +1 to ignore list. 
    Annnnnd ... moving on.

  6. 3 minutes ago, OptimusJ said:

    Ok, you came here just to Brag about "the amazing feat of doing 40 waves", because how something you did in the past relate with problems happening in the present?
    Get a grip, dude. BTW, that's not something so exclusive that you should brag about.

    Wow, insecure much? 

    Are you going to answer my question, or are you going to continue being a little child? Actually, scratch that.. I have better things to do with my time than try to help someone with an attitude problem.

  7. 8 minutes ago, OptimusJ said:

    It's 6:00 AM in Greenwich of March 27th, and the connectivity issues persists.

    Did a 40 wave endless last night without a hiccup; played for several hours without so much as a wobble in connectivity. 

    Just to eliminate it (if you haven't already), have you checked if you are getting connectivity issues on other games, and done the requisite speedtests and such?

  8. Even with the server issues; I didn't lose anything when I played; and if I did, I went into the game knowing full well that it was my decision in the first place. 

    A: "I want to drive this Ferrari."
    B: "It's really fast. Are you sure?"
    A: "Yes, I will drive this Ferrari."
    * A drives car and crashes, breaks both legs*
    A: "B, you must compensate me."
    B: "Why?"
    A: "For driving the car."
    B: "You chose to drive it."
    A: "Not the point. It's your car. Your fault. You owe me compensation." 

    Non sequitur.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Shankster9 said:

    My thoughts exactly. There's no easy way to stop DDoS attacks and DE did what they could to get through it. The fact that it was going on during a weekend is irrelevant - people would be crying for compensation just as much if it had happened during the week.

    I for one greatly appreciate their willingness to compensate for lost Baro-time as well as lost boosters. Something I wouldn't expect from any other FTP game.


  10. 4 minutes ago, Longeres said:

    All games usually compensating server troubles, lol. But now we have boosters(our lost boosters, WOW) and extended baro(with nothing good to sell, W-O-W). I cant understand you, its seems no logic in your words to me =/

    Games that are usually subscription-based yes; you're paying for a particular service and are usually entitled to compensation if the provider cannot provide that service. Many countries, such as my own, legally enforce this. 
    Free to play games work on a different model altogether; you are not paying for the service. You can play Warframe without spending a cent on it. Therefore, you are entitled to nothing. 


    • Like 1
  11. Just now, MeinArschBrennt said:

    Oh didnt you get it? Its not their fault and are the best devs EVAH!1!1! One message in a day is nuff for them, they even cal it a "great communication", lol.

    Thats why game dev is so bad these days. Even a small pirate ragnarok servers had a better community managment and stuff.

    Rebecca reported when she had something to say of relevance; instead of waffling on with nonsense posts that don't achieve anything.

    • Like 2
  12. 13 minutes ago, Longeres said:

    People lost boosters - we will compensate boosters, ok. (But some people can play only at weekends, they just dont need any boosters now =/ )

    People lost 3 days - ???

    People lost a lot of resources - ???

    How can people REALLY be thankful for that? You received nothing, guys, just your own boosters :facepalm:

    Its just a disrespect for all our community. If DE have troubles - just compensate it, after all...

    DE are under no obligation to compensate their players for an event that was not only out of their control, but one they couldn't hope to prevent in the first place. The fact they are choosing to extend what they are, is a courtesy and good-will gesture towards the players; nothing more. 
    The servers are back up, those with lost boosters are getting them back, Baro was extended. Take it, and move on I say.

    • Like 2
  13. 53 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

    Warframe tau is blue. Real tau is yellow/orange. Different star. 


    26 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

    The tau system in warframe has a blue star, tau ceti is a yellow star. There are dozens of blue star tau systems.

    Ah okay

  14. 56 minutes ago, FrostedMike said:

    Sounds interesting.

    I guess you used a place holder for how it will looks like because it is a vombalist now. Can you describe how the sentinel will look like? Considering it is created from sentient parts by Tenno and not by sentients. The concept is great and the vombalist tells exactly what is the point of this sentinel, but this is a vombalist, not a sentinel.

    Another question I have is what does it do in ghost form beside having an increased damage. A vombalist in this form can also be damaged only by the operator and as we know, there are no operators as enemies. Another thing is that a vombalist in this form will switch into melee attacks rather than shoot the targets. If I were to design this form more accuratly I will give it the 20% more damage and more evasivness, thats it.

    Thanks for the interest and your questions. :)

    I actually thought it would look like a small version of the Vomvalyst. I used the image not only because it's a Vomvalyst; but also because the image makes it look smaller than it is - giving it (at least to me) a sentinel appearance. :) If I could draw, I'd try to whip something up, but I can't so the image of a miniature Vomvalyst ( :inlove: ) hovering above your shoulder will have to suffice I'm afraid.

    The idea of the ghost form was kind of like a last stand; it's health is 0 so it goes into it's ghost form and attacks with much greater damage. A last hoorah, if you will.
    The Vom sentinel can be damaged as normal; but ghost form renders it immune to damage with increased damage for a few seconds before it dies. If you're lucky, it'll let off Missile Barrage at the same time. 


    Honestly though, I just thought the idea of a miniature Vomvalyst as a sentinel was awesome. :satisfied:

  15. ( just for fun )


    "I am become death, the destroyer of cheesecake"


    Reversed-engineered and reconstructed from fallen Eidolon Vomvalyst parts; this little Sentinel flies around, harrying your enemies with homing missiles.

    Vom is created by collecting Vomvalyst parts from around the Plains of Eidolon, or by destroying Vomvalysts.

    Health: 200
    Shield capacity: 100
    Armor: 50
    Power: 150
    Exclusive Mods: Ghost Form, Missile Barrage

    Ghost Form:


    Missile Barrage:


    • Like 1
  16. On 23/02/2018 at 7:15 AM, Spectre-8 said:

    The party system is fine , create your own squad and don't join pubs if you dislike them so much .

    I detest responses like this. Dismissive and nonconstructive.
    The party system may be fine for you, but if someone is suggesting an improvement to it based on their own experience, it's obviously not fine for them.

  17. 6 minutes ago, wwbaba said:

    It is ideal to have as many formas as possible on warframes, that do not limit your various builds.

    Any unspent modpoints is converted to starting energy (5 energy per point), so for some frames it is the difference of being able to start and cast a certain ability or two.


    Really nice to be able to both cast speedbuff and an early discharge for team overshields on volt ,for example.

    Not nice on a max power rhino to not be able to afford iron skin at start :D

    Over 1000 hours in this game (according to Steam)... and I did not know this. 

    I really need to up my game .. shocking. 

  18. 5 minutes ago, KirukaChan said:

    Just put on as many as you need to incorporate all the mods you want to use (at max rank). If you change your build in the future and need more then, apply more Formas then.

    Aye, that was the idea - was just wondering if I'd ever hit the point where it's too much. It seems you're right though, given Rukako122's response, and a quick Google showing someone having 67 on their TigrisP..I shouldn't be concerned about hitting any kind of imaginary ceiling. :)


    Case in point:


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