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Posts posted by MitchamusDaLegend

  1. All my codex and synthesis scanners disappeared from my inventory and every time I buy new ones they disappear as soon as i start a mission. My heliocor has also stopped scanning making it impossible to get kavat genetic imprints as well as energy conversion from simaris. 

    The wasted credits buying new ones is annoying enough but the stopping of my progress is really annoying and I have no idea why this is happening,



  2. Yeah has to be a bug, the animation often clearly hits the target where the attack still misses. Pretty underwhelming as you end up only hitting every other hit when quick meleeing which essential cuts your dps in half. Can't even run and hit containers consistently with it's current state haha

  3. I have played for Warframe for quite a long time now, so naturally I have come across the infamous Stalker, ever since he first scared the life out of me and one-shotted me I have loved him, heck he is even my computer background image. And I am dying to fight him in a fair 1 vs 1 for revenge of every time he has killed me, back in the day you lights would flicker and you would sit there for a bout 10seconds wondering if it actually flickered before he spoke to you and it was brilliant and yet terrifying so every time the it flickered you'd be like "Oh s***, did that just flicker?" and now it's different because the syndicate death squads, which offer no reward, also flicker the lights and are a much more common occurrence. So time and time again I have been disappointed by it just turning out to be another deathsquad. So if you could I would appreciate it if they had something unique, so when you're being hunted by Stalker you can actually be terrified.


    Sorry for the long paragraph, except this came in two parts, my other issue with Stalker nowadays is his animation while he contacts you, before it was scary, he used his signature black and red colour scheme, you couldn't work out what he is nor could you see his face, even the codex entry looks cool as all hell. But now he is blue and you can see his face clear as day, his face was really anti-climatic coming into update 12 when I saw him again.



  4. I have posted this issue as soon as it came, but i only posted this on the steam forums, so i decided it was probably a better idea to post it here, im still facing the issue where i decided back in update 12 to use the new tutorial, im stuck on Vors Prize because i cannot install the segment, this very first time i tried it let me install the segment for the comms but nothing happened and now no matter how much i beat Vor i cant install the comms, this means i cant have access to the foundry and i can no longer equip mods, after all this time it still has not been fixed. Thanks :)

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