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Posts posted by Iceholder

  1. Hopping on the 'when's our stuff getting here?' train, but I just want to know if it's next day or next week? Either way is fine by me, just so long as I have an eta.

    Also, WHOO EAT IT CORPUS. This is payback for all of those Stomping Moas you send at me!

  2. Was connecting fine until the last hotfix they did. Crashing constantly whenever I try to play with, well, anyone now. Well, unless I'm host, but then the others just crash.
    Hopefully DE will look into this fast as they can, since this will kill the event otherwise, if this is happening to the majority, if not everyone.

  3. So, the sound apparently plays whenever any alert pops up, not just question mark ones.

    Is there any way to get an option for it to only play for question mark ones? Other than that, it seems to work fine.

  4. Whenever I go to options, the only option is to choose a sound. Okay, fair enough, that's about all I need, I choose my sound and I press 'Ok'. It then closes the options menu and re-maxes. However, when I go to options again, it doesn't appear to have saved my selection, and instead starts on 'No Sound'. Just wondering if it should be doing that, or if it should be saving it. Gonna have to wait for a '?' alert to pop up to see if it plays, but figured I'd point this little bit out while I was thinking about it.

  5. Seconding pretty much everything in the two posts above me.
    Iron Skin feels really powerful on low and middle difficulty missions, but on the higher difficulties, even with max IS and Focus, I use it for a few seconds and *poof*. Wouldn't even be so bad on the lower end higher difficulties (if that makes any sense) if I had a visual cue that it was about to go down, and could reapply it right before it wore out.

    [sIZE=1]..... Though, if I'm completely honest, I think it's mostly the Heavies that give me problems. Heavy Gunner rips off IS in seconds, Napalm/Grenadier rips it off in a couple of blasts, and Fusion Moas..... just nope.jpg[/sIZE]

  6. The only planet I complain about speed runners on is Neptune. That is the ONLY planet that drops Control Modules. Everyone rushes the boss, and gets maybe 2 Control Modules out of 10 runs. I can usually manage to get at least 8 every 10 runs when I stop to look through stuff. I'm not saying take every untreaded path, but instead of rushing in and leaving the Frost/Rhino behind because you're in a hurry on Volt/Ember, stay with the group, and maybe you'll find something good.

  7. Just finished a void mission on a level 7 Excalibur with 3 friends.

    Rewards said I should have gotten a reaper blade and a couple of mods (can't remember which, since those aren't as important to me right now), but there was no reaper blade to be found in my inventory.

    Also, I didn't gain any affinity towards my frame nor weapons in the run.

    I did not start it, one of my friends did, and I've never had this issue before.

    If it helps any, I had purchased a 7-day Affinity and a 7-day Credit booster just prior.

    And prior to purchasing those, we did an alert on E-prime, which did not give us any issues.

    Also, my friend that used his Void Key did get rewards and Affinity, but another group member had the same issue as me. The fourth I'm not entirely sure about, he didn't say anything.

    Also also, it was a Level 3 Exterminate.

    Derp, guess I should put this here and open up a ticket.

    Also, to add to that, my daily first win went fine, which was the alert I mention previously, but the Void mission I mentioned as well as another mission (Tethys) I did afterwards were both duds. So I think it's less to do with daily win and more to do with... something else. Dunno what. =/

  8. When I first entered my Dojo, it started me in a Hall. I started a Generator and a Great Hall on either end. Now every time I enter my Dojo, I start in the unfinished Great Hall. There's a console in it that will let me drop off resources, but it won't let me enter the Hall. Something about this feels like a bug, just not sure if it's the spawn location or the inability to re-enter the hall. I assume once the Great Hall is done I can enter the Hall, unfortunately that will be a ways off >.>

    The other problem this presents is that I HAVE to finish the Great Hall before the Generator room.

    Unfinished Great Hall: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v609/iceholder/WarframeDojoBug.jpg
    Console in Great Hall: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v609/iceholder/WarframeDojoNotBug.jpg
    Door to Hall from Great Hall: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v609/iceholder/WarframeDojoHall.jpg

    EDIT: Cancelling the build put me back into the Hall, although everytime I try to put the Great Hall back, it starts me in it again.

  9. Honestly, I'd like to see the health/shield/armor cards get a small nerf, but have each frame have two attributes it gets increased every level. For instance, Rhino is supposed to take, so maybe +5 health and +1% armor every level? Or let's take Trinity, supposed to be heal/support, so perhaps +5 energy and +1% power duration or -1% power cost per level?

    Just a thought is all. Maybe it wouldn't quite be that. Maybe everyone would get +5 health and shields per level. IDK. The way it is now, though, isn't so great. There's farming, and then there's having to farm. Right now, it feels like you have to farm. You should never have to farm, it should be something you do because you want to.

    Also: Stealth? What stealth. Unless you have radar, it's a crap shoot when you open a door whether or not someone's there to see you. Hell, even with radar, I've had a few instances where someone behind a wall saw me and hit the alarm.

  10. Having this issue as well. I go to 'tap' the 'E' key, and my character does a charge. Pressing the 'E' key multiple times in succession results in multiple issues, and they all happen seemingly randomly. One problem is my character stopping mid swing and putting the melee weapon away. Another is the 'charge attack' happening when I don't 'hold', only 'press'. On occasion, if I want to stop the spam and just shoot, I have to wait until my character makes an extra swing after I stop pressing 'E' before I can do anything.

    This problem does not seem to be limited to any frame/weapon combination, as I have tried with Frost, Banshee, and Excalibur, Rifles, the new Bow, and Shotguns in the primary, the Lex, Vandal Lato, and Sicarus in the pistol slot, and the Scindo, Dark Dagger, and Skana in the melee slot.

    I would like to note, though, that I don't seem to have this problem as often, if at all, with the new Fang dual dagger, though that may be because of it's high attack speed.

  11. Okay, 1) I feel like the trees are a mess. Yeah I can still get 8-10 mods, and yes I understand that I can't do everything now, but some of the frames I'm looking at the trees for, and I'm like, 'how does this progression make sense?', i.e. Trinity, Mag, and Ember.

    2) Screw the Grinder. Just, AUGH. I love him but I hate him.

    3) Did they beef up the enemies or something? I mean, understand that I went into a 25-35 area and I was expecting them to be tough, but my Ember's powers just did somewhere between jack and squat for damage, when before they at least took off some health. Or does having 2 points into a power mean nothing to those kinds of enemies?

  12. Fireball - I love using this skill once I take down an enemies shield, or on just plain unshielded enemies. Cast time isn't bad, feels the same as the cast time for Volt's Shock. Kinda wish it was more accurate and traveled a bit faster, though. Aimed it dead center at an enemy at range who wasn't moving, it just kinda veered off and hit the wall behind him.

    Overheat - Never really noticed the Damage Reduction, I'll have to go back and check that. Doesn't do much damage from what I've seen, and the enemy has to have their body touching you, making it really only useful against the infected, and even then I usually use the third or fourth power, or just swing my melee weapon a lot.

    Fire Blast - I like the damage and the range it has, but I never see any initial slam damage, and the inside of the ring is totally safe for an enemy to be in. Why not just burn everything inside as well as at the edge?

    Word on Fire - The casting time is way too long. Needs to be toned down by a second or something. Also, a bit underwhelming. The damage is nice... when it works. Without any range extending mods, it would fizzle every so often - it would activate and turn my screen red, but no damage would occur. Now that I've got around 40% range extension from mods, it seems to not fizzle any more.

    The screen turning red is a bit annoying. I can still see, but it does make it harder.

    Really wish it was more of an AoE like Mag or Volt. Mag's at least disables the enemies around her when she casts it, and Volt's Ulti has a better spread at level one compared to a level 3 Ember Ulti. Not to mention that it doesn't even really set the world on fire, just gives you a better Overheat.

    Maybe make it so she snaps her fingers and lights every enemy in the current room on fire, or slams the ground and knocks down/lights up every enemy in a radius around her - or, wait, I guess that second one is what Fire Blast is supposed to do?

    IDK anymore. I love fire, but Ember isn't as hot as I thought it'd be.

    *gets pelted with oranges for making that pun*

  13. My issue with Ember right now is that her Ultimate seems to sometimes 'fizzle'. Has always worked the first time I use it so far, but second or third uses seem to occasionaly not work. She channels and the screen turns red, and I can see myself leaving a trail of fire, but I don't do damage and I can't see the AoE around my feet on the floor.

    At least when Volt's ability doesn't work, it makes sense if it's a room you used it in before. Ember's, though, doesn't have an excuse, from what I can tell.

    Hopefully that's one of the things they're looking at, and it's good to see that it's been said they're looking at Ember.

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