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Posts posted by acezero

  1. Please increase the amount of murmur or revered back the reduce of ext or shared murmur drop, reduce the chance for lich ext mission is just not fun anymore, i rather played ext mission a hundred time was because i dont have high expectation due to how simple it was, now you giving me more spy and rescue for what exactly? what the reason of us for steal the data, and why do we need to save the hostage? there no value no reason

    My sort of solution was the make each gamemode more rewarding and purposes

    - Spy , excavation , capture and rescue mission = there will be 2 type of reward

    1. it will trigger a special mission that show you you a secret hideout of with the high concentration of murmur 

    2. it will trigger a message that will give you a special relics that is highly valuable to your kuva lich known as a Space McGuffin 

    - Defense mission = just your normal defense but with a added panel that allow you to add Space McGuffin (stack to 4 increase difficulty, waves and more mobs) will trigger 1 life defense mode, all enemies will gain increase movement speed, chance of murmur spawn, 1 or 2 ghost lich will spawn trying to kill you

    <<Ghost lich referred to those that you killed came back to beat the S#&amp;&#036; out of you again>>

    - Survival,sabotage Hijack and Ext mission = there will be spray, random items across the map as part of their occupation that buff mobs, while killing enemies, we can sabotage by destroying and griefing causes to further anger the lich, destroyed a certain amount will turn 10 - 20 mobs into 10 - 20 murmur in a given time at the same time it will spawn a tomb, placing the Space McGuffin will trigger 1 life survival mode,all enemies will gain increase movement speed, chance of murmur spawn, 1 or 2 ghost lich will spawn trying to kill you within the 10 min, all player dead will destroyed the tomb, giving you nothing, if survived, you will get handsome rewards like resources, credits, etc

    not my best idea but my point is, please make those gamemode more worth and enjoyable to play, there no reason for me to save a hostage, steal data, sabotage, excavate lost items, because there no reason to 😕

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  2. Not long ago, Operator cosmetics has been reworked to synchronized to somewhat fixed cosmetics looks buggy or glitchy, but somehow DE make it worse than before

    And lastly, the latest hair style is a nice edition but somehow it's look way odd than the previous one

  3. Before



    If the manduka was supposely this way after this update...please change it back to what it was before 😞




    Chimera: Hotfix 23.10.2

    Please note that Operator cosmetic issues are known and the team are working to smooth out these wrinkles. Earliest ETA on fixes for these are Monday - please continue to point your Chimera issues to our Megathread:

    Update 10/11/2018

    Still no changes...



  4. Stuck when after touching the first part and Nakak speeches..i went back to cetus (Wasnt aware of the big revenant standing in front of me as it's look like any sentient energy glowing around the ground or look's like another terry...) assuming to collect warframe parts and build to proceed.. when returning to the plains on night time, i looked around and found nothing but the square dot around...


    p.s again DE give more indication or info on quest that we had to find, this stuff happened before (The sacrifice quest etc) 

  5. Honest there a odd chance of finding somachords drop on each quest stages, and with already "unskippable cutscene" like the vitruvian when you have to wait for ballas to talk in order to continue and the bed scene

    I managed to find 2 somachord but i dont think i want to spent another 30min+ just to find another 4 somachord, it kill's the feels just for the grind

    neither obtainable by suda by doing some of her errand (similar to darvo ) or free for those that already completed the quest itself

  6. Overall Euphona prime is a decent weapon and has it balance of pro and con

    but i wish that the alt can be switch between slug and pellets like the stradavar semi and automatic rather than a secondary fire type 

  7. warframe_melee_contest_by_olkin_lex-db2c

    Faction : Tenno

    Grip: Rapier

    Description : Forged by similar ether matter with an unknown organic materials like cloth around the raw energy ore create a sharp and focus high-energy emitter, it's alternate fire switch charged up and change from tip to heel into a javelin/lance and fire in high velocity strong enough pierce through shield and armor, while the cloth is regenerating, the weapon became lighter and the remain matter create a transparent like materials that able to cut through fleshy targets. 


  8. 6 hours ago, SprinKah said:

    Alright, as the title says it, I really don't have anything else to say.

    so DE just gave us the option to choose between prime and non-prime skins which is GREAT!


    but then, quite disappointingly, it didn't apply to ALL skins currently. I personally really like the Immortal skins and would love to see them applied onto the good old non-prime skins, especially Loki, his leg plates are just too freakishly big.


    so yeah, non-prime version for ALL skins. I think only immortal skins need that right now!

    DE need to see this

  9. 1 hour ago, Raniu said:

    It was a feature!? I never seen it happen, always had to equip the parent frame and leave arsenal and wait there. Then I would decide to buy or not buy an animation set.

    But never had it happen in my arsenal :l

    But yeah, would be a great addition (well, as long as it only happens while previewing the animations xD); DE pls!

    Actually it was already in the game , it just stop doing the random weapons idle animation when liset interior was release i thought they gonna fix it but no waiting is over 

  10. Different unique warframe idle animation when equipped a weapons can be seen during misison if you are stop moving

    but somehow this somewhat not working on your landing craft on your arsenal, it happen if you do some trick but it will never happen 

    no matter how long you wait, but it only triggered when you not equipped anything

    i wish to see this small feature return once again or fix it

  11. 9 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

    Glaive Prime Changes:

    • Buffed base damage from 35 to 45.
    • Increased Proc Chance from 10% to 20%.
    • Added forced knockdown and bleed Status Chance.

    Sicarus Prime Changes:

    • Buffed base damage from 30 to 40
    • Increased Crit chance from 10% to 20% and Crit multiplier 1.5 to 2
    • Increased Clip Size from 21 to 24.

    Nullifier Changes:

    • Changed Nullifier Bubbles to be deactivated when they aren’t alert. Hurray stealth! 
    • Improved the ability for arrows from Bow weapons to hit and deal damage to Nullifier Bubbles.   
    • Removed the ability for Nullifier Bubbles to be dispelled by Radial Damage. 

    Am i dreaming? did DE give us mercy?

    mercy.jpg (879×440)

  12. On 11/26/2016 at 9:37 AM, Gelkor said:

    "Hold on hold on. I need to land on the ground real quick so I can float in the air and cast this spell."

    Apparently it may have something to do with how it target's enemies in a horizontal plane? Not sure, I know the animation effect has that electric wave that shoots out in a horizontal wave and hits enemies but, could be reworked into a sphere IMO.

    Nither way i hope DE fix it cause it's find it annoying when i had to stand still on the ground for 1 sec in order to cast it

  13. Abilities & Augments vs Nullifiers

    We’ve added some changes to Nullifiers - rather, we’ve fixed how they affect others on the battlefield. We've gone over every player ability and augment to provide predictable interactions with Nullifier bubbles and ability immune enemies. Below are the rules that we have adhered by to offer a consistent avenue for players to strategize against foes in-battle.

    • Abilities will not affect players or enemies within a Nullifier bubble.
    • Effects of an ability on both players and enemies will be removed when entering Nullifier bubbles.
    • A Warframe’s active abilities will be deactivated upon entering a Nullifier bubble.
    • Projectiles spawned by an ability will be deflected when they encounter a Nullifier bubble. For example, Ember’s Fireball and Ash’s Shuriken will be deflected.
    • Abilities that exist independent of their creator will not be deactivated if the Warframe enters a nullifier, but will be destroyed if touched by the bubble itself. For example, Frost’s Snowglobe will not disappear when Frost enters the bubble, but will be destroyed if the bubble comes into contact with the Snowglobe sphere.







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