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Posts posted by SpartanTrifekta

  1. Hello! 👋

    I am a new player that has been off and on for a long time looking for like minded folks to play with. 

    I am still learning the game, and still working on unlocking the entire Star Chart. 

    I am most comfortable in small to medium sized clans that don’t mind if I solo quietly from time to time while still learning the game until I am more comfortable with game mechanics and party archetypes. I am not endgame oriented, I enjoy the exploration and crafting aspects along with the story, but end game is not a goal for me. 

    I am a US East Coast player, on PS and PC. I play primarily on PC, but on my ROG Ally, so I can’t always chat when I play, but I have a mic for both consoles and happy to use it when I am able. Nights and weekends are my most active times. But I work from home and frequently leave my character logged in for quick sessions when I want to take a work break. 

    I get along with everyone and have zero tolerance for clans that are toxic, racist, sexist, etc. Well over 18, and connect best with adults in my age group. I do tend to use colorful language. I play other games, and have lots of other interests outside of gaming. 

    TL;DR; - US gamer who is (probably) older than you looking for a clan who doesn’t mind if the only thing I bring is a great attitude, willingness to learn and play, and isn’t on for double digit hours a week. 

    please ping me in game, I may not reply right away depending on what I am playing on. 

    Thanks for reading!

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