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Posts posted by Bendranis

  1. 29 minutes ago, Rawbeard said:

    cost/benefit. this is easy, cheap and overall gives them more in return, more complicated methods also have more loopholes. it's not great, I am not in favor of this, I literally do not care how much DE's owners cry over money not earned, but I get why it's happening and why they literally do not care about losing peanuts. even if it does nothing long term, on the books it will look like something was accomplished and someone will get a nice bonus out of this before departing for the next company.

    And so we start to see the "Tencent" effect.

    Well, it was great while it lasted.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Rawbeard said:

    so why do you get a steam account with the pack to apply to your warframe account? they HAVE to come via steam, because that is how the seller got them. 

    they know. that is the price for getting more money from other regions, or at least to stop other regions from abusing currency adjustments. please read the original post. 

    That's just laziness from their side to be honest, there are better ways to counter abuse of weaker currencies. They just took the easier path and are hurting an entire player base that can't support the game anymore due to having lower income/weak currency.

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