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Posts posted by Bluequoise

  1. I'll agree that shotguns should have their own unique element of strength and weakness in the game, right now they feel mostly like weakness. Having seen shotguns used in real combat (veteran) I know that they have many fun applications that COULD be added besides raw damage. Like a mod that gives them a chance to blow off locks that might stack with a Master Thief mod to unlock lockers.


    As to shotgun play in game I've only maxed the rank on one and in later ranks it suddenly became a very ineffective weapon. It's greatest strength is at point blank range when you put all pellets into a single target, but the per pellet damage felt so low that by the time I was close enough to make that shot worth anything a quick melee was actually more powerful and effective in practical use.


    Shotguns were also originally developed (history lesson) for hunting birds, so having mods that gave shotguns a great bonus to flying enemies or building in that bonus would also give them a unique application in game that would give them viability as a weapon without simply falling on the crutch of games to solve damage ratios between weapons/classes by nerfing and/or buffing to solve differences.


    I'm in favor of also of giving shotguns the more powerful feel of recoil and knock-back effects because the realism effect in the game makes the player want to use the weapon more than the damage math. Right now I laugh as my arrows ragdoll grineer across great chasms and pen them to rocks on the other side. It's humorus and highly unrealistic, but it makes your arms feel powerful watching...shotguns in reality are badass weapons, but they don't feel like it in the game. I would like to cast my vote in finding a creative solution to this problem.

  2. It doesn't do anything for the tow cables, only speeds up your recovery from being floored.



    That was how I understood the Mod to work. And you are absolutely right the knockdowns are annoying with the new Infested types that like to let you know they're in the room by walking up behind you and stomping, but I can work around them...lots of flying lessons from the Corpus helped me learn how to work with them. But no matter how good my reflexes are there is no way for me to take out more than 4 ancients and a swarm (those parasites that love to greet you first while the ancient healer is out of sight but close enough to provide aura supports are also a great exercise in swearing vocabularies). In those situations my first action has become to distance myself from the ancients and deal with as much of the swarms as can be eliminated, then jump back pronto to eliminate the ancients, eximus, healer, toxic, and finally anything else that remains.


    Also, I may be in the minority here but I admire your desire to play a unique style. I tend to run solo in support classes in most games because I find it suits me best. Right now I'm playing the crap out of my Oberon because he's just a boss, but swapping over to Zepher gives a fun change of pace as she plays DRASTICALLY differently.

  3. Does handspring actually recover you from the tow cables? I know it recovers you from knockdowns, but if so then that would help a lot on infested missions. The tow cables have always been the most annoying part about the ancients, even more than the auras or when there was a 100% Mag Proc if you got hit buy a Disruptor.

  4. I want to start by saying that I'm enjoying Warframe quite substantially and that I haven't seen anything that would make me quit playing in the foreseeable future. However I want to officially post a short list of annoyances that I'm experiencing in the game.



    Getting instant killed when Veritux sends either myself or an enemy through a wall...makes Corpus tunnels a death waiting to happen.


    Solution: Only run Archwing missions with a little used Warframe that has all of it's revives.



    Getting tow raped by Infested Ancients. Getting drug along the ground and off edges is annoying enough getting repeatedly drug through swarms of Infested because there are 5-7 Ancients all taking turns dragging your helpless ragdoll across the ground makes soloing large groups of Infested nearly impossible.


    Solution: Never run an infested Survival past 10-15 minutes while playing solo...the revive cost probably isn't worth the rewards. (would actually be nice if we could still use powers or weapons after the initial fall animation is done and we're just being drug)



    The way that every NPC AI is programed to walk in front of you when ever you're lining up to snipe something. And my Dog is the absolute worst about it, standing beside me all nice and calm until I zoom in to take aim, then suddenly it's all fur and I'm apparently not tall enough to shoot over a dog in Oberon.


    Solution: Take 2 steps forward right before you finally shoot to get past the idiots who can't see you trying to shoot something that isn't friendly.



    That moment when I'm hitting jump to get out of a cluster of mobs and my Warframe keeps swinging melee, or the moment when I go to slide and only crouch.


    Solution: Suck it up cupcake or get a network with less latency.



    The way my dog has twice my health and shields but still gets 1-shot by every head of Lephantis.


    Solution: Take a sentential instead.



    The way that every seat in the Observatory faces the wall. Would make sense to look out at the stars or in at the planet model, but the door and the wall are the objects of study.


    Solution: remain standing in the Observatory.

  5. I went to get screenshots today and it wasn't doing it anymore. Might have been a one time bug or it might have been fixed in the recent hotfix and I didn't see anything mentioned. It was about 2 days ago when I first saw it. I'll be sure to grab screenshots if it happens again.

  6. I'm not sure if this is true for all levels of Stratos Emblem but the number marking on the lvl 1 Stratos Emblem is visible through Warfram Hands. I've checked with all three of my warframes and it holds true. It cannot be seen through Zepher's arm fins so if you line up the hand and fin at the right angle you will only see part of the 1 line on the Stratos Emblem.


    Can anyone else check with the ranks above 1 for me and let us know if this is true for all ranks?

  7. Since the room name is "Temple of Honor" I will agree that having a Loki statue in the center is probably the LEAST honorable statue to be stuck with.


    As for changes/improvements to this statue problem...if the room description about saluting the clan achievements is true then I think it would be cool to have the frame that has the most hours clocked onto it in the clan holding the weapon that has done the most damage in the clan as the statue.


    Doing some game development myself the actual lines of code that go into this are not THAT hard to implement, the code is already written for the object shapes; the statue skin texture is already there, although it might need to be cut and shaped to avoid stretch marks on some polygon surfaces; and the weapon holding stance also exists for every weapon in the game. Ignore the Agility or Noble stances and just use the default ones.


    As for the direction of facing...I don't particularly care, but a rotating statue would solve the complaints that some people do seem to have about that.

  8. Forma are seriously not an issue to acquire, other things like Orkin Reactors are seriously more difficult to acquire and I think they should be kept that way. I say change nothing.


    (Unless you want to make an Oxium blueprint available in the Tenno lab, reusable like health or shield packs and consumes that crap ton of salvage I have and can't get rid of. Barring that I vote change nothing.)

  9. The hardest part of building a clan dojo is collecting the Forma, which I get about 1 in 3 Void missions. This requirement for new rooms is the only resource need that doesn't scale up after building barracks for larger clan capacity. What would you suggest in stead? Orkin Cells? Oxium? Oxium is already the most difficult resource for me to get if we don't count system blueprints as resources since RNG likes to give me those maybe once every 50 or 60 missions (only a slight exaggeration, Archwing Systems for the quest was found around the 20th blueprint or so, I don't count how many Oberon Helms I've sold having never seen an Oberon Systems.)


    Anyways, My recommendation is this. Find a clan with a few highly active members, those can be found in the recruiting section of the forums, even a Ghost Clan with a few members who take the time and interest to invest in building the dojo. My Clan, Tevinter Imperium, was built almost exclusively by two players, myself being one of them, but we're almost finished with every tech available and we've even found the time and resources to make a few fun rooms like the dueling room and obstacle course. Took us barely over a month for most of that and we'd have even more done had we not goofed and increased our barraks before finishing all our techs. (oops, destroying barracks doesn't lower res costs back to ghost clan, just the member limit btw)


    If you absolutely want to be the leader of your own clan then find a friend to play with you and both of you chase after the res and parts needed for your dojo.

  10. So I had a thought for enhanced clan activities beyond the simple dojo experience.


    In other games Raids are a way to expand the player reliance experience ranging from parties of 8 to as high as 24 players depending on the game and the mission difficulty. My idea is to limit these raids to clan activities with missions either in the Void or Derelicts and have them flow through mission types with increasing opponent levels the more missions are done before extraction.


    So a mission might start as a spy mission that reveals an Orkin artifact that will need protected, finding the artifact will trigger a defense mission until it is collected after the set 5 waves. There could even be excavations that would run max of 3 excavators per "mission" before assigning a new mission but would pull up rare resources rather than Cryotic (Like Orkin Cells, Mutigen Samples or maybe even Oxium).


    Similarly you would also be able to run multiple squads of up to 4 players per squad. Squads would then run parallel missions (so something like an exterminate mission would not exist in the raids since a survival mission where all the enemies have already been killed guarantees failure), meaning that a parallel defense and survival mission would require success on both missions where one squad is needed to keep the life support going while the other is responsible for protecting the artifact.


    Also with multiple squad interaction there would be some cross over in squad benefits but not in all of them, Auras and team heals like Trinity's Blessing would only effect the squad, while a skill like Well of Life would allow a member of the other squad to gain Health by causing damage.


    When running multiple squads the mission would wait until all missions were done before advancing. So a Survival with Excavation would need to survive at least 5 minutes AND finish have ran all the extractors before you can advance unto the next mission group, leaving it up to the raid leaders to decide how they want to attack the missions, all at once or prioritize and complete as they move through. Also if able to support up to 16 players (4 squads) in a single raid would mean 2-4 parallel missions that could be happening all at the same time.


    Anyhow, this is just an idea of mine to make being a part of a clan even more involving and meaningful to the players. I'm sure that other players will have suggestions along this train of thought of mine that could enhance or change it to make it either more interesting or more practical for Warframe. I'd also love to hear the Dev teams feedback on their impressions of my above mentioned idea.

  11. I finally got the systems, but I ended up needing to run the mission about 10 or so times, and even then I didn't get the systems blueprint until the 4th excavator. Thank you for at least making the blueprints able to be sold, otherwise I would have had huge stacks of useless wing blueprints in my inventory.

  12. First run through on the E. Gate blueprint excavation missions I got the harness, next run through I got the wings, every run through after that I've only received wing blueprints. If they are a random drop then the odds say that I should be finding something other than wings, if it is a sequential drop pattern then after getting the wings I shouldn't be getting more wing blueprints.


    Can I please get a little help with this issue.

  13. Tevinter Imperium is looking for restless Dragons who desire both freedom and purpose.



    Clan Colors are Red and Gold, we do not require that all members wear these color only or always, but during clan operations these are expected to be the primary colors of your Tenno Warframe.


    We also expect that members will play well together and to lend assistance when able to newer and lesser members.


    Officers will be appointed based on merits and contribution.



    All Members have the rights:


    To Host the Dojo

    Contribute to Technology

    Trade among members free of tax




    All Officers will have the additional Rights:


    To recruit new members

    To have an exclusive garden of their choice in the Dojo to decorate



    For any additional questions please message me in game, here in the forum or PM here on the website.

  14. Tevinter Imperium is now technically a Shadow Clan, but I will post this information here as well since our current members total less than 10.


    Clan Colors are Red and Gold, we do not require that all members wear these color only or always, but during clan operations these are expected to be the primary colors of your Tenno Warframe.


    We also expect that members will play well together and to lend assistance when able to newer and lesser members.


    Officers will be appointed based on merits and contribution.



    All Members have the rights:


    To Host the Dojo

    Contribute to Technology

    Trade among members free of tax




    All Officers will have the additional Rights:


    To recruit new members

    To have an exclusive garden of their choice in the Dojo to decorate



    For any additional questions please message me in game, here in the forum or PM here on the website.

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