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Posts posted by IntegrityKnight

  1. Very well written I must say, and I will try my best to convey my meaning without sounding to harsh, but I can never seem to get some points across via text.

    As a Veteran, (I've been playing since Open Beta first launched) I actually enjoyed The Second Dream thuoghly, but I understand that not everyone did. The main problem that I seem to keep seeing is that people have been playing for so long with little to no lore, they create their own. Not trying to pin the blame on the players or DE, it's just what Humans do, if there is something we don't know, we try and make our own theories up. That is the problem though, and where this backlash has come from.

    People have made their own lore for this game, and DE just dropped a bombshell on their theories that they held for do long. That makes people mad, which is understandable. When a game developer makes a lore decision, normally the player has nearly no say, otherwise the lore that they have set up for now and later expansions would have to be changed based on the whims of the community, and destroy all plans of further storytelling. (I'm honestly trying not to sound nasty to anyone, but I can't seem to put this in any softer terms) I've seen the same thing happen with other games, where the developer says something very vague, that could mean anything, and dome players take and run with it, and make up their own version of what is going to happen, and when what they invisioned doesn't happen, they get disappointed.

    I'm trying to stay neutral, and if there is ANY blame at all on this matter, I would say it is an equal share on DE for waiting for so long, and not giving more obvious clues to the playerbase to help shape their mindset to what they wanted, but also on the players, for making up their own story in a game that was, at some point, make it's own story the drvelopers wanted regardless of what the fanbase wanted.

    Sorry guys, but remember we still have PLENTY more story to go through, I highly doubt DE will stop here, so there might be hope for your ideas to come through in a different way, regardless, if you wanna continue Roleplaying or something, just say it's an AU or something along those lines. The Warframe comunity is actually pretty big, and a very creative bunch, do use this story as a springboard for other ideas, but remember if you set your bar to high, nothing will ever reach it.

    Just please keep it out of edgelord territory and don't draw freaking warframes killing children, that's just not cool.

  2. Could be an interesting idea. Make it that we can choose to receive or not said beacon (if you don't want to be spam with pop up)

    Only low mr can ask for help (0-5 ie)

    why not change it for when a new player don't find anyone to play with in the starchart (because of some ghost nodes)

    i'm not sure about the rare mod rewards for both of them. I would prefer something like a reputation system with some reward for the vet.

    The reasoning behind the rare mod for Vets is to make sure there is an actual reward for them doing this, but I can see that also giving the newbie a rare mod might lead to abuse.

    Then seeing as there are new neutral factions out, maybe a new faction based around helping others, because DE is wanting to make a part of the playerbase a kind of moderator that will help people, this might have interesting implications.

  3. I've seen plenty of threads on here for a while saying that this game is punishing for new players, and that other players don't want to help new people, both are true, but I have a solution for both problems.

    S.O.S Beacons

    When a Tenno is having a hard time soloing a mission, they can drop an S.O.S beacon. To prevent abuse of this I'd say that it can only be used once per day, no recharges with plat, and only when the Tenno is literally out of revives, so this is a final option.

    When this Tenno places the S.O.S, a kind of alert pops up to other Tenno that are viewing the star chart. To prevent abuse I'd say a minimum of MR10 as to prevent "noob wipe fest". After the people that accept they are taken in they must reach the downed Tenno, which at this point is having to fend off slightly lower level enemies till they get there. This is to make sure that nobody just grabs a MR 0 and takes it to Pluto to rank fast, and the new Tenno's health and shields are halved, and the mission turns into a survival (minus oxygen) with a timer to get to the Tenno.

    The rescuers come in from Extract, and must make their way to the Tenno. Once they are all there, a mini boss shows up, and you have to kill it to proceed. To make this worthwhile for the vetetans, I'd say the drop be old event mods, while the drop for the low level Tenno is a guaranteed rare mod. After this they can choose to extract or finish the mission as normal, all while the new Tenno is marked as a hostage, and if they die, the mission fails.

    This fixes a few problems, and benefits the community overall.

    1. New Tenno can always get help when they are having trouble with a particular mission.

    2. The fact that newer Tenno have practically nobody to play with save for people farming bosses like Vor.

    3. Wow factor. It's always a good thing for new people to see the veterans, because they see their cool stuff, and then want to get those items. They then go and farm, or even buy them with plat.

    4. Helps veterans get some old mods or things they may have missed.

    5. Actually puts an emphasis on helping new players.

    Possible things that may be good to add as well:

    1. Add additional reward for completing mission as normal for added encouragement.

    2. Add Affinity and Credit boosters for Vets in that mission alone so they're not just running someone through low level content for just the mods.

    3. Have maximum conclave so the content isn't just blown through.

    4. Increased rate for the joining Tenno to be invaded by Stalker, G3, etc, as another incentive.

    And that about wraps it up, if you guys think something would work well, feel free to critique as needed.

    EDIT: Spelling errors and modified for clarity.

    EDIT: Mobile is not good for writing walls of text.

  4. Alright, I posted this in the Warframe tag on Tumblr and it got a good response, but we need more game types or more variation. I say we have a "gimmick" mode kinda like Nightmare mode, but you can toggle it on any mission, but it adds FUN features to them. My original idea was The Floor is Lava mode, but why stop there? Post your own and let's make the same old boring missions more interesting. Also, Derelict Floor is Lava.

  5. ah man, that's bogus. I always thought Ember's calculated immunity to damage was her best feature, because having all elemental-based damage is such a horrible shot to utility in this game that I felt like being able to become nearly invincible for 15 seconds was the trade off for only being able to clear out infested missions. the golden lie of typed damage was easily worth the trade off for having that perfect "oh shi-" button.


    Just more reasons to play the adult version of Ember, Saryn. Sorry Flame Princess, the Queen is a more mature and refined woman.


    Of course they'll all be unemployed when I get back and level up my Banshee. Already got her tricked out twin vipers.

    The true Warframe Queen.

  6. Well, not really Alerts themselves. To be honest, this is a relatively easy solution on paper, but may be kinda hard to implement. My plan is just to implement a kind of revive system that will allow you to play an Alert that you missed. This would have to be limited, so you could only do it ONCE a month, and no way to recharge it via Plat or otherwise, and the Alert must have been within the past 24 hours. That might be a little big of a window, but it could be shortened to, say 12 or 8 if needs be.


    That is my suggestion, anyone else have any critiques?

  7. Aw man Volt would have been awesome. I would finally get to ask how much he costs the Corpus in light fixtures everytime he uses Overload.

    That has inspired me to write a story.

    All you hear is a faint sound, none of your group of crewmen can recognize what it is. When it gets closer they recognize it as... classical music? Is that The Four Seasons? Then he is upon you, the music is now louder, distracting even, but just as fast as he came, he runs right past you, naturally you try and shoot him, but the lasers are absorbed by his shield. You then see a Leech Osprey ready to fire, and think "This is my chance!" until you notice what he was lining up. You see it to late, the Tenno levitates in the air, music blaring in your ears, and you see all of your friends and coworkers slaughtered by lightning. You are the only one left, you stand dumbfounded, as all of the lights around you explode. The Tenno comes down, and turns to you, Lex in hand.  "But..... but..... I JUST REPLACED THOSE LIGHTS!"


    The scene closes with a Tenno ship flying off into space, and a faint cry from what can only be assumed to be the High Counsel as they see just how many bulbs were blown.

  8. Yeah yeah, okay... we are one... embrace us... curruption talk B.S.... blah blah blah...


    Can we get back to the comics now?

    If I wanted to read random nonsense from complete strangers I'd be watching the comments of image boards on dark places around the web.But no. That's not what was this topic was made for.

    Now can we be done with the lightweight nonsense of (faked) Q&A and get back to the actual plot?

    (Yes, that one you have "got no plans for", Mr. Doozy84.)


    *Stares menacingly at Doozy84. arms crossed, slightly tilted head, impatiently tapping foot, and unimpressed/impatient look*



    Oh I am ever so sorry Mr./Ms. Lord of Doozy's Topic. We did not mean to upset you so much because we are idly chatting because, believe it or not, we are also waiting for the next installment.

    Doozy's topic, his rules. If he wants us to go to a second thread for chatting, so be it.

  9. Dear starry dedoochka,

    Your shoomy rot leaves me fashed and %&^gy, (and you're right, I have not yarblockos; I've got Kartoffels).

    Let us end this bitva, bratty. There's no need to creech chepooka at a dobby droog.

    You're as oomny as I, so let us use our messel-slovos to rezraz the nazzy nadsats!

    I feel like I should get this reference, if it even is one.

    Just in case I use my GET OUT OF GETTING KICKED OFF THE ISLAND card.

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