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Posts posted by toolazyforagoodname

  1. @williamsos10 @tnccs215  both frames have an ultimate that does damage and cc's around them, both of them have effectively an aoe cc.  where banshee has silence ember has the knockback albeit that ember does damage with her 3 that's beside the point, both of them have a damage buff.  one is focused on a single damage type the other is based on where you shoot the enemy.  the only place I feel they differ majorly is their 1 and in the event of her 1 she could be more easily compared to mag's 1

  2. So I'm going to start this off with mentioning I have no problem with desiring equality in games.  but getting upset because there's suddenly 2-3 more male frames than female frames is bit ridiculous.  warframe will probably balance back out in genders very soon.  and also you're making a post about once again, a 2-3 Warframe difference in a game that has 29 frames.  most games that would have 29 different character would have a much larger ratio of males to females.  and they would probably be putting in those females for the sake of token female characters and also once again the ratio will probably go back to 1:1 soon.  they're releasing Titania and will probably release more females to balance everything back out.  I understand that it is a bit upsetting that it seems like Warframe is going to go into a state of having many more male frames than female frames and that would be very upsetting but it's just a temporary thing.  there's no reason for this post to exist unless they were just releasing nothing but male frames.  the thing is umbra Excal which they will release is a version of a frame that exists and ne zha and wukong were brought over from the Chinese version and on top of that Wukong kinda sucks.  I feel like if they release another 2 males after Titania this post would be a little more justified.  but right now it's just a complaint about something likely very temporary.

  3. There will be a TL;DR at the end.  note that this is comparing banshee and ember's abilities seeing how similar they are


    Banshee as far as I'm concerned has some of the worst abilities in the game.  For most of this post I'm going to compare her to ember, as they have very similar powers.  

    starting from the weakest of her abilities, her 4. her soundquake is very similar to ember's world on fire.  they are both aoe damage over time abilities where the focal point is the frame itself both abilities provide some level of cc as well.  starting with ember.  50 energy activation cost, 3 energy per second sustain cost, 15m range, 400 damage per second, 35% chance to cc (without the augment) and the frame can move and use other powers while it is active.  okay fantastic.  not a bad power.  now banshee.25 energy activation cost, 12 energy per second sustain cost if it's max rank, 20m range, 200 damage, 100% chance to cc and the frame cannot move or use powers while it is active.  Okay so far ember definitely takes the cake though banshee is better with cc.  assuming they both aren't augmented.  now looking at their augments.  Ember's basically raises her cc chance to 100% chance and it's a knockdown proc.  banshee's increases the damage and range on her 4 as time goes by.  but also increases the energy cost... well eventually banshee will out-damage ember.  The problem there is she's still wasting tons of energy where ember is not.  

    now we move on to their 3's.  Ember, 75 energy cost, 15 meter wave, 4 meter ring, 100% chance to cc, 20 second ring duration, 200 damage wave, 225 damage per second ring.  fantastic.  great ability for cc and damage.  next up banshee.  75 energy cost, 20 meter range 100% chance to cc, 25 second silence duration, 0 damage.  okay it has alright cc and the cc lasts the problem being that that true cc this offers is very short in duration and if you have too long of a range it's a bit difficult to take advantage of after casting.  that being said, we still have yet to look at their augments.  ember's adds more cc.  enemies that hit the ring now become panicked.  more cc not bad.  banshee.  enemies in the radius take more finisher damage.... if you're aiming for finisher damage on your melee you use concealed leathality on a dagger.  though it does help characters like ash.  before augments I'd say ember takes the cake again.after augments it's a bit hard to decide.  


    next their 2 both are damage buffs that are focused around the user.  Ember is up first to set the bar.  50 energy cost, 20 meter casting, 100% chance to cc, 30 second effect, damage multiplier, 2.5x (note that this is only for fire damage).  Also ember casts 50% faster during the ability.  Alright it has some utility to it.  worst case scenario you increase your ability damage only. now onto banshee.  50 energy cost 35 meter range 0% chance to cc 30 second effect, damage multiplier 5.0x (only if you hit the glowing body part. alright so banshee takes the win here.  she has a higher damage multiplier for a longer range albeit you have to be more accurate it's chance to assist teammates is higher.  though ember does have the cc on her side and the increased casting speed. also as it stands banshee has an augment for her ability whereas ember does not.


    next their first abilities.  Ember first as usual.  25 energy cost, infinite casting range, 5 meter blast range 100% chance to cc, 50% chance to cc around the target, damage, 400 to target,  150 in aoe. simple first power. still a bit strong.  Banshee.  25 energy cost, 25 meter range. 100% chance to cc in aoe. 50 damage.  that's it.  just 50 Banshee has the lowest damaging ability in the game that actually does damage.  barring loki's decoy if it procs slash.  but that's not really supposed to do damage.  this ability is strictly cc oriented and even there it has much better equivilents.  banshee loses in this ability as well.  ember has a decent cc chance and way more damage and isn't restricted to range.




    So basically when compared to the frame I found the most similar banshee only takes 1/4 of the abilities as being better and only marginally.  I really wanted to give it to ember because of her cc in her 2 but she has so much cc everywhere else that it was basically pointless.  banshee has pathetic damage and either average or obscenely expensive energy costs.  why is she not being looked at?  I didn't even bring up passives because that's just unfair to banshee.


     so basically if you're going to play banshee you might as well just play ember.  


  4. I don't know why people are complaining.  I've been enjoying her more, more recently.  Her 1 and 3 work well together especially with the new combo mods.  just kinda cuts their health in half while giving a damage buff on the melee as well as the combo buff.  I will admit her molt could use more regen or something that would provide more survivability but aside from that she does well in higher levels for me.  

  5. I have the same problem with the decoy/invisibility combo that the others have. Let's use a spy vault as an example. See an enemy near a door you need to get through? Time to invis. Oh, shoot... now it knows I'm here from the decoy with a nasty trigger finger I left behind.


    As for passives, I can see the radiation almost being the same issue; making enemies fight each other randomly is basically the same as telling them you're there. Why not have a passive similar to the Shade's effect, where within a certain range of the enemy, you become invisible, assuming you've been out of combat long enough?

    He is a trickster.  not a stealth frame or at least that's the title they gave him, both directly and indirectly(they named him after a trickster).  if you're worried about stealthing for short periods of time to avoid being seen Ash does exist, he is a frame, he has an invisibility

  6. *****NOTE:Some of these changes are concerning the abilities by themselves, so when I say "Decoy is useless at higher levels" I don't want to see "OH BUT DISARM AND THEN YOU PUT IT IN A PLACE ENEMIES DON'T REACH" The abilities of warframes should have synergy but should also hold their own as an ability by themselves.
    ******NOTE #2: I don't think a lot of people understand some things.  1. Loki is not a Rogue or ninja frame, he is a trickster.  his job is not to stealth through the entire mission, his job is to distract enemies with his powers and cause confusion or disruption.  That is how a trickster works. So saying that something ruins his "stealth power" is pointless if you want stealth power use a frame that is meant to be a stealth frame.


    I know I'll probably get a lot of flak for this as anyone does when mentioning "Loki" and "Change"/"Rework" in the same forum topic none the less post.  Despite that I feel that Loki could use some changes to his kit, because I feel as he is now he doesn't feel very much like a trickster.  He feels like he was supposed to be a trickster but kinda falls flat in the realm of manipulating the battlefield in comparison to frames like Vauban or Nyx.  He also is most often used as a purely stealth based character which also does not help; actually it kills frames like ash and Ivara (at least in terms of being used for stealth) because why use ash when Loki has a longer stealth and why use Ivara when Loki can move quickly while invisible.  Also to clarify, this post is not me saying "OMG CHANGE LOKI NOW, HE NEEDS IT THE MOST WHY ARE YOU BOTHERING BUFFING FRAMES LIKE MAG OR OBERON LOKI NEEDS THIS NOW" it's me proposing changes to a frame that I feel would make him fit a bit more into the trickster role.  Enough of my rambling here are some changes I feel that loki could use.


    1. decoy

    So decoy is a bit of a useless ability in and of itself; In higher levels (20+) enemies pretty much shred it so it provides very little distraction, it doesn't normally last its full duration.  Honestly as an ability it's kind of lack luster and not even worth the 25 energy it costs to use it unless you can get away from all the enemies in the few seconds it will last before the enemies cleave through the effective 600 health it has. Also being able to cast decoy while not invisible doesn't make sense from a logical point of view: "oh I see you, okay now there is another you but you haven't moved.... let me shoot the other you since that is obviously the real you"



     I feel that Decoy should be a part of Loki's "Invisibility" in that when Loki turns invisible he leaves behind a decoy or casts a decoy in the same fashion that he already does that either A) can't be killed or B) will blind enemies when destroyed.


    2. switch teleport

    switch teleport in theory is a very good ability but is not often used for much more than switch teleporting with decoy or trolling teammates.  I will admit though it can be used nicely for things such as moving a downed ally from a group of enemies to revive them it already costs 25 energy so possibly just moving it to his 1 to replace his decoy to leave room for another power


    3.Radial disarm

    Radial disarm doesn't have any major issues it just doesn't feel so "ultimate" for an ability that is effectively the character's ultimate so it would be worth it in my opinion to move his disarm to his 3 and reduce the cost to 75


    (Had a recommendation to make its disarm based on duration(Kusariyaro))


    4. 4

    assuming that the last the ideas become reality, giving him a new ultimate would be something necessary.  so for a new 4, attempting to stick with the trickster theme of things, Loki teleports forward to wherever he is aiming and leaves behind a clone for 15,25,35,45 seconds(Not a decoy) that would use the AI from the specters, copying his current weapons, health and shields, assisting Loki in creating chaos and manipulating the enemies. It should slowly generates energy for itself (possibly at the rate of 1-2 full rank Energy Siphon(s)) for the duration of its existence to allow it to cast for its full duration.


    5. Passive

    what would a change to a warframe be without the addition of a passive?  This one is pretty simple but I like the idea of it.

    enemies within 15??? meters of loki have a 10% chance every second to be affected by a radiation proc

    It should allow loki to cause even more chaos and disruption than he did before



    This is just an idea I had for a change to Loki's kit, albeit not a massive change or anything it would be a nice change for him, or at least I believe so.  I am open to input from others though.  

  7. 10 energy regen per second would quite literally mean that you could run many abilities without them costing ANYTHING. Many channel abilities would have their costs entirely negated.


    Also, not sure about you, but most missions i run don't even bring Nekros into a Survival anymore. Sure he's useful, but he's a lot less of a requirement than he used to be, to be honest.

    10 energy per second is the most any can achieve and that's only on volt prime because he has the highest energy.  one would also assume channel abilities would cancel the energy regen.  as would make sense  also if you think that 5% energy per second is a lot and that, that would enable spamming like never been seen before you've never had an EV trin on your team.  Also 5% was more of an example not exactly what it would have to be.  

  8. These are some QoL changes I feel like warframe could use.




    Most players I know feel that it is necessary to have Energy Siphon or an EV trinity in all missions.  This primarily being because energy orbs can be scarce at best sometimes.  I feel that the solution to a lot of players feeling like they need energy siphon or trinity is rather simple.  Natural energy regen. maybe about 5% base energy. this meaning that 10 energy per second is the highest regen a player can have and that is only in the case of volt prime which should be more than enough to sustain most players.  this also means that very spam happy warframes having higher energy matters more than having more energy to store all those 25 energy orbs that they will likely use immediately, This may also reduce the amount of players feeling like they need to run 75% efficiency all the time.


    Regen 5% energy per second





    once again, another case of something most feel is mandatory, Nekros in survival.  It's rather irritating to have a game-mode based entirely on RNG and as such needing a player to always play a certain character just to press one button.  It generally takes away from the game for that player (normally) and also  means that you have one less slot for maybe that damage dealer you need or healer (Yes I understand that Nekros is a pseudo-healer) so another rather simple solution to the problem is to eliminate life-support from survival and replace it with something along the lines of "Distraction" have this new "Distraction" stat based on how many enemies you kill e.g. (every (4*players in game) enemies killed generates 1% distraction which decays at the same rate as life support had).  This way the survival game-mode is based more around the players' ability to kill the enemies only, not also whether or not RNG decides they are worthy of oxygen.


    Make survival's "Life support" based on number of enemies killed



    I find ammo pick-ups to be a rather neglected subject.  Some weapons have issues in terms of ammo efficiency.  that being that they have a lot of bullets but they don't do a lot of damage per bullet and ammo pick-ups are a set number, not based on the weapon at all.  This meaning that guns that can do decent damage but are ammo in-efficient are often ignored it also means that the "Ammo Maximum" stat is pretty much useless except in determining how much ammo you have when you start the mission.  I feel like Ammo pick-ups should be based on the maximum ammo of a weapon, pretty simple. 10 rounds + 5% of the weapon's max ammo would likely make it to where more players would be fine running lower ammo efficiency weapons without feeling burdened by having to use things like ammo mutations and blocking up their aura slot with scavenger mods, that normally make it harder for some weapons to compete with others.


    Make ammo pick-ups based on max ammo  e.g. 10 rounds + 5% of max ammo




  9. I've been wanting there to be a frame that is based around summons or minions or something of the like so that what Geppetto is.  He is a warframe based around his two puppets: "Chaos" and "Order"


    I am open to ideas on ways his powers could differ seeing as this was just a rough draft of how I feel he should be


    Geppetto should be tall and lanky similar to limbo (minus the suit) with small engraving of Orokin language on it (possibly his name) having groves in his joints similar to that of a puppet his back should be  open revealing gears in his back turning (possibly spinning faster or lighting up while he runs, jumps, channels his melee, etc.


    80 shields   (240 at rank 30) 

    80 health    (240 at rank 30)

    1.20 sprint speed

    150 power  (225 at rank 30)

    50 armor


    Passive - Geppetto cannot use companions.  Instead he has two puppets that follow him around: Chaos and Order.  If they are killed in battle they respawn after 30 seconds.  They benefit from mods that increase Geppetto's health, shields, armor, bleed out timer (shortens the respawn timer)



    A large, quadruped puppet about the size of a charger with a scaly seeming surface.  More aggressive in nature and tends to use fast but short term solutions and is quick to attack.

    120 shields (360 at rank 30)

    100 health  (300 at rank 30)

    .90 move speed

    150 armor



    A small, Bird-like puppet that remains on Geppetto's shoulder when not in use.  Order tends to use methods of more long term solutions and attempts to assist Geppetto in sustaining in combat.  Order also tends not to attack enemies.

    100 shields  (300 at rank 30)

    50 health     (150 at rank 30)

    1.10 move speed

    50 armor

    (power names are not final.  just placeholders really)


    1st power-Go Forth/Recall

    25 energy

    Geppetto either commands his puppets to go out and perform a task or to come back to him

    When commanded to "Go Forth" Either puppet will perform their own task


    Chaos puppet - attacking enemies for 60/120/180/240 slash damage (affected by strength) per hit with an aura that does 10/20/30/40 Radiation damage(affected by strength) damage per second to enemies within 7/10/13/15 meters


    Order - Running off and grabbing loot and bringing it back to Geppetto (similar to a Chesa kubrow but not affecting other players' loot locations) and healing nearby allies (not geppetto, chaos or itself) within 7/10/13/15 meters for 10/20/30/40 (affected by strength) per second


    Neither puppet may move more than 20 meters away from geppetto


    Upon being Recalled His puppets will assume new tasks


    Chaos - This puppet shall resume attacking enemies nearby Geppetto for 60/120/180/240 slash damage(affected by strength) per hit


    Order -  Shields Geppetto Granting 5%/10%/15%/20% damage resistance (not affected by power)

    *(cannot be cast while any other powers are active)

    *(Puppets start off recalled)

    *(If a puppet respawns after this power is active they will resume their task)


    2nd power - Protect/recall

    50 energy

    Geppetto command Chaos and Order to defend a location Order creates a shield with a radius of 7 meters (not affected by range) around them and order attacks enemies within the shield for 60/120/180/240 (affected by strength) per hit.

    *(cannot be cast if order is dead)

    *(Geppetto loses his buff from order during this power)

    *(cannot be cast while any other powers are active)


    3rd power - Puppet repair

    75 energy

    Geppetto repairs his puppets for 15%/25%/35%/45% (affected by strength) of their health each over 2/3/4/5 seconds (inversely affected by duration similar to Oberon's renewal) He also heals himself for 5%/10%/15%/20% (affected by strength) of his health over the same time

    *(This power cannot be used during any other power or while both puppets are dead)

    *(cannot be cast while any other powers are active)


    4th power - Intertwine

    25 + 12 energy per second

    Geppetto commands his puppets to form together to become a new puppet; A larger quadruped about the size of the juggernaut This new puppet gains the health, shield and armor of both puppets combined, gaining an area attack (Performed by slamming it's front feet into the ground) dealing 120/240/360/480 blast damage (affected by power strength) and staggering enemies within 4 meters of the puppet.

    *(cannot be cast if either puppet is dead)

    *(cannot be cast if any other powers are active)

  10. I put the concept in a spoiler tag because it's quite long and such and makes the whole post just look like a giant wall of text.



         So I've been having major issues with ammo efficiency in Warframe for a long time, at least when it comes to choosing weapons to use, especially pistols.  With weapons that have large magazines but barely do damage per bullet being almost not worth it to use.  While yes their damage per magazine might be the same or even higher I find it difficult to want to use them because it takes too many rounds to kill the enemies to get ammo drops and when I do get the ammo drop it's only giving me 20 ammo (at least speaking in terms of pistols, which is where I see this problem more often, which with DE trying to find a way to make multi-shot take ammo will only accentuate the issue).  I have an idea that would not only (hopefully) fix that issue so that weapons with large magazines and high fire-rates with low damage are more usable but will also make magazine affecting mods more useful. 



         My idea is quite simple in concept, make ammo pick-ups based on magazine size.  Making the pick-up count based on the weapon's magazine capacity like a percentage perhaps.  For the sake of examples let's go with 50% so weapons like the soma, (secura) dual cestras, akzani, amprex, etc. would have less of a difficult time picking up ammo that can allow them to sustain being used.  While admittedly one could use Ammo mutations and/or the Scavenger mods to help they feel too much like required mods on weapons like those which is what DE is attempting to get away from, as I understand it and honestly with having to choose between damage or ammo economy on some of those weapons makes me feel more like using weapons like the boltor or the vaykor marelok, because I can build raw damage and have no ammo issues due to their high damage outputs per round and ammo pick-ups being set amounts if I can just kill an enemy with a single round rather than having to spray bullets at the enemy, when I get the ammo pick-up it's more worth it.


         *Also have a minimum of what the pick-ups can be due to weapons with extremely small or no magazine (bows, vectis, tigris, etc.)of maybe 10?






    Make ammo pick-ups a percent (50%?) of the magazine size rather than a set amount.  Also having a base amount that the ammo drops cannot go below for the sake of weapons with small magazine sizes or don't have magazines (bows)

  11. A few questions.


    1. Will things like dual kamas, cleavers, dual axes and such (dual weapons that don't make sense to be stabbing into people) ever get their own stances?  So that we're not stabbing people with our cleavers and kamas and such.


    2. What is the progress of the whole foundry thing with possibly being able to build multiple of something that we have many of to build at one time (namely forma)?


    3. Will vaulted warframes ever make a return to the game or are they gone forever?  Just curious because that makes things harder for players trying to get their mastery up who didn't have access to the frame or weapon before it got vaulted.

  12. all they need is a decoy augment. 


    when decoy is destroyed, enemies within 2/4/7/10 meters of the decoy are disarmed

    an augment for his decoy that does what his 4 does faster in a larger area.  it would be more sensible to make it blind them or for it to move.

  13. i am playing on the confusion factor say you see a friend attacking a friend which side would you choose that would confuse the enemy

    I suppose but it wouldn't draw my attention away from the obvious foe who has to my knowledge killed many of my kind and is much more powerful than someone with equivalent armor and weaponry to me.

  14. I see were your going but I feel like just the fact Loki is not stupid a warframe that control a battlefield with chaos and confusion would it not be confusing if the decoy was one of your own.

    Now I might have made it overalls complex but decoy function as a power increases

    I suppose it would be but at the same time the function changing with each form might be a bit too complex for most users.  Also logically speaking I wouldn't shoot at one of my own but instead at the thing I know is foe for sure.  so it remaining to be a Loki clone makes sense.

  15. Well decoy could be changed

    And switch teleport as well

    But as for invi being changed what will occur it will be just one form of build being used while it is good for the player to many hey this is the correct way to do it

    .as for decoy

    How about changing what decoy can do

    We make it work like random

    When using decoy it will have chance of being a decoy of a Loki or the chance of a decoy being a specific enemy of the enemy faction your facing

    Enemy Decoy will have average level of the enemy they are facing

    Tenno decoy will have the average stats of the team

    If the decoy is a Tenno

    The decoy It summons a pad/mat

    If the decoy is a infested faction

    The decoy will heal itself

    If the decoy is a grineer faction

    The decoy will do small damage the enemy who is shoot will take friendly fire

    If the decoy is a corpus faction

    The decoy chill not take damage just be duration

    Now for switch teleport I like the idea of switched enemy being procs but Tenno should also procs radiation

    Mainly when switching place the switched enemy when appers will be stunned likes he natural mechanic but will release a small aoe that procs enemy around the switched enemy

    And were Loki switched he will also release a small aoe that procs enemy around were Loki appears

    Not to op I believe

    ST proc'ing radiation around the enemy would be nice but the decoy thing changing how it works vs each faction seems a bit complicated.  though I'm sure it's possible being that they've done powers with several different functions based on things before, specifically chroma.  I still kinda prefer the idea of making it like a tenno specter and having it deal reduced damage and still have the higher aggro because it's simplistic and you can still have it act like decoy does now just by walking up to it and hitting "X" like a specter.  the difference is having it more durable and do some damage.  not a lot though.

  16. The Idea of a primarily summoning warframe is nice but I have some issues with the stats and such.

    My main issue with the stats is that it has a ridiculously low shield (which by the way if the base is 50 at level 30 the shields will be 150 not 250) and that low of armor and no way to heal itself it would be taken down rather quickly, despite the large health pool.  The health pool is large but health doesn't regen and with such a small amount of armor it's not a lot of effective health either.  Honestly even with the armor exposing the health that much without giving it some way to get it back, no matter how good the frame's powers may be it will likely fall flat because of it's shields will be dispatched quickly and then it'll take health damage which won't regen without a healer so unless the player wants to take cover every single 5 seconds and let the game auto-play with the summons or bring a healer every time they use it.  Also the visual design looks like a modified saryn too a ridiculous extent.  

  17. Then message them when they do come online..

    one could forget what they intended to say or may have a hard time getting on at the same time as this other person.  it's a quality of life thing. not really something we need but it would be convenient.

  18. think of it this way, with a gift system like that, you could possibly buy stuff with the starting 50plat of alt accounts and gift to main accounts. or use alt accounts to get stuff from other players, and gift to main account. its not a smart idea. so no, not a fan of the idea.

    You can't trade beginner plat you can only buy stuff from the market with it.  so you wouldn't be able to gift tradable items with beginner plat

  19. Loki doesn't need a rework, lock thread please

    He has powers that are either barely effective or not effective at all in most cases.  He doesn't need it.  he could use it though.  the main points of this are changing ST and Decoy.  especially decoy since it normally dies before the duration is even a quarter of the way up because generally speaking building strength on loki is a non-option.  The only change to any of his other powers I proposed was changing invis to channel.  allowing for longer invisibility and allowing him to not have to focus 100% on duration for his perma-invis.

  20. I like the idea of rework to make it more viable to use his full kit

    But your ideas could be better Loki needs to represent what chaos trickery and stealth are all about

    Decoy doesn't really do much

    Switch teleport is good for distance travel and with augmentation it make decoy useful

    Disarm pretty well since of no gun policy and with augmentation great

    Invi works nice because you know invi

    well I'm open to more ideas.  Just kinda something I thought up in like 15-20 minutes or so.  so it's not going to be fantastic.  honestly IMO if they just went with the second thing in the decoy/ST ideas and made his invis channeling I feel like that would make him significantly better.  The idea to consolidate his 1 and 3 together just stemmed from in my experience people either just use decoy with switch teleport or don't use it at all.  The major problem obviously being that he then needs a new power to fill the void so I just kinda thought up what I could

  21. I don't believe Loki is in need of a rework. I think Loki is one of the most solid frames there is. 

    I don't like the idea of Over Here. Gotcha seems like Mirages Sleight of Hand with the augment. 

    Making Invisibility a toggled ability means you can use max efficiency with continuity with max range (Meaning you will only need one build for Loki and it makes him able to be invisible forever while taking away all enemy weapons away). 

    I love Switch Teleport personally. If someone downs away from the group or pod you can go invis and switch tp them near your allies so they can revive them.

    Though his ST can be used for good purposes.  I've only ever had 1-2 players ever use if for anything but trolling other players or switching with his decoy.  He is meant to disrupt combat for the enemies.  That's why I came up with the idea of The "Over here" power because it's mass disruption but not just in the style of "oh I don't have a gun anymore time to beat this tenno senseless with a stick."  disarm being his only major disruption is only a second worth of a stagger and then enemies resume attacking.  the only difference is they now wield melee weapons, and in the case of infested where there are only 2 types of ranged enemies (both forms of moa) it doesn't do much to disrupt or mess with them besides doing 400 impact damage

  22. Mmm switch tele & decoy I like. But removing the ability on teammates will take away one of his augments.

    had an idea to have the augment for that power be based on the decoy.  having it explode, blinding all enemies in a range like Mirage's 4

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