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Posts posted by NeoDarkSider

  1. Yes I agree that most ability names are thematic and are appropriate. Like


    in game:


    Miasma: Through noxious exhalation, Saryn pollutes the atmosphere with a lethally poisonous mist that corrodes all enemies in range, effectively disintegrating organic and synthetic matter instantly.


    real world:



    Miasma: noxious exhalations from putrescent organic matter; poisonous effluvia or germs polluting the atmosphere. A dangerous, foreboding, or deathlike influence or atmosphere.


    With Miasma the theme works. With Venom vs Contagion. One is more geared toward being a toxin that spreads.



    in game:


    Venom: toxic spore that transmits


    Contagion: toxicity, disease, plague put on your weapon to infect your enemy.


    Real world:


    Venom: Poison, You put poison on you weapon to infect your enemy. i.e Venom coated arrows, daggers, swords...


    Contagion: Disease, Batercia transmitted


    Yes toxic and toxicity can be used to describe venom, poison, disease...


    Robots may be affected if they are made with some organic synthetic parts.


    And it doesn't take a programmer much time to switch the names. So no lost time here.



    TL: DR Whether DE changes this or not its up to them but this is not a thematic issue its two words that would more accurately represent what the other does. It does no harm to change it. Leaving it the way it is will only confuse a few players before they read the ability description and think "Hey should this be the other way around." Contagion is more accurately defined as a toxin that TRANSMITS. If you don't understand the difference, I can't help you.

  2. In game description:


    Venom: Saryn tags the target with a highly toxic spore that does poison damage over time. Destroying the spore will trigger a viral infection to nearby enemies.


    Contagion: Saryn channels high levels of toxicity into her melle weapon, transmitting disease and plague with each strike that connects with tagets.


    Real definition:



    Venom: A poisonous secretion of an animal, such as a snke, spider, or scorpion, usually transmitted by a bite or sting. A poison.



    Contagion: Disease transmission by direct or indirect contact. A disease that is or may be transmitted by direct or indirect contact: a contagious disease. The direct cause, such as a bacterium or virus, of a communicable disease.


    I feel like the names of these two abilities should be switched to accurately represent what they do in game.




  3. I think an Optional hardcore perma death mode would be fine and it won't effect the players who hate perma death.


    BUT before DE even considers this idea, DE needs to polish the game, fix the networking issues and other major bugs. Therefore I don't think this will be considered for a long time if ever.

  4. Every Free to play game has some sort of "Pay Wall." If they didn't, players would play through all the content too quickly and DE would make less profits. In League of Legends to Unlock all champions and all rune pages and full set of all runes will take a very long time. In Realm of the Mad God to unlock all classes and get all rare gear will take a very long time. In Warframe in its current state assuming it is complete as a game(which it is not of course), to unlock all warframe, to get all gear, and to get to the supposed end game area void will take a very long time. You could argue that its too much of a grind and takes too long to unlock everything in Lol, Rotmg, and Warframe.


    So having a "Pay Wall" is required for gaming companies to make profits. People put up with it in Lol because:

    There are so many champions to play over 100 vs only 14 in Warframe. 

    There is Pvp so the game is always challenging.


    People put up with it in Rotmg because:

    You get to play with more than 4 players at the same time.

    Gear has a linear progression.

    Perma death makes the game challenging.

    Trading is allowed.


    If they want Void to be end game they need to:


    1. Add more content (This will keep us busy and not focus void and be happy when we do get a void key drop. new missions, new solar system, new bosses, new warframes, new weapons (with mastery rank limitation to have progression. Game is still in beta.)


    2. Make the game challenging. (The game is way to easy. We beat everything so fast. Everyone is use to how quickly it is to obtain everything. We only focus on what new weapons are released because we are already finished with the rest of the game.)


    3. Some form of Trading to help with the rng. (De already stated they are working on this.)


    4. Analyze the game data of how much time is required to achieve the void end game, listen to the players, and make appropriate adjustments.



    The difference between LoL and Warframe is that in LoL you can play to obtain content. In Warframe, you can play to obtain a very small chance to obtain content. In some cases, you can't even do that (hello mods that are restricted to slot machine mod packs)


    That is a major and critical difference.


    I wouldn't care if there was a currency in Warframe that I could get by playing and use to purchase content. I wouldn't care if they let me specifically buy a mod with platinum even (at least that is a cost I can evaluate up front). What I can't stand is the slot machine nature of the current design (introduced in a big way in Update 8). It is the wrong way for DE to go and if they persist with it, the game will die (or struggle along on the people who can't get out of the skinner box - you see those same people playing the slot machines with their last dollar and it is a terrible tragedy).


    Don't be evil DE.

    Yes I agree that is a major and critical difference. I was using Lol as as a comparison to how long it would take to unlock everything and how lol can still be enjoyable due amount of content and challenging pvp.


    I was also using Rotmg to compare how long it would take to unlock everything and how Rotmg can still be enjoyable due to amount of content, challenges, and trading.


    I was hoping to use these example to help others understand why DE is doing what they are doing. AND to help better understand what and why other ftp games like Lol and Rotmg are doing to makes them successful so that DE may learn from them.

  5. I was going to say that your wrong. But your not. Nobody has to play the new void area. They can just Quit out of boredom.


    There isn't enough content to keep anyone interested. Void is new content. If your not playing it your probably going to quit.


    League has all content available for free. There is no difference between a guy who spends $1000 and a guy who just started.


    I could make a brand new League account and work my way back up to my ELO within weeks without paying a penny. There is no extra content hidden behind $. $ doesn't give you an advantage.


    On the other hand if i made a new warframe account with $1000 it would blow my current account out of the water within minutes.

    You are misunderstanding my original post or taking it out of context. In order for you to obtain and unlock all content of the Entire  game you need to either pay or put in the time. If you reread my original post you will see this or maybe I wasn't clear enough. Either way I am all for making Warframe more enjoyable for everyone. Even though I am a Hunter I only pay for warframe slots, weapon slots, colors. I enjoy earning everything in all the games I play.

  6. If warframe had 120+ warframes like league of legends and unlimited slots to unlock them with i don't think anyone would complain. I wouldn't even care about the void cause id be so bussy trying to unlock warframes.


    You also don't need all of the champions or rune pages. League has no pay wall. Neither does tf2 or any of the other big F2P titles.

    You could also say that you don't need to play the new void area or obtain the new void gear. But players refer to the new content as "Pay Wall." That is why I compared Warframe to Lol and Rotmg. If you want to unlock everything in the game you need to either pay or put in the time in Lol, Rotmg, and Warframe.


    And in the rest of my post, I already mentioned how if they had more content and better pace it would keep us busy and not worry about the void as much.

  7. Every Free to play game has some sort of "Pay Wall." If they didn't, players would play through all the content too quickly and DE would make less profits. In League of Legends to Unlock all champions and all rune pages and full set of all runes will take a very long time. In Realm of the Mad God to unlock all classes and get all rare gear will take a very long time. In Warframe in its current state assuming it is complete as a game(which it is not of course), to unlock all warframe, to get all gear, and to get to the supposed end game area void will take a very long time. You could argue that its too much of a grind and takes too long to unlock everything in Lol, Rotmg, and Warframe.


    So having a "Pay Wall" is required for gaming companies to make profits. People put up with it in Lol because:

    There are so many champions to play over 100 vs only 14 in Warframe. 

    There is Pvp so the game is always challenging.


    People put up with it in Rotmg because:

    You get to play with more than 4 players at the same time.

    Gear has a linear progression.

    Perma death makes the game challenging.

    Trading is allowed.


    If they want Void to be end game they need to:


    1. Add more content (This will keep us busy and not focus void and be happy when we do get a void key drop. new missions, new solar system, new bosses, new warframes, new weapons (with mastery rank limitation to have progression. Game is still in beta.)


    2. Make the game challenging. (The game is way to easy. We beat everything so fast. Everyone is use to how quickly it is to obtain everything. We only focus on what new weapons are released because we are already finished with the rest of the game.)


    3. Some form of Trading to help with the rng. (De already stated they are working on this.)


    4. Analyze the game data of how much time is required to achieve the void end game, listen to the players, and make appropriate adjustments.





  8. Instead of comparing Warframe to Diablo3, maybe compare Warframe to Rotmg(Realm of the Mad God).



    Warframe makes cash from: warframe slots, weapon slots, colors, void keys, forma, weapons and equipment


    Rotmg makes cash from: character slots, bank inventory slots, colors, dungeon keys, (recently weapons and equipment due to Item farming Websites/item duplicate hacks/bugs)



    Warframe hard to get gear: random alert mission, void key runs


    Rotmg hard to get gear: Wine Cellar key runs and ultra rare white bag drops



    Currently in Warframe it is some what difficult to obtain void key(some have had more luck than others). And then when in the void it is even more difficult to obtain the item you want.


    Currently in Rotmg it is VERY difficult to obtain Wine Cellar keys. And then it is still difficult to obtain the item you want.



    If items are too common, there is less satisfaction when you do get the item.


    If items are too rare, there is feeling of never being able to obtain the item.



    Of coarse you can't fully compare the two games because in Rotmg there is: Full Trading and those ultra rare wine cellar keys can be use by your whole clan.


    I have played over 1200 hour of Rotmg and still never earned some items due them being so rare but was able to obtain them from trading.


    tl;dr DE is trying hard to balance out the pace of the game and how rare they want some items to be. Maybe once they implement trading in some limited/controlled form, it will help solve some of these issues.

  9. Yes it is not rocket science and you are intelligent enough to know this but many players don't. I am just trying to help some players understand the situation better (looking at the big picture) before posting.

  10. It is my opinion that the DE wanted to get the dojo released early in the current Alpha stage the way it is because:


    Instead of spending resource/time (analyzing data) from the developers (to set a more balanced system) it would be much easier to just Set the prices Ultra high on release because:


    1. All the GM/M have too much plat and they can afford to pay for the new content with the help from other clan members (resource wise).


    2. This will garner a quick boost in sales of Forma from those who are: Impatient and/or Whales.


    3. It is much easier to scale back the prices of dojo cost than to increase them afterwards. eg Look at the weapon price increases responses.


    4. To gain feedback from intelligent players for future update changes.



    Some downsides/ results/ side effect are:


    1. Players will rage and post before thinking until an update to the current alpha dojo system is applied.


    2. GM/M/Whales will get a to experience the new content quickly at the cost of spending over inflated early release price.


    3. Feedloaders in large clans will get to experience dojo weapon research and may one day leave to build their own dojo once prices have dropped.

  11. I think the OP is one possible solution to the current situation regarding forma cost, dojos, and small clans.


    For those who slept through economics class, forgot what it means, or have a misunderstanding of economics.




    1. The social science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services and with the theory and management of economies or economic systems.


    2. Economic matters, especially relevant financial considerations.

  12. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/45645-lets-talk-mod-pack-revision/

    How about having different types of mod packs with sub types(Dragon, phoenix... in each)? With appropriate (amount, pricing, rarity.)




    Fusion core mod pack

    Warframe mod pack

    Primary mod pack

    Pistol mod pack

    Meelee mod pack

    Sentinel mod pack


    Or by Polarity


    V polarity mod pack

    D polarity mod pack

    - polarity mod pack

    = polarity mod pack

    Y polarity mod pack


    This way you will at the very least be getting mods in the category you know you can use. # of mod cards, pricing, and rarity will be a little tricky to balance but if done correctly should generate a lot more buyers which in turn means more money for the DE. :)


    Thread from the gameplay feedback section

  13. I don't have any problems with the current alert system. But I understand your frustration, rage, lack of control, bad timing and bad luck. Remember the game is still in open beta. Maybe they are only testing Vauban blueprints in the current alert system to gauge feedback. With all the feedback from the community, hopefully DE will come up with a solution that is more balanced and more rewarding for everyone.

  14. Feedback: The return of information about the result of a process or activity; an evaluative response.


    Entitled: An attitude, demeanor, or air of rudeness, ungraciousness or combativeness, especially when making excessive demands for service.


    Entitlement: Belief that one is deserving of or entitled to certain privileges.


    Opinion: A view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter.


    Suggestion: Something suggested, as a piece of advice.



    It is my opinion that too many players are overreacting to the feedback, opinions, and suggestions from warframe players in a negative matter. And some players are posting feedback in a way that comes off as being entitled, intentional or otherwise. Warframe is in open beta. The players are encouraged to give feedback to improve the game. Their feedback will contain opinions and/or suggestions.


    Players giving feedback please take a second and post in a manner that doesn't come off as feeling entitled.


    Overreacting players please take a second and remove the entitlement reaction feeling before responding.





    Entitled player "We should start out with more than two warframe slots!"

    Tempered rational player opinion: "Two warframe slots is too limiting." suggestion: "Unlock slots from mastery levels."


    Overreacting response "NO!!!!! Game is Free, Don't be so entitled. Just pay to unlock slots."

    Tempered rational response "Warframe slots are for your convenience and doesn't stop/slow your progess in the game. All free to play games have some form of limited convenience to encourage players to pay so the company can stay profitable. Maybe DE will compromise and unlock slots every few mastery levels."


    I want to encourage the community to try to be more professional, respectful and constructive in your feedback and response. Try to keep our beloved warframe community positive.



    This is a work of fiction. Names, character, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. 

  15. for me that last 5% seemed to have taken the longest ~15min and at first it didn't look like it moving. I put my mouse over it and left it to see if it was moving and it did. But very slowly. If this is the case then it should update. If it is stuck then I hope DE fixes their side soon.

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