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Posts posted by (XBOX)Iceedemon888

  1. We are a small clan of mostly veterans with a few newer players looking to bolster our member count as well as help people grow as a whole in preparation for plains of eidolon. 

    We are a level 10 clan with all the current research completed with most members having the knowledge to help new and veteran players alike. We have no requirements to join other than you be respectful towards each other. 

    If you either wish to know more or join message here, or message Iceedemon888 or Dr Vanilla Bear on Xbox live/in game and we can answer any questions you have

  2. Is there any thoughts of looking into void trace rewards from picking up reactant. In the current system it's required to pick up 10 items but you can rewarded with as little as 6. Can there be a slight change either drop the reactant required to 5 or increase the minimum trace reward to 10 as it is slightly demoralizing to get less rewarded than you had to pick up 

  3. Looking for an alliance to join to possibly have a deeper pool of players to group with. Currently we are a ghost clan 6 members. Long term Vets of the game though not into the pvp side of things.

    Message me Iceedemon888 or Dr Vanilla Bear over xbl 

  4. Hello fellow Tenno. As the title states clan Applesauce is recruiting new members. Currently we are shadow clan with most if not all of our members being active daily and are well versed with the game. Whether newly awakened or a veteran of many conflicts we welcome all. 

    Any questions or further information about the clan message either me or Dr Vanilla Bear

  5. I have had this same problem on xbox 1 with both the neo v2 and v3 relics

    Uses void traces but doesnt upgrade the drop chances and when equipped for mission says intact

  6. Since u18 my clan and I have done law of retribution a few times and on the nightmare version nullifiers have become almost impossible to destroy. You can no longer shoot through their bubbles and they protect anybody in the bubble from damage unless you enter the bubble as well. As you can tell this does become a problem when trying to progress through causing numerous times where we have to stop progression and spend time thinning their numbers.

    We assume this is a bug because their shields don't shrink when shot and were under the impressing their size and mobility was the main reason their bubbles were able to be shot through.

  7. Not going to lie little salty after we had to wait for PlayStation to get their cert last patch. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't such a big lore driven patch, ya PC we are used to being behind but now behind ps4 as well? I like de because they are a open company and communicate with their player base but going back on their word about consoles getting content at the sametime is a little disheartening. But again it hasn't happened yet and still hopeful it wont

  8. Hello fellow tenno my clan has recently gotten fed up with joining different alliances only to have them demand "tribute", be nothing but another trade chat or them being completely inactive or unwilling to talk or help each other. Well no more we have decided to make our own alliance, a Community of Tenno to come together and help newbie and veteran alike to find groups for missions, get help with content, trade builds and tactics and even run the raid with near perfect completion rate

    If interested either contact me in game, msg me on Xbox live or just leave a post here

  9. Is there any chance a slight UI update is in the works? Mainly the pop up communications from lotus during excavation missions who blocks the excavators life creating potential losses and vey hek during the raid that blocks team life and part of the hacking wheel which gets particularly frustrating on nightmare mode when its not only accuracy that counts but time efficiency.

  10. Its not a confirmation but the ember codex entry alludes to them finding a ship full of children with special powers that returned from the void, these children could have grown up to the tenno similar to the original Spartans in the halo series

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